Vent Your Frustrations II

When you thought sharing a room with 2 others and now having to share it with 2 MORE and one of the 3 snores like a retard
the levels between 10 and 15 <

I totaly agree... In misha when i leveled my warrior there were people who actualy helped me do everything , ran me threw instances....Etcetc , (Thanks guys) !
Leveling alont sucks.... >.> -,-!
I totaly agree... In misha when i leveled my warrior there were people who actualy helped me do everything , ran me threw instances....Etcetc , (Thanks guys) !
Leveling alont sucks.... >.> -,-!

running yourself through RFC is how I do it. Still suck though. may be fast but it's still lonely.

also, kinda offtopic, but how the hell do you have so many toons
Posted in wrong place haha so I'll repost here ...

I'm sure this has been said many times and I didn't want to make a new thread about it but ...

Concussive Shot - Spell - World of Warcraft

Just look at it ...

Duration lasts longer then the CD of the skill.
40 yard range.
Costs ZERO Focus.
Instant cast.
And has no Diminishing Returns.

Did i miss anything else?

I have been playing WSG recently and I have a hard time supporting FC or running to heal and back up dps who are chasing EFC.
Now this isn't so bad until you realize that there are almost never less then 4-6 Hunters on alli.

As soon as I get noticed by a hunter ... CS spam all the way ...

Not being able to play objectively due to one spammable skill is the poos ...
running yourself through RFC is how I do it. Still suck though. may be fast but it's still lonely.

also, kinda offtopic, but how the hell do you have so many toons

Lol , playing for 2 years... :)!
Posted in wrong place haha so I'll repost here ...

I'm sure this has been said many times and I didn't want to make a new thread about it but ...

Concussive Shot - Spell - World of Warcraft

Just look at it ...

Duration lasts longer then the CD of the skill.
40 yard range.
Costs ZERO Focus.
Instant cast.
And has no Diminishing Returns.

Did i miss anything else?

I have been playing WSG recently and I have a hard time supporting FC or running to heal and back up dps who are chasing EFC.
Now this isn't so bad until you realize that there are almost never less then 4-6 Hunters on alli.

As soon as I get noticed by a hunter ... CS spam all the way ...

Not being able to play objectively due to one spammable skill is the poos ...

I am doing 400 criticals in a priest(with my hunter {ArcaneShot}) And i can say its pretty easy to kill one... I have a priest on AP who i barely play ... Its annoying , you can do 400 FlashHeals and still ....You can spam 400 heals and the hunter shoots for 400... Uncounting Explosive shot ,Serpent string , auto attack Scatter shot, Silence or STUN. You cant even carry yourself .... Other than that CC is good... But trying to CC a hunter is a waste of time , you cant chase him and Heal in the same time.... !
Imyourfathér @ Ravenholdt - Community - World of Warcraft

This guy along with his hunter friend started camping me in AB game. It was really annoying - getting CCd to death (HoJ, Scatter, Conc, Frisbee) shortly after respawning. First time I encountered GY camping for a loong time.
The thing is - the tauren will change his target to me whenever I spawned and leave all his things to just hunt on me.

Funny thing is, when my teammates and I finally were close to killing him (he went too yolo in our group) he just afk'd.
People who spam in BGs. I don't mean little kids who think it's cool or funny to spam /spit at opponents (we all know you are pathetic no-hopers escaping your real-life inadequacies). I mean lore nuts who think we need encouragement to 'defeat the evil Horde in the name of the Alliance' or some other bullshit. Please leave instance chat for BG-related calls e.g. EFC ramp, inc LM, etc.

While I'm at it, don't argue with your team mates in instance chat, especially if you are just going to be immature and abusive. If you haven't got anything constructive to say, STFU.
Imyourfathér @ Ravenholdt - Community - World of Warcraft

This guy along with his hunter friend started camping me in AB game. It was really annoying - getting CCd to death (HoJ, Scatter, Conc, Frisbee) shortly after respawning. First time I encountered GY camping for a loong time.
The thing is - the tauren will change his target to me whenever I spawned and leave all his things to just hunt on me.

Funny thing is, when my teammates and I finally were close to killing him (he went too yolo in our group) he just afk'd.

sounds like prot vs prot duels

don't you play mists of pandaria protection paladin yourself?
+1 Xeno

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Last 5 bgs i played Lenny focused me and Berserked me to death? Is the Sexyness of my druid too much?

This is my biggest gripe: I work 7on/7off and can almost never play on Sundays when I'm off, so I'll probably never get a LFH. =(

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