I very fondly remember when spellhance was a thing in 39s. like TBC/Wrath era. Which is kinda what got me thinking on it.@Chops
sword and board enhance was one of my favorite meme builds in vanilla.
perhaps some kind of scaled ironfoe + wf + ele force would be in the works for some crazy white hit spam![]()
Pretty sure we don't get access to Ironfoe, but there are plenty of weapons in later dungeons (esp BFA) that it looks like we'll have access to that drop damage proc weapon. There'll be something to use for sure.@Chops
sword and board enhance was one of my favorite meme builds in vanilla.
perhaps some kind of scaled ironfoe + wf + ele force would be in the works for some crazy white hit spam![]()
2hand enhance could be funny if windfury hits hard enough but I think its more or less dead.
I got bored a couple days ago and was trying to theorycraft my way into a sword/board style of enhance (because windfury only affects MH weapon anyway) and I think you could have fun with that as sort of a tanky frontline support with decent enough burst. But that relies on the bracket shaking out in such a way that a role like that matters.
yea, whole other soapbox of mine that blizzard really lost the thread on these classes making sense in an RPG setting.The Agility, lightning spam melee version that blizz turned Enhance into makes more sense for Windwalker, imo: a fist-fighter who strikes with lightning and is very fast and dynamic, etc.
yes plzBring back str enhance?
pure speculation but...That turns F2P resto shamans into anti-melee healers or flag carriers, and I'm not sure how worthwhile either of those roles will end up, compared to other classes.
YUSSSsome of the best kits are... ...monk
Insane. Thank you for sharing!Pandaria, point after TP from Stormwind (from portals room) - https://imgur.com/a/wtARMHo
LFG - https://imgur.com/a/vEDyF15
Daily quests (Pandaria) - https://imgur.com/a/CmusmEx
Temple of the Jade Serpent (Dungeon, entered from the street) - https://imgur.com/a/Ie0qxnX
Rare trolls - https://imgur.com/a/0bunrwv
Just rare NPC - https://imgur.com/a/APJaurq
Fly in the spirit (Pandaria) - https://imgur.com/a/L1XjotY
World Boss (Pandaria) - https://imgur.com/a/GgWQbmF
New items + tmog - https://imgur.com/a/DmhlGZj
New EPICS + tmog (Shattrath City) - https://imgur.com/a/WuHrLgi
looks like the same thing as time walking vendors? The gear displays as scaled, despite not being available to purchaseThey seem to scale but they're red?
willing to bet that it’s more the fact that expansion content isn’t 100% scaled to your level and some of it, like later TBC stuff, has a higher level floor than 10. Like Nagrand quests starting at 15.gonna shoot some darts, but i'm guessing they're achievement locked now since they don't want us using them all willy nilly.
Don’t know. My guess is it’ll be like the flying achievements, allied races, or that 4th war achievement where you unlock the two mounts.And which achievement ?
willing to bet that it’s more the fact that expansion content isn’t 100% scaled to your level and some of it, like later TBC stuff, has a higher level floor than 10. Like Nagrand quests starting at 15.
willing to bet that it’s more the fact that expansion content isn’t 100% scaled to your level and some of it, like later TBC stuff, has a higher level floor than 10. Like Nagrand quests starting at 15.
I'll second this. If TBC raid gear is scaling down to 27, then it makes sense that TBC vendor gear would also scale to 27. If it's not a dungeon or world drop, it's not gonna scale with the character.
With that said, the last Shattrath vendor pic shows a required level of 28. I don't recall anything sold in Shattrath that required higher than level 70. I figure that's a bug, and it reveals how manual of a process some of this stuff is...which means an oversight on stats could yield some interesting results.