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there was a thread made a few days ago entitled "you guys only hate 24s because they stop you from farming". that sentiment is 100% spot-on. i'm really curious how we're supposed to take the complaints about horde 24s even remotely seriously when alliance is STILL WINNING EVERY SINGLE GAME!

and for the love of ****ing god, make some kind of forum rule that outlaws any complaining about the horde guy who 4-boxes three hunters and a priest. that guy is SO ****ING BAD AND WORTHLESS! i have also NEVER won a game with him in it. stop complaining about him, he's only helping you!
C O T U S said:

I think I've lost 1 game in the bracket and I've played about 15 to 20. You should come and sync your q with us! You'll never lose xP
Shockur said:
Alliance have an edge due to several reasons.

1) horde seems to draw a lot of "prowannabe" kids that roll classes that are hard to play and fail miserably with them. At the same time alliance kids roll a paladin or a hunter and faceroll their way to victory. Those same kids fail miserably at teamplay while even the teribad alliance kids try to stick with the group. I've done alliance lowbie pvp and I know for personal experience. Even the biggest alliance noobs are infinitely more useful to their team than the horde noobs.

2) Even the alliance legit trials get close to 1k hp cause of the "NOT OP AT ALL TROLLOLOL" eyepatch. It's a quest. It's a quest in a dungeon so you can't skip it. It's the second most powerful item available at lvl 20 to my LIMITED KNOWLEDGE(I am pretty new to it, really) about twinking

3) alliance draws the powergamers that dont care what side they're on, only that they get their class to the maximum of it's potential. That involves human racial and eyepatch.

I'll agree that Ally has an edge in areas such as some gear pieces for certain classes and Human Racial, etc. But your 3 points are purely speculation based on no hard evidence. We can speculate all we want about why there is imbalance, but there's only 1 thing we know for sure: the bracket is still young. Let's be patient and not get our panties in knots about faction balance yet. Btw, it's not hard to get over 1k hp...just gotta put the time in.

Rivfader said:
Ink, make me MVP so I can "like" :p

It's tempting. :p But in all seriousness, I appreciate your forethought on how the certain decisions we make now will impact this new bracket in the future. Lest all of us forget, in every bracket activity must always come first before things get competitive. If we make crappy decisions now in the name of competition, balancing, or because it's just plain fun, there will be effects on the whole bracket later. Just ask the US government about that...

Inb4 "this is a game": I know this is no where near a government type setting, nor should be, but this principle applies (taking a dump here now means that you won't be able to eat there later). It is a game but it is a game with millions of other players...and in our case there's 19 other people in a WSG that will be affected by your decisions. Riv and others (including me) are just wanting the bracket to flourish and for real competition to be birthed out of the potential activity.

i zone into a game on Hotspank @ Arthas

it's 2-0 alliance 17 minutes to go.

holding flag below horde GY with people in BG chat already crying they are getting farmed.

First order of business is to get a return. I jump down and instantly maul two healers and the FC with the help of a rogue that has kick bound and a timely arcane torrent/hoj.

I manage to escort another 20 paladin (with more HP than me) across the field and we manage a cap. 2-1!

Alliance instantly turtles for the next 13 minutes, afraid to lose to a team they were farming because one level 24 (who isn't geared at all, check him out) gets in the game and turns the attitude of the horde team around. They have 3 paladins and 2 hunters in the flag room, with a resto sham on the 2nd floor tossing heals and a disc priest on the roof shielding/dotting/free casting anything. it was pathetic. horde is unable to break the turtle in time and ultimately loses 2-1 in a game where the alliance was outplayed big time.

really don't care what people say about 24s. i'm finishing mine to make sure that no trial horde get GY farmed by a fleet of human paladins/priests/rogues/hunters like i've seen happen quite a few times. alliance gets the best quest gear, has the best racial, and seems to have drawn most of the serious f2p 20 twinks. time to step up and fight people who can fight back. sorry if you are a straight player and don't farm. the bad ones like Rast that do camp have ruined it for you.
allahkazam said:
i zone into a game on Hotspank @ Arthas

it's 2-0 alliance 17 minutes to go.

holding flag below horde GY with people in BG chat already crying they are getting farmed.

First order of business is to get a return. I jump down and instantly maul two healers and the FC with the help of a rogue that has kick bound and a timely arcane torrent/hoj.

I manage to escort another 20 paladin (with more HP than me) across the field and we manage a cap. 2-1!

Alliance instantly turtles for the next 13 minutes, afraid to lose to a team they were farming because one level 24 (who isn't geared at all, check him out) gets in the game and turns the attitude of the horde team around. They have 3 paladins and 2 hunters in the flag room, with a resto sham on the 2nd floor tossing heals and a disc priest on the roof shielding/dotting/free casting anything. it was pathetic. horde is unable to break the turtle in time and ultimately loses 2-1 in a game where the alliance was outplayed big time.

really don't care what people say about 24s. i'm finishing mine to make sure that no trial horde get GY farmed by a fleet of human paladins/priests/rogues/hunters like i've seen happen quite a few times. alliance gets the best quest gear, has the best racial, and seems to have drawn most of the serious f2p 20 twinks. time to step up and fight people who can fight back. sorry if you are a straight player and don't farm. the bad ones like Rast that do camp have ruined it for you.

Oh you white knight you.
allahkazam said:
i zone into a game on Hotspank @ Arthas

it's 2-0 alliance 17 minutes to go.

holding flag below horde GY with people in BG chat already crying they are getting farmed.

First order of business is to get a return. I jump down and instantly maul two healers and the FC with the help of a rogue that has kick bound and a timely arcane torrent/hoj.

I manage to escort another 20 paladin (with more HP than me) across the field and we manage a cap. 2-1!

Alliance instantly turtles for the next 13 minutes, afraid to lose to a team they were farming because one level 24 (who isn't geared at all, check him out) gets in the game and turns the attitude of the horde team around. They have 3 paladins and 2 hunters in the flag room, with a resto sham on the 2nd floor tossing heals and a disc priest on the roof shielding/dotting/free casting anything. it was pathetic. horde is unable to break the turtle in time and ultimately loses 2-1 in a game where the alliance was outplayed big time.

really don't care what people say about 24s. i'm finishing mine to make sure that no trial horde get GY farmed by a fleet of human paladins/priests/rogues/hunters like i've seen happen quite a few times. alliance gets the best quest gear, has the best racial, and seems to have drawn most of the serious f2p 20 twinks. time to step up and fight people who can fight back. sorry if you are a straight player and don't farm. the bad ones like Rast that do camp have ruined it for you.

Farming is indeed a problem. But that's not solved by rolling 24s...that just creates a new problem. The farming is solved by legit players setting the tone and example for the rest of the players. If that happens in my games I always put myself in position to get the 3rd flag so I can immediately cap to finish the BG. Moral of story, don't solve 1 problem by creating another one...just fix the first problem.

allahkazam said:
i zone into a game on Hotspank @ Arthas

it's 2-0 alliance 17 minutes to go.

holding flag below horde GY with people in BG chat already crying they are getting farmed.

First order of business is to get a return. I jump down and instantly maul two healers and the FC with the help of a rogue that has kick bound and a timely arcane torrent/hoj.

I manage to escort another 20 paladin (with more HP than me) across the field and we manage a cap. 2-1!

Alliance instantly turtles for the next 13 minutes, afraid to lose to a team they were farming because one level 24 (who isn't geared at all, check him out) gets in the game and turns the attitude of the horde team around. They have 3 paladins and 2 hunters in the flag room, with a resto sham on the 2nd floor tossing heals and a disc priest on the roof shielding/dotting/free casting anything. it was pathetic. horde is unable to break the turtle in time and ultimately loses 2-1 in a game where the alliance was outplayed big time.

really don't care what people say about 24s. i'm finishing mine to make sure that no trial horde get GY farmed by a fleet of human paladins/priests/rogues/hunters like i've seen happen quite a few times. alliance gets the best quest gear, has the best racial, and seems to have drawn most of the serious f2p 20 twinks. time to step up and fight people who can fight back. sorry if you are a straight player and don't farm. the bad ones like Rast that do camp have ruined it for you.

awesome. agreed 100%. my friends and i are also rolling a ****ing fleet of 20 hunter and rogue horde twinks. it's time to turn this shit around on all the douchebag wanna-be twinks who rolled alliance because they wanted to farm first-time trial account noobs to feel good about themselves.

what days/times do you normally queue?
Basically what I'm hearing is:

"I roll 24 to punish the 19 f2p twinks" which is the same as saying "I took a shit on my neighbor's doorstep cause my dog shat in my bed".

Or I'm hearing

"I roll a 24 horde twink to compete with the 20 f2p alliance twinks" which is the same as saying "I'm too terrible to compete with someone evenly geared with me so I aquired the biggest advantage possible"

Neither of those make sense to me, I don't know what to do about f2p 19s anymore than I know what to do about 24s. In both cases though education should be the first step. As to the people thinking that their 24s balance horde, why not roll f2p and help horde at the same time you're helping the community as a whole?
Rivfader said:
As to the people thinking that their 24s balance horde, why not roll f2p and help horde at the same time you're helping the community as a whole?

because people like you are somehow out of touch with reality enough to think that the wannabe scrubs who specifically farm first-time trial players deserve anything other than being griefed until they afk and never play their toons again
This could have been such a great bracket where even people from the EU and US can come together... We in the EU could have done the same there but we thought heck it would be nice to play with our fellow US TI community regardless the continent difference... i guess i was wrong.
Rivfader said:
Basically what I'm hearing is:

"I roll 24 to punish the 19 f2p twinks" which is the same as saying "I took a shit on my neighbor's doorstep cause my dog shat in my bed".

Or I'm hearing

"I roll a 24 horde twink to compete with the 20 f2p alliance twinks" which is the same as saying "I'm too terrible to compete with someone evenly geared with me so I aquired the biggest advantage possible"

Neither of those make sense to me, I don't know what to do about f2p 19s anymore than I know what to do about 24s. In both cases though education should be the first step. As to the people thinking that their 24s balance horde, why not roll f2p and help horde at the same time you're helping the community as a whole?

Riv you've left me out! I do it because it's hilarious! xD

edit: I was going to give you an example in bunnies but it didn't work out... :(
allahkazam said:
twinking at anything less than the top of the bracket when there is no resilience involved (basically below 70) is dumb and just asking for x4s.

be glad though. you could be lumped in with 29s.

getting something for FREE in most cases and trying to dictate what people who PAY do is mindboggling.

I'm paying to play at lvl 20 and so are many other people. Don't assume we're all freeloading here. And, it would be ridiculous for free users to try to dictate to those who pay for something to do what the free users want. You're dead on on that point.

C O T U S said:
awesome. agreed 100%. my friends and i are also rolling a ****ing fleet of 20 hunter and rogue horde twinks. it's time to turn this shit around on all the douchebag wanna-be twinks who rolled alliance because they wanted to farm first-time trial account noobs to feel good about themselves.

what days/times do you normally queue?

Hear Hear! We Que at various times around the clock, if you are horde feel free to join us on Mayhem vent so that we can synch ques:



Also we've decided to open our doors to any interested level 20 twinks that wish to join the < Mucka Mad Boys > guild on Arthas. If interested check out our site here:

With your help we will turn the tide on the Alliance that has done nothing but farm our brothers and sisters at the graveyard for weeks now and then pretend it hasn't been happening.

We will avenge our fallen. We will win this war. You can belee dat!
Bone said:
Riv you've left me out! I do it because it's hilarious! xD

edit: I was going to give you an example in bunnies but it didn't work out... :(

You say "I do it because it's hilarious!" I hear "I use my doc martins to stomp on piles of newborn bunnies because it's hilarious!"

Making a level 24, just because 20-24 bracket became active thanks to people at level 20 is really funny haha jesus..
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