Vent Your Frustrations II

How many of them use? :)

Be sure the time i would die to a warlock doing what you're saying, i'll send you a PM with the video and my apologies for being wrong. That's a promise.

Until then rogue vs warlock = rogue wins.

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shows again you don't really have a clue about playing locks or vs locks.
So basically i'm fighting only clueless locks. I suppose you're the skilled one? If so, gimme your toon's name and we may arrange something to prove who's wrong in this equation?

I can crz myself to any realm so a duel vs your pro lock shouldnt be a problem.

As always, i'm going to record it. Do you accept the challenge?

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Maby if you give me a million I would fight the almighty Hathor but it won't happen, I don't give f**** about you.
Lol, Yes, dodge. Who's talking nonsense now? You TI hero poster.

Or you just like to play THE smartass game but you chicken out when things get nasty. Anyway, subject closed, my point was proven.

Have a nice evening ;)

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Are you mentally handicapped?

I am a realist. I weight the points (pros/cons) cause I know all the classes at this level and give an opinion. If you want to get rude and just focus on your own playing and from your own point of view.. again.. (speed pots *couch*) and want to try to stroke your epeen be my guest. I don't want to get involved in such things so leave all the rudeness, finger pointing and prejudice at school.
So basically i'm fighting only clueless locks. I suppose you're the skilled one? If so, gimme your toon's name and we may arrange something to prove who's wrong in this equation?

I can crz myself to any realm so a duel vs your pro lock shouldnt be a problem.

As always, i'm going to record it. Do you accept the challenge?

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swiftness, trinket, torrent... on one lock? this is known as try harding.

if all those are on cd, and you don't kill him in the opener, lock should never let you near him again.... and, if you pop all those on a lock unless he's fcing, you're best wogue UE

AND again, i've just stated facts how a rogue can always win even vs "pros" like the "oh i like to dodge and insult ppl that own me" person above.

END with this pointless debate with clueless wannabees.

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yes you're right everyone else is wrong.... what i'm saying is, if you can't beat any caster by popping all that, then you have problems.

how many "pros" is that challenge open to btw?

AND again, i've just stated facts how a rogue can always win even vs "pros" like the "oh i like to dodge and insult ppl that own me" person above.

END with this pointless debate with clueless wannabees.

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I've seen you say alot of this but it doesn't point to us but to yourself... again.

And no you didn't show how a rogue can always win with facts.. just only how you would do it but I wiped it all of the table with counter arguments of how I would do it.. and then it was your turn but got nothing but insults (...again) and a challenge which I said I wont accept and then there were more insults.. about that.

You must have a hard time irl like this.
C-c-c-combo breaker!!!!

I hate it when you get those rare drops on the character you don't need.

seen every single bfd staff drop and doomspike, the one shadow resistance dagger on my warrior in 2 runs where is this luck when i play the actual class?!?!
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Why don't you accept the challenge if you're so sure i'm wrong and you're right? I tell you why, because you're scared you'd lose and by posting the movie on TI, it would be a huge strike for your pride.

So i'm insulting and you're an angel :)

Now your "oh-got-owned-too" friend came as backup. You know how funny it is? Can't imagine :)

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who are you talking to?
Why don't you accept the challenge if you're so sure i'm wrong and you're right? I tell you why, because you're scared you'd lose and by posting the movie on TI, it would be a huge strike for your pride.

So i'm insulting and you're an angel :)

Now your "oh-got-owned-too" friend came as backup. You know how funny it is? Can't imagine :)

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Stop the insults, prejudice, make an apology and maby, I say maby, I considder it.
Why don't you accept the challenge if you're so sure i'm wrong and you're right? I tell you why, because you're scared you'd lose and by posting the movie on TI, it would be a huge strike for your pride.

So i'm insulting and you're an angel :)

Now your "oh-got-owned-too" friend came as backup. You know how funny it is? Can't imagine :)

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Get over yourself
Apology? Lol that delusional you are?

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And you accuse me of having pride.... in a video game while your ego and pride irl are so huge. I gave you the opportunity on a forum about some pixel game to do some things which might have made me accept the challenge and you refuse.....

HAHA; Ok w/e.

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