Top Flag Captures & Returns List

The list is open to the Top P2Ps level 20-24
List will be updated as often as possible!
(A link to your battleground statistics is preferred.)
At the end of each ranking, will be the cap/return ratios in green (average per game).

Flag Captures

1- Fãìth - 4,398 {1.23}
2- Kritster - 3,357 {2.04}
3- Duopaladin - 2,759 {.80}
4- Hàrdcore - 2,296 {1.65}
5- Leeroyftw - 2,175 {1.39}
6- Dradføm - 1,462 {2.03
7- Lithòlogy - 896 {.85}

8- Ðimple - 817 {.94}
9- Herneith - 454 {1.6}

Flag Returns

1- Lucieon - 5,464 {3.39}
2- Fãìth - 2,438 {.68}
3- Duopaladin - 1,965 {.57}
4- Zarastelle - 1,555 {1.82}

5- Herneith - 1,547 {.53}
6- Skedaddle - 1,297 {2.83}
7- Wangmx - 873 {2.13}
8- Kritster - 747 {.46}
9- Nostrand - 694 {1.03}
10- Leeroyftw - 659 {.420}
11 - Lithology - 607 {.55}
12- Snáck - 557 {3.59}
13 - Apena - 489 {2.47}

Honorable Mentions for those with multiple characters on the list
(Only their best toon can hold one ranking per list)


Please report any error/miscalculations to me. Thanks and Good Luck
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Good choice keeping it P2P only to be honest. Will be interesting to see how it turns out!
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Not sure if you knew but this is tracked in the F2P section. Seems kinda like what you thought of and might be cool to do for 24s if someone cares enough to track them. Maybe if you're willing just PM lofi some questions on how he does it?

Caps are kinda tough on a hunt so don't have that many however I'd like to see someone with more legit puggin' returns then me. stats. 1407/3906

This list may become interesting later on to see how F2Ps/P2Ps stack up since F2Ps have been able to get cap/return stats longer but P2Ps obviously have the easier way of obtaining them. Which one wins, easiness or timeframe

The list is open to P2Ps level 20-24
To make the list you must have at least 100 flags returned or captured.
The list can't be completed with out you! Get out there and play some flags!
List will be updated as often as possible!
(A link to your battleground statistics is preferred.)

Flag Captures
1- Duopaladin - 2,759
2- Leeroyftw - 2,132
3- Blinka - 249

Flag Returns
1- Duopaladin - 1,965
2- Skedaddle - 1,297
3- Wangmx - 872

4- Leeroyftw - 645
5- Blinka - 457
6- Lidwaen - 423

Those are some crazy numbers! Very cool thread.

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