The Chat Thread

#2280 - 2013/03/05 02:40:00 AM
Recent DPS Tweaks

- Might of the Frozen Wastes includes melee damage by 20%, up from 15%.
- Icy Talons increases attack speed by 30%, up from 25%.
- Threat of Thassarian now increases Frost Strike damage by 50%, up from 40%.
- Assassin's Resolve now increases damage by 30%, up from 20%.

Ahhhhhhhhh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is so gonna be reverted as soon as they realise how much damage frost DK's and ASS Rogues can do in PvP. Still. Thanks GC!
You can get 300 rep (330 with guild perk) with a MoP faction once a day from each type of random dungeon. At 80 that's just one (random Cata) but at 85 there's 4 different queue types so you can get a total of 1320 a day (so 1 week to get honored for crafting recipes).

Also, the 2nd boss in Temple of the Jade Serpent is now random again.
Fuck Blizzard man, what's the fucking point of the PTR when they don't even listen to bug feedback?

Our FIRST time on Primordius I noticed combustion wasn't hitting for 100% of its damage, I reported it on the EU forums and they only JUST hotfixed it.

Throne of Thunder
  • Combustion now deals 100% of the player’s damage to Primordius while the player is under the effects of Fully Mutated.
Looking hopeful for those future Sun-Lute upgrades!

  • There is a good chance that item upgrades will come back in odd numbered patches, as players have run out of new gear to buy with Valor. This also increases player power to help them through progression if they are stuck.
  • If item upgrades come back, it is likely that they will be much cheaper, making it practical to upgrade everything.
Has anyone tried solo'ing on an 85 warrior yet? I tried a bit the other day, tried stacking stamina for higher Second Wind heals, but it wasn't enough. Was sitting at around 360k health buffed, missing lvl 81 BoE trinket tho. Any thoughts?
New blue post about item upgrades:
PvE Item Upgrades in 5.3:
  • Voidbinders will return to their places in capital cities and shrines.
  • Items upgradable by Valor now require 250 Valor to upgrade per 4 item levels, for a total of 500 Valor for 8 item levels per item.
    • This is retroactive to all items that use Valor.

  • 5.2 Justice items now require 750 Justice to upgrade per 8 item levels, for a total of 750 Justice for 8 item levels per item.
    • This is retroactive to all items that use Justice.
    • This is higher than Valor to account for the increased acquisition rate of Justice since patch 5.2.
I'd rather not make a thread for this alone, so I'll ask here. For pvp on my ele sham, should i gem for just pvp power? Also, what pvp pieces should i look to get? Just replace non 409 slots, or what? Bit clueless. Not sure if I should be looking for x amount of this or that for it.

Edit: Not sure if it'll make any diff, but it's basically only going to be for duels.

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