Vent Your Frustrations II

You gave me the opportunity? How sweet. Keep dodging my challenge hiding behind the apologies you'll never get from me since i don't consider myself guilty of anything else than having a strong personality and standing up for my believes. Talking about pride, ofc i do, i'm a man. You want to prove me wrong big boy? Prove it on the ground, not on the forums twisting my words, insulting and quoting only what it suits you from every post that i make.

Rogues>Locks anytime, anyday. Accept the challenge, beat me with your "pro" lock and then you can have my apologies for being wrong on this subject. But, we all know this won't happen cuz you've chickened out hidind behind these forums, like i've previously stated.

And to clear some things up, yeah, i talk from my perspective, from my experience, from my gamestyle and from my knowledge on the rogue class. You can cry more about "crutching" Swiftpots cuz it's all you and your other buddy do, you know why? Because this is not cheating at all, it's not "unfair advantage", it's a thing every F2P can have. You need sitting ducks so you can kill with ease? Sorry kiddos, i teach people to be extremely useful and mobile on the battlefield, to be the exact thing expected from the rogue class, "most dangerous enemy from the shadows that you'll never seen him coming and when you see him, it's too late, you're doomed". Just cry more, it gives me great pleasure seeing you doing it.

And please for the love of God, don't start with reverse psichology and IRL stuff with me. Just don't.. kiddo :)

Over and out ;)
You seriously have to see a doctor m8. So much prejudice here.. so much self made up stories. You are hocus pocussing stuff into context which has nothing to do with subjects.. you are a plague to these forums, you generalise, you only want to fight others and troll then taking part. Maby you are an adult but you certainly don't act like one but just like a spoild kid with big epeen who can't have his way on a forum when he gets counter arguments and starts to insult when youve allready been rude about a pixel game. You seriously have problems, it is funny to see you say stuff about yourself like in the above quoted which you write for others HAHA; you talking talking about "reverse psycholigy"; look what you are writing HAHA (one of the most funniest things ive read on TI written by a person in ages); and grow up.

Oh and Ps. what are your play times and side. Id like to know so I can que for the Gulch and stalk your azz over there once more like i did when you played your 24 (29) mr holy saint.

I had my laugh; goodbye to you sir.
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Having to wait 8 hours for the reset.
A plague is a plague, until we find a cure... ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

£8.99 per month = cured.

- DR. Saint

but all banter and trolling aside. how come you was as quite as a mouse on these forum till you got a green name? did it make you suddenly feel more manly or?
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When you finally get your druid geared, going for some premades, and wow freezes and you dc. Fail to reconnect, official website is down, the whole 9 yards.

Finally comes back up, everyone gets back on, very next pop is "transfer aborted: instance not found" and ppl get dc'd again, this time with a debuff.

Rinse and repeat until everyone gives up and logs off.

All I can say is I'm glad I don't pay for this nonsense.
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The same 24 premade 2 games in a row..

Finishing a game with 6 honor..

Having your team finish with <5 kills total
Logged on for some fun casual random bgs.

First game: Joined midgame vs 6 hunters (from which 2x was p2p and group qued with 24 restodruid), would have capped one but random p2p rdruid with 10k healing decided to be a hero and didn't want to pass.
Second game: Another 24 premade consisting of 2x 24 spriest and 24 hpala (also dcd with flag for 5min when I was capping us to lead)
Third game: 3x ravencrest 24 premade, also 2x p2p hunter and 1x 24 rdruid (same premade from the 1st game)

Guess I'll go and see 1 more game and if the same trend goes on, that's enough of retarded games for me tonight :p
Rest day
Maybe I'll try play some wow

edit: forgot how cancerous this bracket is, i'll just lapse back into nonexistence. gl all
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Thank you to the premade from a certain community server that afk'd out after the first cap. The other team got another cap in while we were sitting short 4 people, but once we were filled up we brought it back to 2-2. Might have won with a little more of the right kind of effort and less quitting in the face of a challenge. But ya'll keep it up, I'm sure that if you afk out of enough games you'll find one with odds stacked enough in your favor for a win.

My main frustration is trying to find a good Trial pvp class to spend time on to twink out. Any suggestions? currently rolling hunter

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