Top Flag Captures & Returns List

BTW am still waiting for some mod to come and delete my posts or ban me....what's the hold up ?

Come on.....I don't have all week !
That's because you're................................brace idiot !

But don't you worry there my pumped up friend because i will explain as to why .........

1. Aside the obvius, we're not really gimping anything seing this is the 20 - 24 bracket and not the 19's where noone is in a disadvantage, it's a matter a choice.....and your choice is to pay for the advantage because you personally enjoy the challenge when you're twice as strong as the surrounding sheep under your favorite excuse ''we pay for the game''-oh really ? you honestly think after 4 years of paying for it myself i can't afford it ?
Advantages being higher proff. lvl,easier obtainable pots,higher stats,more gear,more abilities,insaine enchants,need less hit & your attackers need more,ppl with whom you usually group up with.

2. Of course that doesn't mean p2p's aren't skilled but they can't compare to us f2p's i know i know a whole bunch of you are now thinking ''OMG did he just say what i think he did?''- and the anwser to that would be yes.........but don't worry because Grandpa Alpha will again explain why's really depend on your rely on them.......while on the other hand we have to work with half of what you've got to try and achieve the same imagine f2p's with higher numbers than there's an arrgument!

3.My both f2p warriors ( Alphasky + Bestasky ) combined have more flags capped and returned than your first places so what ? and now imagine my want to talk about numbers ? why ? you bored ???

4. Still amazes me how ppl who have excuses for their actions take things in general for granted....such as this......but don't you worry about that either, i'm sure it will come to pass once you it won't last forever....

Now everyone hold their hands together cause I HAVE EXORCISED THE DEAMONS...THIS HOUSE IS CLEAR.

TL;DR - I can't believe I made it through that train wreck of a post. I pay for the game and I enjoy the advantages that paying for the game provides me. If you can afford to pay for the game, you can afford the same advantages the rest of us 24s have. That you choose not to pay for the game and gain those advantages in the name of some personal challenge is not my concern, nor is it a factor in making me feel bad about my choice.

See you in the Gulch :)
As for the matter of ''choice'' - lets clear that up a bit shall we........I will always grant more respect torwards ppl who go f2p ( seing they have it much harder ).....that don't automaticly mean p2p don't deserve any......BUT when they start saying ''look at my number of HK's or flags capped/returned'' then we have a can play p2p - but not gloat over it !!!!! you all understand as to why don't you ???

As for my numbers go ( on Alpha )......they show pure hard work.........without all the advantages or premading of a p2p's........AND the reason i brought them up is because what's the big deal over them ??? why would someone feel the need to bring them up at all.......and especially if you're a p2p ( in which case they lose weight )
I think you missed my point: Indeed it is unfair for p2p's to compare their statistics to f2p's, thats why this thread has been posted in the 20-24 section, the p2p section. Everyone here are p2p's, and thus gloating is "ok".

And yes you have worked hard and yes you're ratio isn't the worst we have seen, but your incredible high return count is a offspring of you motherfucking incredible high WSG played count.
I think most people in this thread are forgetting something. Why do people have shiny mounts, titles, achievements? For the praise that comes with it. Everyone here, don't deny it, has the need to have their ego's fed. This is why people post their statistics. This is why all F2Ps want nice tabards, mounts, titles, mog etc. Not mainly because they think "it's cool", but because they like the idea of people being like "Woooo! Awesome!". And you can say "Well I'm not like that", this is false. Whenever anyone does anything, even if you think its selfless, they gain from it, usually through praise and the feeding of their egos.

So why do P2Ps post their stats? Ego's, thats why. No point bickering about it, it's the way humans work, and no one here is an exeption.
I think most people in this thread are forgetting something. Why do people have shiny mounts, titles, achievements? For the praise that comes with it. Everyone here, don't deny it, has the need to have their ego's fed. This is why people post their statistics. This is why all F2Ps want nice tabards, mounts, titles, mog etc. Not mainly because they think "it's cool", but because they like the idea of people being like "Woooo! Awesome!". And you can say "Well I'm not like that", this is false. Whenever anyone does anything, even if you think its selfless, they gain from it, usually through praise and the feeding of their egos.

So why do P2Ps post their stats? Ego's, thats why. No point bickering about it, it's the way humans work, and no one here is an exeption.
Well that or OCD
I think most people in this thread are forgetting something. Why do people have shiny mounts, titles, achievements? For the praise that comes with it. Everyone here, don't deny it, has the need to have their ego's fed. This is why people post their statistics. This is why all F2Ps want nice tabards, mounts, titles, mog etc. Not mainly because they think "it's cool", but because they like the idea of people being like "Woooo! Awesome!". And you can say "Well I'm not like that", this is false. Whenever anyone does anything, even if you think its selfless, they gain from it, usually through praise and the feeding of their egos.

So why do P2Ps post their stats? Ego's, thats why. No point bickering about it, it's the way humans work, and no one here is an exeption.

The narrow mind may call it ego, the rest of us would probably go with friendly competition.
I think you missed my point: Indeed it is unfair for p2p's to compare their statistics to f2p's, thats why this thread has been posted in the 20-24 section, the p2p section. Everyone here are p2p's, and thus gloating is "ok".

And yes you have worked hard and yes you're ratio isn't the worst we have seen, but your incredible high return count is a offspring of you motherfucking incredible high WSG played count.

I think u missed my point, p2p was comparing to f2p rpg ratio in this 20-24thread in the 20-24section, saying its not impressive, that its rpg yes its impressive.
The narrow mind may call it ego, the rest of us would probably go with friendly competition.

People don't post their returns per BG, caps per BG for the sake of friendly competition. They post it to show off their accomplishments. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it, I would post my stats too if they were impressive enough, I just don't play that much :).
I think u missed my point, p2p was comparing to f2p rpg ratio in this 20-24thread in the 20-24section, saying its not impressive, that its rpg yes its impressive.
That wasn't a reply to you but mkay. The actual list, on the front page of the OP, is for p2p's, if people in this thread start arguing that they got better stats than f2p's, possibly because f2p's entered this debate with "omfg yall bad for playing p2pfotmscum", then it's their fault
People don't post their returns per BG, caps per BG for the sake of friendly competition. They post it to show off their accomplishments. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it, I would post my stats too if they were impressive enough, I just don't play that much :).
I think that ego's is what drives a friendly competition, and as you stated, none of this is unnatural
People don't post their returns per BG, caps per BG for the sake of friendly competition. They post it to show off their accomplishments. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it, I would post my stats too if they were impressive enough, I just don't play that much :).

Whoa, you mean it's almost as if we're different people and have different reasons for doing things? Unfathomable! :p I enjoy stacking myself up against the other rogues and returners of the bracket, it really is in the name of friendly competition to me. I don't care who acknowledges my numbers or who completely ignores them, I just think it's fun and like to know how I hold up against some of the others around me who may play more or be regarded as better.
Whoa, you mean it's almost as if we're different people and have different reasons for doing things? Unfathomable! :p I enjoy stacking myself up against the other rogues and returners of the bracket, it really is in the name of friendly competition to me. I don't care who acknowledges my numbers or who completely ignores them, I just think it's fun and like to know how I hold up against some of the others around me who may play more or be regarded as better.

Maybe it's just cynical me, but I believe that anything anyone ever does comes down to them doing it for their own personal gain. You say you do it because you like friendly competition, and that's all good, I never said (or I didn't mean to say/imply) that you cannot have different reasons.
It's painfully obvius how both Apnea and Snack need a reality check..........roll some f2p class ( the ones you enjoy playing but not because they are currently the strongest ) and play them for a while ( more than 2 hours ) ............rather than talking bullshit by saying it's ok to gloat on this 20-24 forum with ''twice as strong p2p numbers''......................

How did that saying go ? oh wait wait i got it..........''excuses are like assholes, everyone's got alteast one of them''
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It's painfully obvius how both Apnea and Snack need a rellity check..........roll some f2p class ( the ones you enjoy playing but not because they are currently the strongest ) and play them for a while ( more than 2 hours ) ............rather than talking bullshit by saying it's ok to gloat on this 20-24 forum with ''twice as strong p2p numbers''......................

How did that saying go ? oh wait wait i got it..........''excuses are like assholes, everyone's got alteast one of them''

rly not sure wat "rellity" is or how to check it, pls respond

Also give me a break. You're basically saying "Man, I really want to be a race car driver. I have at least as much money as you do, but I'm going to drive this free car that's got half the power that your car has, and then I'm going to complain to you about your car having more power, despite being able to afford the same car or better than yours."

Twinks exist to min-max their characters and play the best of the best that they can get at their chosen level. I chose 24, you chose 20. It means nothing to me that you and those like you can't compete as a result of your choice.
I think you missed my point: Indeed it is unfair for p2p's to compare their statistics to f2p's, thats why this thread has been posted in the 20-24 section, the p2p section. Everyone here are p2p's, and thus gloating is "ok".

And yes you have worked hard and yes you're ratio isn't the worst we have seen, but your incredible high return count is a offspring of you motherfucking incredible high WSG played count.

Well actually you're missing my point m8.....

It's easy to talk about the things you don't really understand seing you haven't felt them.....

Go lvl up a f2p warrior and do 1k games in pugs with it........and try and achieve my numbers....then come back and tell me if you feel 2 things : The low self awareness of p2p's who gloat

2.nd Tell me was it hard to reach my numbers
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Well actually you're missing my point m8..................go lvl up a f2p warrior and do 1k games in pugs with it........and try and achieve my numbers.....then come back and tell me if you still feel 2 things : The low self awareness of p2p's who gloat & 2.nd Tell me was it hard to reach my numbers

If this is what it takes to prove to you, I will consider leveling a 20 with the same gear and enchant restrictions you guys have.
rather than talking bullshit by saying it's ok to gloat on this 20-24 forum with ''twice as strong p2p numbers''......................

Have you looked what it says when you go to this sub-forum? It says 20-24 bracket, not F2P. This sub-forum is meant for 20-24s to post their stuff here, and not in the F2P section. Hence, if 20-24 want to, as you put it "gloat" about their numbers, then let them. If you make a thread in the Tavern, or in the F2P/20-24 section which says: "Top flag captures & returns for P2P and F2P" and there you compare F2P and P2P and state that F2P is harder and there should be a difference etc and have a discussion, then fine. However, this is a 20-24 sub-forum and it is meant for 20-24s and not F2Ps. So if 20-24s want to gloat, post their numbers, w/e, let them. And if they say "I think P2P numbers are more impressive than F2P numbers", then you are free to discuss this, in a civilized manner. Just some friendly advice, and no offence, but stop with the excessive use of "......" after certain words and sentences, it's very annoying to read, makes people take you less seriously as it comes off as very whiny.
Have you looked what it says when you go to this sub-forum? It says 20-24 bracket, not F2P. This sub-forum is meant for 20-24s to post their stuff here, and not in the F2P section. Hence, if 20-24 want to, as you put it "gloat" about their numbers, then let them. If you make a thread in the Tavern, or in the F2P/20-24 section which says: "Top flag captures & returns for P2P and F2P" and there you compare F2P and P2P and state that F2P is harder and there should be a difference etc and have a discussion, then fine. However, this is a 20-24 sub-forum and it is meant for 20-24s and not F2Ps. So if 20-24s want to gloat, post their numbers, w/e, let them. And if they say "I think P2P numbers are more impressive than F2P numbers", then you are free to discuss this, in a civilized manner. Just some friendly advice, and no offence, but stop with the excessive use of "......" after certain words and sentences, it's very annoying to read, makes people take you less seriously as it comes off as very whiny.

I see that my self righteousness and common sence has no impact here, so i will drop the subject.

Just for the record when i type stuff like ''bullshit'' or ''idiot'' i do it with a reason and not to achieve the effect of being taken more or less serious.

Shame that in the end it comes down to what has been said rather than who said it, seing personal ego is clowding ones judgement.

Ppl i have failed to exorcise the demons, however i will see you all in BG's and try to do the purification with my axe, bb.
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