So I herd EU tinkers need moar threads, so tell me who are the beste

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azol, do you actually think you're the best at every class you play? and they say hurrx as a ego o_O
Idk about which of you plays whatever class better, but isn't hunter vs rogue pretty much like, hunters mark, then either get concshot in and kite forever, or if he uses evasion, disengage and keep hunters mark up until evasion ends and proceed to kiting forever?

If you lose to a hunter, you're not bad. If hunter loses to you, the hunter is bad.

Just my 2 cents. Just proceed with the trashtalking though, forum arguments always define who is the best player :D

Do you ever get the point of a discussion? Noone is talking about hunter versus rogue.
well everyone knows your the best at every class saint! stop asking them stupid questions

and where have i ever wrote on Ti that i'm best at any class. i might give my opinion alot but i have an opinion on god, dont mean i've seen him
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Idk about which of you plays whatever class better, but isn't hunter vs rogue pretty much like, hunters mark, then either get concshot in and kite forever, or if he uses evasion, disengage and keep hunters mark up until evasion ends and proceed to kiting forever?

If you lose to a hunter, you're not bad. If hunter loses to you, the hunter is bad.

Just my 2 cents. Just proceed with the trashtalking though, forum arguments always define who is the best player :D

it wasnt rogue vs hunter lol, was hunt vs hunt i think i alrdy said that tho but in case u didnt read it

so u dodged my 1v1 request brb taking 5 screenshots

i think i uninstalled hamcakeland lol my comp is pretty bad and never played that shit anyway, and ive told u im nothing special there, not that i believe u are either :)

im sure lejn would 1v1 u any time
pro mop players come hcl pls

HCL is 2 expansions old now. You need to stop living in the past. It may of been 1 of the best expansions but srsly, you cant keep using HCL as a way to define if someone is good or not.
We can do that pri vs pri after this bg if you want lol sure take a screenshot I dont give a shit
it wasnt rogue vs hunter lol, was hunt vs hunt i think i alrdy said that tho but in case u didnt read it

so u dodged my 1v1 request brb taking 5 screenshots

i think i uninstalled hamcakeland lol my comp is pretty bad and never played that shit anyway, and ive told u im nothing special there, not that i believe u are either :)

im sure lejn would 1v1 u any time
pro mop players come hcl pls

i played with every single person that plays on hcl. piromana, wip, those other spanish guys from piro's guild hamcake, and the "great" azol. i played in StD before half the ppl xfered to AA.

i held my own then and i'm sure i would now. save me doing a 15gb dl pm me and i'll lend you a tenner and you can come retail
LOL I would kill them all 1v1 with 1 weapon equipted no cds xDDDD
LOL no

also if you are an aspiring tinker, who one day wants there name to go down in history, splashed over the TI best of lists perhaps you might be interested in buying my account (see sig)
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Do you ever get the point of a discussion? Noone is talking about hunter versus rogue.

Oh god, you're right, must have missed that part of the post. MB

My post is still true though, even if it was completely offtopic :D
Lol it was a joke mate, but srsly I think I can outplay any of these newschool mop/cata tinks 1v1 without touching any cd on 3.3.5 feel free to try xD
LOL no

also if you are an aspiring tinker, who one day wants there name to go down in history, splashed over the TI best of lists perhaps you might be interested in buying my account (see sig)
If you guys are so much into proving your skills, why don't you play 90 mirrors? Considering every half-brain can play 19, playing with 10 buttons vs people, where 80% of them are horrible isn't exactly hard :)
inbefore, HCL WE USE 11 BUTTONS
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