Score Board (e-peen) Thread

5.2 does beg the question, why would Blizzard make the lower level players in all brackets weaker than they already are?

Level imbalance is already an issue, so why make it worse?

When i'm back home i'll post another epeenscreen so not to be off topic ^_^
answered your own question?

Actually no.

Bad players are bad. You can beat them regardless of level, stats, etc. I do it on F2Ps and 20's alike.

Players that you want to call bad, like maybe Duo or Lith - players with at least a modicum of ability are not going to die to F2Ps even with the scaling.

So I ask again, why can't you beat *bad* players? Full circle even! We are back at my original comment, you want to poop on people in this thread. Admirable -_-

Ya but if you've queued recently (havent seen you in about a month or two) you would see the skill difference because most of the good people have stopped queuing or are queuing alot less

I have seen no difference in skill level. None.

Edit: So I'm on topic. I'm sure there's a miniscule 'peen in here. Somewhere.
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Actually no.

Bad players are bad. You can beat them regardless of level, stats, etc. I do it on F2Ps and 20's alike.

Players that you want to call bad, like maybe Duo or Lith - players with at least a modicum of ability are not going to die to F2Ps even with the scaling.

So I ask again, why can't you beat *bad* players? Full circle even! We are back at my original comment, you want to poop on people in this thread. Admirable -_-

I have seen no difference in skill level. None.

lil as been on a crusade against 24s since she started playing. dont bother, it's pointless.
And people wonder why the F2P in this bracket are slowly leaving little by little.. Think all these constant 5+ 24 bgs maybe a small reason..

Topping dmg as a spriest doesn't give you epeen. Going 25-0 in a 5 person 24 farming premade doesn't give you epeen. Farming 10 trials in your 5 man for 20 minutes (duo) doesn't give you epeen..

I'm honestly glad most of you think you're good with 5 person premades or you're having fun beating other 24's but you better hope 5.2 doesn't come out tomorrow.. This is no longer the trials bracket this is the 24s bracket and they are overrunning it but just wait til 5.2 >: )

Have fun with all your non epeen non impressive screenshots :)

F2Ps in EU arent leaving, they just queue bit less or roll horde.
24s in bracket has always been probelm for f2ps, u cant make bracket of just f2ps but u can make a bracket of just 24s.
Maybe 20-24bracket will someday be like 15-19bracket (80% 19twinks).

Its not about farming or making a good score for me. ofc when we do alot of caps/returns or KB/dmg its nice to see.
But most important is having balanced game or playing agaisnt old school peeps, that makes bg´s good.
5.2 wont change bracket like u think, 24s wont leave, maybe there will be more f2ps queuing.

I think 5.2 PvP changes are great and it will make 24s have lil less advantage.

Idk why u keep making this type of disscusions about 24s, they have same right as you to play this bracket.

We are all Twinks :)
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I don't exactly play a lot in this bracket but i have a few twinks (Hunter and Mage, neither of which are fully geared) that I come to play around on when i cba with my 90s, and to me it seems one of the biggest problems is the defeatist attitude of most players in this bracket.

Last night, for example, I was in a Warsong as horde (my mains are horde so its easier for me to twink that side) and we were 2 healers against 4 alliance healers both teams with about the same number of 24s. We capped first and literally as soon as we capped multiple alliance players left. This is maybe 5 mins into a game, where both teams had about equal numbers of 24s and alliance actually had MORE healers.

But its not just alliance, the same has happened to me as horde. We go 1 flag down and half the team decides its already a loss and quits.

I know that its harder for F2P to kill P2P but whats the point of even queuing if the second you get capped on you leave?

EDIT: spelling
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to the alliance that moan about healing.

why don't you just make an healer, and actually heal? 90% are to busy dps'ing
Players that you want to call bad, like maybe Duo or Lith - players with at least a modicum of ability are not going to die to F2Ps even with the scaling.

So I ask again, why can't you beat *bad* players? Full circle even! We are back at my original comment, you want to poop on people in this thread. Admirable -_-

Please show me where I called duo or lith or ANYONE bad.. I said if you feel you're good in your 5 person 24 premades then good for you. I said I haven't seen any epeen worthy screenshots but that isn't calling anyone bad that's just saying I'm unimpressed by the 24s.

I consider more people bad then you so I guess some people you consider skillful I consider bad. Not calling anyone in here either of those. I never said I wanted to "poop" (cute word..) on ANYONE in this thread? This is an epeen thread so this is where you brag.. If you're going to brag about a game where you played a 24 it better bet good.

A 24 SHOULD be top dmg by alot. A 24 SHOULD be able to farm 10 trials for 20 minutes. A 24 SHOULD be able to go 30-0 on a spriest. How is it epeen when you're supposed to be doing it? I have yet to see a 3 cap 5 return bg. I owuld be impressed if I saw that. Lith's ss are somwhat impressive since she/he faced duo and another group of 24s but then again first one was a Hpal and Rshammy then the 2nd one she/he had 3 spriests sooo...

Everyone seems to not be able to read or read what they want.

Just re-quoting myself

And people wonder why the F2P in this bracket are slowly leaving little by little.. Think all these constant 5+ 24 bgs maybe a small reason..
True statement

Topping dmg as a spriest doesn't give you epeen. Going 25-0 in a 5 person 24 farming premade doesn't give you epeen. Farming 10 trials in your 5 man for 20 minutes (duo) doesn't give you epeen..
True statement

I'm honestly glad most of you think you're good with 5 person premades or you're having fun beating other 24's but you better hope 5.2 doesn't come out tomorrow.. This is no longer the trials bracket this is the 24s bracket and they are overrunning it but just wait til 5.2 >: )
True statement. First sentence is somewhat an opinion but the 2nd sentence is true

Have fun with all your non epeen non impressive screenshots :)
Opinion. Not impressed by these screenshots.

My 2nd quote was response to the saint purely about 5.2 and effects.

Wall of text over. Don't think that I'm attacking any 24s. Just bump up your gameplay and post some impressive screenshots.. Top dmg and gy/mid farming gives you no epeen IMO.
If a F2P is able to play objectively and communicate with his or her team, regardless of the circumstances, individual "skill" as far as knowing a class better then someone else is set aside. I'll consider them a much better player then the large majority of 24s who DO NOT communicate, DO NOT play objectively, and simply just have a bad attitude.

That being said.
If a P2P is able to play objectively, communicate with his or her team, regardless of the circumstances. Individual skill level is irrelevant. Sure you can argue that it may effect your team as a whole, but that doesn't mean they can't be the "Play-makers"
This is true for the F2ps also..
To further prove my point, I'll revert back to the WSG video I posted a while back; were the 2 level 20s on the opposite faction were the ones that made the difference. Sure let's say they were being "carried" by their team, but like i said, when you can look past the flaws in peoples individual "skill-level" you'll start to weed out the good and bad players, and point out the positives, and in the case of level 20 f2ps can be seemingly easy to overlook. Especially from a level 24 P2P's point of view.

To close up. If you have some sort of grudge over 24s because you feel less superior to them, please remind yourself that the majority of us don't find fun in facerolling 20s. We queue all day with groups of 4 and 5 to hopefully catch that one good game that keeps us on the edge of our chairs.. I can't speak for everyone here, because we all know Duo's intentions when he gets in a BG.
It works both ways though.

Anyone that has played with me knows I have nothing against the level 20s, and in fact go out of my way to get them grouped up with us, get them in vent, and give them a community of players whom enjoy playing this game, regardless of the outcome of a WSG. I'm not the only one either, Sanctuary and Holy Crit all run with f2ps. They're a part of the bracket just like the 24s, if we cannot learn how to co-exist then this bracket WILL turn into the "19s" Were ego and reputation is on the line everytime you enter a WSG.

Idk about you guys, but I kind of like being able to dance with the opposing faction on top of stumps every now and then.
(This includes being raped by dancing bears on Horde ToT) :D

**Game Against Horde Sanctuary. One of the funnest matches I've had in this bracket with out a doubt and was only barley able to get the cap. Well played both sides.
I haven't noticed a huge difference in the skill level of the bracket. I still run into good players mixed in with the BR pallies. Bad 24s will still be easy to beat (I'm shocked at how often I can solo 24 pallies on my f2p hunter) and competent groups of 24s will still lead to some super unbalanced games just not worth playing.

5.2 will close the gap slightly, but it wont make a huge difference. Most games will turn out exactly the same, with or without bracket scaling.

Photo evidence time (with some friendly faces mixed in :))!

F2Ps easily beating bad 24s

Competent group of 24s without much opposition.

And just to be on topic, a fun scoreboard showing my ability to pay to win!
I consider more people bad then you so I guess some people you consider skillful I consider bad.

I never said I considered anyone skillful. However, I certainly don't consider people with a modicum of ability bad. It isn't one or the other, I don't work in extremes. Why do you? Until you play LFR, leveling and/or end-game I don't think you'll ever quite get my definition and understanding of what is truly bad. Also, I'm done chatting with you about this. You are on your crusade and I've lost interest.

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Please show me where I called duo or lith or ANYONE bad.. I said if you feel you're good in your 5 person 24 premades then good for you. I said I haven't seen any epeen worthy screenshots but that isn't calling anyone bad that's just saying I'm unimpressed by the 24s.

I consider more people bad then you so I guess some people you consider skillful I consider bad. Not calling anyone in here either of those. I never said I wanted to "poop" (cute word..) on ANYONE in this thread? This is an epeen thread so this is where you brag.. If you're going to brag about a game where you played a 24 it better bet good.

A 24 SHOULD be top dmg by alot. A 24 SHOULD be able to farm 10 trials for 20 minutes. A 24 SHOULD be able to go 30-0 on a spriest. How is it epeen when you're supposed to be doing it? I have yet to see a 3 cap 5 return bg. I owuld be impressed if I saw that. Lith's ss are somwhat impressive since she/he faced duo and another group of 24s but then again first one was a Hpal and Rshammy then the 2nd one she/he had 3 spriests soo...

U expect too much from 24s.

hmm... do you prefer to kill a bad 24 or to get killed by a good 24?
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Oi, take it to PMs. I don't want to deal with this today.
I have yet to see a 3 cap 5 return bg. I owuld be impressed if I saw that.

View image: 11

from my OP, that's close enough to your quota. Can I has cookie now?

if you're capping 3 properly, you shouldn't be returning 5... Unless of course your team is completely terrible or you decide to BG hero with the flag each time, chasing efc for your own glory.

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