This bracket

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I like Rehook, now that's a F2P that knows how to gear.

Oh and Chesky #1 F2P Pally FC. ;)

Spooch, Rehook, Medic, just to name a few. I like rolling with these guys. It's nice to have other good Horde players. Oh and 24s... lul. I'll stick with my 20.
Sàxxon said:
just saw your edit, i dont see how a bracket can die when trial accoutns are made everyday, if it were to die in the way you say it then it would just be a 24 infested bracket with a few 20s on each side, so basically its just going to become what 19s are EXCEPT there are more moves, shamans can heal, and its slightly more balanced. (hey that wouldnt be so bad!)

It's just like 29s, with the added bonus of being able to ruin someone else's fun and a completely new playstyle all at once!
Rivfader said:
It's just like 29s, with the added bonus of being able to ruin someone else's fun and a completely new playstyle all at once!

:), well ive got some friends rolling an ally guild hoping to premade them soon, should prove to be more balanced than 19 premades.

i know you've probably lost all respect for me for doing this riv, but lets face it the bracket was going to be infested with 24s sooner or later (yes im trying to justify my actions)
allahkazam said:
armory Hotspank @ Arthas and tell me again how being level 24 ruins anyone's fun when i'm queueing in that gear.

I guess you really have no idea what an advantage 4 levels of difference grants.

Every single 24 could have a made a 20 with f2p restrictions and enjoyed a competetive environment and have contributed something to the brackets. Instead they decided to roll 24s so they could farm trials all day long and in the process have (for me at least) turned f2p 20 into something unplayable and will forever be a dream unrealized.
Rivfader said:
I guess you really have no idea what an advantage 4 levels of difference grants.

Every single 24 could have a made a 20 with f2p restrictions and enjoyed a competetive environment and have contributed something to the brackets. Instead they decided to roll 24s so they could farm trials all day long and in the process have (for me at least) turned f2p 20 into something unplayable and will forever be a dream unrealized.

4 level advantage = no reason to stack hit rating!

also 24s were always going to ruin the bracket dont you see that? regardless had we rolled 20s 24s would have existed, this is the flaw of rolling at the bottom of a bracket, by rolling 24s we can play competive games vs other 24s that will emerge from the rubble/corpses of 20s
Sàxxon said:
:), well ive got some friends rolling an ally guild hoping to premade them soon, should prove to be more balanced than 19 premades.

i know you've probably lost all respect for me for doing this riv, but lets face it the bracket was going to be infested with 24s sooner or later (yes im trying to justify my actions)

I knew that there would always be 24s, I just figured that it would only be trash players that rolled them which would negate most of the advantage. A good examplt is that shitty spirestone guild that get's shit on by trials. I'm just dissapointed that people who actually know how to play rolled 24s instead of 20s. I was hoping that people who were searching for something active other than 19s would roll in a balanced bracket (f2p 20s) instead of unbalancing that bracket (oh hai 24s).
Rivfader said:
Now I really must stack hit to be viable

XD i like you veil and i get why your upset but it was going to happen(regardless if us competient players had rolled only 20s) why not turn it into something competitve?

im just being realistic, honestly i give it about 3-4 weeks before a huge bulk of the WoW community is aware that 20 trials are capped in the xp off games, thats when shit will hit the fan
Just because you can doesn't mean you should? There's nothing innovative about this bracket that would make me want to come back and steam roll a bunch of players with the lack of the same resources I have available to me. Where's the fun? But when it dies out I'll start playing 49s again ^.^
i never said it was the right thing to do, but its going to become ridiculously over run with 24s regardless soon enough once word spreads that TRIAL ACCOUNTS are capped in games with 24s, people will pounce on this like crazy and your in denial if you think otherwise. we are simply the first people (after rollin on 24s) to do it.

edit:wow i sound like the biggest ass hole
Oh boy, how did I miss the drama-fest? I found this hilarious.

Bone said:
And LOL at some no name calling me "kiddo." Maybe you should spend less time worrying about the morality of 24 twinks and more time getting the **** on my level, kiddo.

Who does this Bone guy think he is? He doesn't even know how to make sense. I may not like leo, but he is far from bad. Can't tell about your bunch, since you are rolling OP 24s in a premade.

I was unfortunate to get into a couple games with these losers last night and arguments ensued. Mathematrix (sp) might have the biggest ego of the bunch thinking he's top shit with 2 gladiator titles on a paladin in WotLK. LOL
Sàxxon said:
i never said it was the right thing to do, but its going to become ridiculously over run with 24s regardless soon enough once word spreads that TRIAL ACCOUNTS are capped in games with 24s, people will pounce on this like crazy and your in denial if you think otherwise. we are simply the first people (after rollin on 24s) to do it.

edit:wow i sound like the biggest ass hole

Then here's to hoping they split F2P 20s and the rest.
Parfait said:
Then here's to hoping they split F2P 20s and the rest.

sure i wouldnt be against that and the only way its gunna get done if enough people complain about the 20-24 imbalance (although i very much doubt that bliz will even bother listening to f2p)
Parfait said:
Then here's to hoping they split F2P 20s and the rest.

Don't hold your breath. They're not going to cater to a player-base that doesn't make them money. Let's be realistic. It's like this, "Okay guys, we've ruined twinking multiple times over several expansions, BUT, we're going to make you FREE to play twinks happy. Enjoy!" /Blizzard pulls pants down. Not going to happen. Ever.
I am not holding my breath, but one can still hope. I know they have very little reason to cater to people not paying. However if 24s are ruining new players enjoyment of the game, they are probably less likely to upgrade. After a GM ticket I got to fill out a survey and put unsatisfied with the game. Maybe Blizzard actually looks at those and might fix the unsatisfactory things that could cause people to not upgrade.

Defame. I am not in a gang. I don't understand your lingo.
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