This bracket

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Then we could just make lvl 20 twinks probably and be in the same bracket lol by turning off xp :D


even though it would be cool just to see just 24s queue :D
Sax, maybe your right and eventually the 24s that showed up wouldn't be as trash as most we've seen. It is dissapointing though that members of the XP-off community would rather go 24 and roll trials than at least somewhat challenge themselves by playing under f2p restrictions.
Med'an said:

what's wrong with private servers
honestly, the faction imbalance at 20 has gotten SO BAD that i don't even think it's unfair for people to be rolling horde 24s. it's seriously completely out of control.

at least horde has a slightly more remote chance of winning with these guys in the game. i find it pretty ****ing incredible that the alliance players in this thread are complaining about it when they LITERALLY. WIN. EVERY. SINGLE. BATTLEGROUND. at level 20.
Sàxxon said:
XD i like you veil and i get why your upset but it was going to happen(regardless if us competient players had rolled only 20s) why not turn it into something competitve?

im just being realistic, honestly i give it about 3-4 weeks before a huge bulk of the WoW community is aware that 20 trials are capped in the xp off games, thats when shit will hit the fan

i don't understand why you think this is going to happen. nobody twinks anymore in this game. your bracket is dead, all the other brackets are dead. 20s are the only bracket with a pulse, and only because there are so many trials being made to soak up BG queues. wow is dead, and twinking is even deader.

3-4 weeks from now, you're still going to be seeing 1-2 24's per AB tops. i don't disapprove of what you're doing, because horde needs all the help it can get, but your reasoning is completely off-base. the fact of the matter is that nobody who still plays this game ****ing cares about low levels, or twinking. there is not going to be an imaginary surge in 24 griefers.
I agree with C O T U S alliance has a shitload of good players (mainly rogues and huntards) that the 24s dont make it a huge dif even as a 24 we still have a challenge with some of these guys like mendanx who is def better then my 24... (pwns me like 50x a game rofl)
C O T U S said:
honestly, the faction imbalance at 20 has gotten SO BAD that i don't even think it's unfair for people to be rolling horde 24s. it's seriously completely out of control.

at least horde has a slightly more remote chance of winning with these guys in the game. i find it pretty ****ing incredible that the alliance players in this thread are complaining about it when they LITERALLY. WIN. EVERY. SINGLE. BATTLEGROUND. at level 20.

We're thinking long term. With enough people rolling f2p the faction balance should get better, if peolle use the quick fix of rolling 24s f2p will die.
Rivfader said:
We're thinking long term. With enough people rolling f2p the faction balance should get better, if peolle use the quick fix of rolling 24s f2p will die.

i'm not buying it. some people will roll horde toons, sure, and play them occasionally. then they'll lose a BG on horde due to all our nontwinks, will get frustrated, and switch back to their alliance toon(s) for the rest of their queues.

the faction imbalance is a far greater threat to this bracket than 24s are ever going to be. my friends and i have already all rerolled hunters/rogues because there is just no other way that we can compete in battlegrounds when 90% of the alliance are twink hunters, rogues, and pallies every single game and over 1/2 the horde team has under 800 hp.
If they roll 24s, then the F2Pers will just XP lock at 19 so they can at least avoid the level difference. There's still plenty of ungeared P2P bads in XP locked 19s.

The problem is a bunch of immature players who think they can do whatever they want without there being consequences. Fact is they're just too stupid to realise there are always consequences. They're perfectly happy to whine when it turns round and bites them in the ass, but they never learn, and admit it's their own damn fault.

Roll your 24s, and watch as 19s fills up with F2Ps. Don't forget, we've got plenty of character slots.
C O T U S said:
i'm not buying it. some people will roll horde toons, sure, and play them occasionally. then they'll lose a BG on horde due to all our nontwinks, will get frustrated, and switch back to their alliance toon(s) for the rest of their queues.

the faction imbalance is a far greater threat to this bracket than 24s are ever going to be. my friends and i have already all rerolled hunters/rogues because there is just no other way that we can compete in battlegrounds when 90% of the alliance are twink hunters, rogues, and pallies every single game and over 1/2 the horde team has under 800 hp.

thats true actual "trial" players trying out the game would see horde as cooler with all its interesting racers meaning more noobs on horde side
Humans are the most played race and alliance gets far more exposure in advertising. I think it's dumb to assume that one faction is played more than another by trials.
Rivfader said:
Humans are the most played race and alliance gets far more exposure in advertising. I think it's dumb to assume that one faction is played more than another by trials.

well, i actually do BGs at 20, and i don't "assume" anything. it is a demonstrable fact that horde BG teams at 20 are made up mostly by trials, and alliance BG teams at 20 are made up mostly by actual twinks. there could be several reasons for this, but the fact remains that it is a reality.

the problem with this bracket is that a lot of people don't actually pvp enough to know wtf they're talking about. anybody who actually pvps regularly at 20 can verify this, and it is an enormous problem.

i have not won AB in more than a week as horde. i think it might actually be at the 10 day point today. stop whining about 24s that don't do anything or affect game results and start trying to fix the bracket-ruining faction imbalance.
Just to prove these imbalances, i got some friends of mine to roll WSG. I was resto shaman and they were warriors,rogues. We were on the horde. Yes we were getting like atleast 1 flag return per player and there were 4 of us. Problem is even if we got the flag and I healed nonstop, a rogue/hunter would rape our entire team. Why? Lvl 24.
C O T U S said:
well, i actually do BGs at 20, and i don't "assume" anything. it is a demonstrable fact that horde BG teams at 20 are made up mostly by trials, and alliance BG teams at 20 are made up mostly by actual twinks. there could be several reasons for this, but the fact remains that it is a reality.

the problem with this bracket is that a lot of people don't actually pvp enough to know wtf they're talking about. anybody who actually pvps regularly at 20 can verify this, and it is an enormous problem.

i have not won AB in more than a week as horde. i think it might actually be at the 10 day point today. stop whining about 24s that don't do anything or affect game results and start trying to fix the bracket-ruining faction imbalance.

I started playing f2p the day it was announced, faction imbalance exists, but rolling 24s is not the solution. Growing the bracket in a healthy manner will bring better faction balance, but it will never be perfect. The inital alliance influx was mainly due to almost every f2p twink rolling on AP alliance, don't judge faction balance when the bracket is still in it's infancy.
MultiBoxing - Not an issue at all. Take out the healer on the multiboxing team and they fall like flies.

24s - Yet to see a 24 I can't go toe-to-toe with and do a good job against.

I dont know what you guys are talking about, I have won 12 out of 23 games played since I rerolled, before the reroll I think i had ~40% WR, which while showing imbalance, isn't that depressing at all.

Alliance have an edge due to several reasons.

1) horde seems to draw a lot of "prowannabe" kids that roll classes that are hard to play and fail miserably with them. At the same time alliance kids roll a paladin or a hunter and faceroll their way to victory. Those same kids fail miserably at teamplay while even the teribad alliance kids try to stick with the group. I've done alliance lowbie pvp and I know for personal experience. Even the biggest alliance noobs are infinitely more useful to their team than the horde noobs.

2) Even the alliance legit trials get close to 1k hp cause of the "NOT OP AT ALL TROLLOLOL" eyepatch. It's a quest. It's a quest in a dungeon so you can't skip it. It's the second most powerful item available at lvl 20 to my LIMITED KNOWLEDGE(I am pretty new to it, really) about twinking

3) alliance draws the powergamers that dont care what side they're on, only that they get their class to the maximum of it's potential. That involves human racial and eyepatch.

To sum it up:

alliance noobs play better than horde noobs cause they are team players

alliance noobs get better gear than horde noobs cause of eyepatch

alliance noobs roll OP classes more often than horde noobs

alliance skilled players have access to the best racial and best gear

REGARDLESS, horde seems to have slightly more of the trully skilled players, you know the kind that has actually played arena at 85, use their class to it's full potential etc. I find that this, almost balances the scales. Keyword being almost, horde still needs a bit help, especially in the healing department, where it's traditionally lacking.
Oh and if the OP is talking about that multiboxing hunter, while I bet it's frustrating as hell to play against, he actually helps alliance by failing so miserably at being the correct place.

I have lost every single game with that turdball, especially AB with him is a 200% guaranteed loss.
Parfait said:
Oh boy, how did I miss the drama-fest? I found this hilarious.

Who does this Bone guy think he is? He doesn't even know how to make sense. I may not like leo, but he is far from bad. Can't tell about your bunch, since you are rolling OP 24s in a premade.

I was unfortunate to get into a couple games with these losers last night and arguments ensued. Mathematrix (sp) might have the biggest ego of the bunch thinking he's top shit with 2 gladiator titles on a paladin in WotLK. LOL

it's hilarious that you loved me when i played my 24 hunter, but when i'm on my ungeared 24 paladin defending stables you hate me. was it the guild tag i play for on my paladin or what? you were whiny and rude the entire game for no reason. blaming "arthas kids" for losing when we were never losing.

edit: the other people from MMB (#1) in that game were Sax and Math. Two of the coolest people i've played with since i came back to WoW. calling out 24s who actually play for objectives and don't GY farm with a premade is cool though. keep on being rude and mean. you are playing for free. i'm not.

edit2: all this rudeness because i torrented a druid who was at about 2% hp casting regrowth and they died right after. started whining about how i was bad that i was late on torrent. of course my friends defend me so they must be bad too. we're 24s and not perfect so we must be bad, despite the fact that we do other in game things (like get glad).
Sàxxon said:
:), well ive got some friends rolling an ally guild hoping to premade them soon, should prove to be more balanced than 19 premades.

i know you've probably lost all respect for me for doing this riv, but lets face it the bracket was going to be infested with 24s sooner or later (yes im trying to justify my actions)

This is the line of logic you decide to use?? Are you serious??

Sàxxon said:
I was going to cut my grass but figured that sooner or later it'd die anyways so I just left it.

I was going to compliment my wife but I realized that I would just say a bunch of mean stuff to her at some point in the future so I just decided not to.

I was going to pick up my trash at the fast food joint that I was at but then I realized they paid people to work there and they needed things to do so I didn't.

I was going to get my Masters Degree but figured it'd be a waste because that Harold Camping guy said the world was ending.

I was going to roll a level 20 twink but realized that people would roll 24s eventually so I decided to roll one myself, create a guild for all the other 24s, and advocate for everyone to roll a 24.

IR Smrt.

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