Top Flag Captures & Returns List

It's the 20-24 section, Alphasky is 20, why is he not listed as #1 in returns and #2 in captures?

e: nvm it does actually say "open list to all p2ps" in the OP :( shame
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It's the 20-24 section, Alphasky is 20, why is he not listed as #1 in returns and #2 in captures?

e: nvm it does actually say "open list to all p2ps" in the OP :( shame

I should be on the list as well, I'm 20. This is the 20-24 section. I am 20 P2P as well... I just don't pay Blizzard. I'm self employed and pay myself to play... /hic

These lists are entertaining for some and not for others. As long as they don't violate the Rules of Conduct on TI no harm done.

Oh the other day I scored 40 points and was the MVP in the street ball game... those kids had no chance being 10 years younger than... those scrubs. Oh wait did I post this in the wrong section? Shizzle my bad... /derp :p

I should be on the list as well, I'm 20. This is the 20-24 section. I am 20 P2P as well... I just don't pay Blizzard. I'm self employed and pay myself to play... /hic

These lists are entertaining for some and not for others. As long as they don't violate the Rules of Conduct on TI no harm done.

Oh the other day I scored 40 points and was the MVP in the street ball game... those kids had no chance being 10 years younger than... those scrubs. Oh wait did I post this in the wrong section? Shizzle my bad... /derp :p


haha Bison (hugs)
It's painfully obvius how both Apnea and Snack need a reality check..........roll some f2p class ( the ones you enjoy playing but not because they are currently the strongest ) and play them for a while ( more than 2 hours ) ............rather than talking bullshit by saying it's ok to gloat on this 20-24 forum with ''twice as strong p2p numbers''......................

How did that saying go ? oh wait wait i got it..........''excuses are like assholes, everyone's got alteast one of them''
Háx @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft
Snackqt @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft
Snâck @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft
Snáck @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft
And this pretty much sums up why your statement about p2p's vs. f2p's are wrong in this particular forum/discussion:
Have you looked what it says when you go to this sub-forum? It says 20-24 bracket, not F2P. This sub-forum is meant for 20-24s to post their stuff here, and not in the F2P section. Hence, if 20-24 want to, as you put it "gloat" about their numbers, then let them. If you make a thread in the Tavern, or in the F2P/20-24 section which says: "Top flag captures & returns for P2P and F2P" and there you compare F2P and P2P and state that F2P is harder and there should be a difference etc and have a discussion, then fine. However, this is a 20-24 sub-forum and it is meant for 20-24s and not F2Ps. So if 20-24s want to gloat, post their numbers, w/e, let them. And if they say "I think P2P numbers are more impressive than F2P numbers", then you are free to discuss this, in a civilized manner. Just some friendly advice, and no offence, but stop with the excessive use of "......" after certain words and sentences, it's very annoying to read, makes people take you less seriously as it comes off as very whiny.

I should be on the list as well, I'm 20. This is the 20-24 section. I am 20 P2P as well... I just don't pay Blizzard. I'm self employed and pay myself to play... /hic

These lists are entertaining for some and not for others. As long as they don't violate the Rules of Conduct on TI no harm done.

Oh the other day I scored 40 points and was the MVP in the street ball game... those kids had no chance being 10 years younger than... those scrubs. Oh wait did I post this in the wrong section? Shizzle my bad... /derp :p

You can be listed as f2p if you want to, fine by me, but don't come here whining about p2p's having it easier than you (no that you did, just in general :) )
@ Snack

Actually your links mean nothing, just like your two quotes & pathetic 15 k kills all together on your 4 chars.

Good thing you didn't go as far as to quote something from the Bible to justify your handicapped way of thinking.

I find it offensive and dickless for p2p's to gloat....that don't mean i'm whining, but rather telling the truth.

I will not argue over this anymore...think and post what ever makes you feel good on this 20-24 forum.
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@ Snack

Actually your links mean nothing, just like your two quotes & pathetic 15 k kills all together on your 4 chars.

Good thing you didn't go as far as to quote something from the Bible to justify your handicapped way of thinking.

I find it offensive and dickless for p2p's to gloat....that don't mean i'm whining, but rather telling the truth.

I will not argue over this anymore...think and post what ever makes you feel good on this 20-24 forum.
Fuck kills, I linked them to show you I have played f2p more than "2 hours".

I just quoted Whatgoesup because he stated the same thing as me, only in a more clear way; this is the 20-24 forum, THE P2P FORUM, when people compare their statistics, they compare them to other p2p's!

And it's not the fucking truth, it's your little buthurt opinion about 24's. And I get why you feel the need to come here with your nonsense and flawed arguments, I get suicidal and frustrated as well when I get one shot by a back peddling 24 jaja spriest, but I don't go to a fucking p2p forum and take my rage out on those who had no real influence on my initial frustration.

Please understand this Alpha: I acknowledge that many p2p's play with advantages because they cba with the challenge of f2p's, they want to feel overpowered, and they need to have these advantages in order to stand a chance. And it's cool that you can stand playing f2p, I for myself can't stand playing more than a couple games a day because of the overpowerness of 24's (not their skill!). But we are fucking comparing p2p's here. Just because you think all of us as losers, let us compare our "feats", and leave this subforum? The f2p's has their gloating threads as well, everyone is gloating, and the only reason why it's somewhat ok, is because we gloat to people "equal" to us, the p2p's gloat in the p2p section and the f2p gloat in the f2p section.
@ Snack

Actually your links mean nothing, just like your two quotes & pathetic 15 k kills all together on your 4 chars.

Good thing you didn't go as far as to quote something from the Bible to justify your handicapped way of thinking.

I find it offensive and dickless for p2p's to gloat....that don't mean i'm whining, but rather telling the truth.

I will not argue over this anymore...think and post what ever makes you feel good on this 20-24 forum.


in the f2p section i'm awesome. these guys that's been above 20 know i'm average (at best) and i don't like it :'( *sob*
We all know that I carried Alpha towards his numbers, thats why mine are so low on my p2p's :D

Anyway lists like this are stupid, why are they even allowed. It will always get some sort of epeen throwing. Even if you have the numbers like Alpha or not. Would be silly anyway to play 1 character all the time. It doesn't say anything at all. 1 can play 1 character for years and the other can make thousands of characters but they won't get apriciated and mentioned in such a thread makes me .. sick :D Oh wait, lets make an account wide HK list so I can throw some of my epeen?
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We all know that I carried Alpha towards his numbers, thats why mine are so low on my p2p's :D

Anyway lists like this are stupid, why are they even allowed. It will always get some sort of epeen throwing. Even if you have the numbers like Alpha or not. Would be silly anyway to play 1 character all the time. It doesn't say anything at all. 1 can play 1 character for years and the other can make thousands of characters but they won't get apriciated and mentioned in such a thread makes me .. sick :D Oh wait, lets make an account wide HK list so I can throw some of my epeen?

Q my friend, It's not just about numbers ( i mentioned mine only as a reference seing i achieved mine several times harder - unlike p2p numbers that hold very little value ) - but their need to gloat over them.....pathetic!

Then fiew assholes come along and start saying ''hey now !!!...this is our TI bracket and if we wanna gloat with shallow numbers we will do so and you can gtfo our 0-24 bracket''
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After consideration I have decided to open the thread again and give all a second chance. However, if it goes off-topic again, and end in a flame fest, it will be closed for good.
After consideration I have decided to open the thread again and give all a second chance. However, if it goes off-topic again, and end in a flame fest, it will be closed for good.

How do you expect the kids to learn if you lock the thread..? Seems like you are punishing the OP more then you are punishing the people bickering going OT. Why would they not just do it again in another thread since they got no repercussions for doing it in this one? To stop the same offenders day after day or stop the same trolling day after day hand out warnings then when they don't listen to the warning infraction.. Sorry just my 2c

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