Dual wielding and having both weapons enchanted with the same enchant will double the frequency of procs that you get.
This Real PPM is increased by your haste %. (The highest of your melee, ranged, or spell haste is chosen).
It can proc from any damage/healing event. It keeps track of the last time it had a chance to proc for that enchant.
- Combustion now burns the target for half of the damage per tick of the Ignite every 1 sec for 10 sec, down from the full damage per tick.
Titan's Grip now also works with Polearms and Staves.
Living Bomb's periodic damage has been increased by 121%. Its explosion damage has been reduced by 78%, but now scales with additional periodic ticks added by haste, and hits all nearby targets (up from 3).
dunno i dont use bombsonly if frost bomb as arcane
as 80 ofc xD btw tested damage living bomb as arcane 1.3m dots damage (1bomb) with full proc + all cdsWat.
got a Hpal, allmost geared and still missing tinker, cba getting it as i never really play it tho :/Any of you EU guys got a horde 70 twink?
Going to try Vengeance cap at 30% health (down from 100%) in 10s and 50% of health in 25s. This is a big change, so might be 5.4, not 5.3.