So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

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Protection: Bannamilk
Arms: Bannamillk / Zimt / Thai
Fury: Redundant Spec :(
FC: Bannamilk

Destruction: Lockieluke
Demonology: Mindcrab
Affliction: Not too sure who plays afflict

Elemental: Eljeroqt (can't think of any others)
Restoration: Woutch, Anarchisms Shaman
Enhancement: Redundant Spec :/
FC: Roula

Subtlety: : Ondura, Rèd, Hardbasseu

Discipline: Hurrx, Hewko
Holy: Iil
Shadow: Penicillin

Holy: Bubbleumad, Phonebook, Fhayr
Retribution: Don't know anyone playing ret.
Protection: This spec I think is getting much more popular and will update this section soon.
FC: Phonebook

Mistweaver: Me (Egotistic I know, but Idk any others)
Windwalker: Nzzr / Red
Brewmaster: Báloo

Frost: Kwei
Arcane: Viancocqia
Fire: Stormiie

Survival: Kristina I guess
MM: Boalol

Restoration: Trialdruid, Healbear
Balance: Vianco (though doesnt feel like he plays this spec with the intention of passing mid)
Feral: Will list later when I have exerienced more.
Guardian: Why does noone play this spec?
FC: Mesi
Protection: Bannamilk
Arms: Thai
Fury: -
FC: Bannamilk, Balthasaur

Destruction: cast
Demonology: -
Affliction: -

Elemental: Anyone playing this spec?
Restoration: Vesperian
FC: Roula

Subtlety: : Rèd, Nick

Discipline: Hewko, cant remember name of two other good ones
Holy: -
Shadow: havent seen a shadow for a while

Holy: Phonebook
Protection: Meloh maybe
FC: Phonebook, Adraylla

cant rate

Frost: Kwei, my special twinkinfo friend Xehedakigam
Arcane: Viancocqia, Tonop
Fire: -

Survival: Äo, Kristina
MM: Boalol

Restoration: Many decent ones, no one special imo (havent seen healbear for a while)
Balance: well the few better ones farming mid 95% of the time so cant rate for overall playstyle (rated by biggest dmg output and heals for teammates Vladar, Vianco)
Feral: ceec, yup
Guardian: -
FC: Mesi
I'll make one of those BFF lists this has nothing to do with skill (which will become pretty obvious)

bff cause he needs me to carry him in league of legends

Bff cause they make the best attempts at speaking swedish ever. JAG GRABBAR KILLAR - albba

Callkites (again)
Cause danes are the fucking worst :)

srsly why do people post Bubbleumad as one of the best?? replace him whit Jun or someone elsa that really can play

You can make a list and replace him with whoever you wish :p

I'll update my list with people I forgot when I was making the original list.
druid no1

sham ridwane roula anrchism

pala fhayr pb

priest noone

warlock cast mindcrab

mage squirtle

rogue redrum nazzr tesco

hunter arkant boa jana

warr baldi thai squirtle

oh and thought id ask, azol do u rly think lejn is bad? u popped lifeblood vs me hunt v hunt in mid + u have wep chain and maxed skinning, u still lost

and i saw lejn askd for detectiv and here i am, donni = stormie

btw bpar was by far best prot/ret in cata shame he mostly plays rog or lock now
Hurrx you so srs in everything lol I am shit hunter I dont give a shit about that and it wasnt even 1v1 I had like no cds rrofl we can do hunt vs hunt again if you want to xDDD btw if you rly count a bg midfight as 1v1 then I can say ive won you a 100 times in 1v1 been killing you alot of times in situations like that lol
Hurrx you so srs in everything lol I am shit hunter I dont give a shit about that and it wasnt even 1v1 I had like no cds rrofl we can do hunt vs hunt again if you want to xDDD

do not give him the chance to increase dat ego.
I have like 5 screenshots of dif situations when he dodge me priest vs priest (hes main class) I havnt played that shit since misery days lol
Hurrx you so srs in everything lol I am shit hunter I dont give a shit about that and it wasnt even 1v1 I had like no cds rrofl we can do hunt vs hunt again if you want to xDDD btw if you rly count a bg midfight as 1v1 then I can say ive won you a 100 times in 1v1 been killing you alot of times in situations like that lol

whats telling u im not a shit hunter

i dont give many shits about it either just found it worth to bring up since u said arkant was bad when hed probably stomp me in a similiar situation

lifeblood isnt a cd? u have much better gear than me as well + maxed skinning and u did pop lb

o dam u pwnd me in mid 100 times yes im sure

rogue: arkant > u
hunter: arkant > u

idk what else u play but hes generally better

and im just being honest here, i dont hate anything or anyone but just watching u say lejn is bad is hilarious
we can play priest v priest right now if u want to?

Nah I dont have the pirest acc atm but we can do it tonight or something sure even though healer vs healer is retarded and none will die, and ye hamcake land pri vs pri does atleast req some skills you dont have. Arkant are good hunter and If he actually are better rogue then me I can rvr him anytime on retail/hcl or mirror arenas but I guess viacno and stubs rather play with someone that's actually good like nicozy if that mirror arena are gonna happen
we can play priest v priest right now if u want to?

Idk about which of you plays whatever class better, but isn't hunter vs rogue pretty much like, hunters mark, then either get concshot in and kite forever, or if he uses evasion, disengage and keep hunters mark up until evasion ends and proceed to kiting forever?

If you lose to a hunter, you're not bad. If hunter loses to you, the hunter is bad.

Just my 2 cents. Just proceed with the trashtalking though, forum arguments always define who is the best player :D
Nah I dont have the pirest acc atm but we can do it tonight or something sure even though healer vs healer is retarded and none will die, and ye hamcake land pri vs pri does atleast req some skills you dont have. Arkant are good hunter and If he actually are better rogue then me I can rvr him anytime on retail/hcl or mirror arenas but I guess viacno and stubs rather play with someone that's actually good like nicozy if that mirror arena are gonna happen
hurx is in TL - we could RMP-RMP vs him, vianc and nico?
Well it depends how you play, I can kill a hunter now almost 90% of the time in 1v1 even though they use livingsteel
Idk about which of you plays whatever class better, but isn't hunter vs rogue pretty much like, hunters mark, then either get concshot in and kite forever, or if he uses evasion, disengage and keep hunters mark up until evasion ends and proceed to kiting forever?

If you lose to a hunter, you're not bad. If hunter loses to you, the hunter is bad.

Just my 2 cents. Just proceed with the trashtalking though, forum arguments always define who is the best player :D
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