Score Board (e-peen) Thread

Meikammen Good gy farming, and had some 24 paladin on alliance with 40 deaths in wsg to my premade ofcourse hahaha now thats FUNNY!

Ohhh Duo how you seize to amaze me.


5v5 - Duo getting farmed..
(At Midfield) :D
***Props to Phront for playing objectively and out DPSing their entire squad of 24s.
Best f2p i know.


2v5 come from behind win..
Shoulda capped when you had the chance..
Poor Duo..

Don't forget, that 10v10 offer is still on the tabble..

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Ok honey a couple of things:

1. First of all i don't like your atitude regardless of you being a moderator staff Little Miss Goodie Two Shoes, you come at the end when shit hits the fan and screw up the entire thread by cleaning it to a lvl of ''hey you kids stop arguing or i'll tell your parents !'' - MAN UP !

2. Where were you at the start of all this ''Cripz being a fucking idiot with the need for gloating'', HAH ?,of that's right you come at the end and assign negative points,right....''inappropriate'' lol at that one,what is inappropriate is someone being an idiot,that's what's ''inappropriate''-and not someone saying it out loud !

3. ''in game quarrels'' - an another lol to that one - you should praise ppl like me for revealing idiots like Cripz,but wait ''your methods are wrong'' ....are they really ? ? why? cause you can't man up and cleanse the scum from these forums........

4. Sry for being banned ? ? NEVER ! ,,,,,why ? because i spoke my mind and heart and don't give a shit what any of you would think ! ! ! Please do not reopen or reban anything cause i am done here with this pathetic and braveless community !

5. This twinkinfo is so broken, moderators come with a vaccum after the dmg has been done and clean it up fast with a fiew warnings,my my....isn't that the right way.....better to cure the end resault then the disease itself right ? ? ?

6. Don't anyone dare and try on my behalf to unbann me! this was my choice, just like the last time - and it's not Cripz's fault- last time it was some other idiot, next time it will be some other,etc......

7. Everyone has a right to their opinion, my much that has changed seing now we have all sorts of scum speaking their mind ( and they don't fucking think! ), but hey everyone's got a right to their opinion...even Cripz - he should be banned from thinking for life.

8. This account is borrowed, so no use in banning it as well, i logged it so speak my closing arrgument, that being said i'm leaving TI for good, and it gives me much serenity to repeat myself in saying that ''i do not give a shit what any of you will think about it'' sure you remember that !

9. Let someone else fight all the scum on this forums but be sure to watch out from speaking your mind and heart in being banned by the impotent moderators.............please all the ''kiss their ass'' respond to that one !

10, For those i have offended i am not sorry, they needed to be insulted with the truth and terminology that suits their for the other who have my respect - they already know who they are.



Your literally a moany hormonal teenager... and im still waiting for "you to find me irl through my IP address so you can beat me up"

fucking loser.
And people wonder why the F2P in this bracket are slowly leaving little by little.. Think all these constant 5+ 24 bgs maybe a small reason..

Topping dmg as a spriest doesn't give you epeen. Going 25-0 in a 5 person 24 farming premade doesn't give you epeen. Farming 10 trials in your 5 man for 20 minutes (duo) doesn't give you epeen..

I'm honestly glad most of you think you're good with 5 person premades or you're having fun beating other 24's but you better hope 5.2 doesn't come out tomorrow.. This is no longer the trials bracket this is the 24s bracket and they are overrunning it but just wait til 5.2 >: )

Have fun with all your non epeen non impressive screenshots :)
And people wonder why the F2P in this bracket are slowly leaving little by little.. Think all these constant 5+ 24 bgs maybe a small reason..

Topping dmg as a spriest doesn't give you epeen. Going 25-0 in a 5 person 24 farming premade doesn't give you epeen. Farming 10 trials in your 5 man for 20 minutes (duo) doesn't give you epeen..

I'm honestly glad most of you think you're good with 5 person premades or you're having fun beating other 24's but you better hope 5.2 doesn't come out tomorrow.. This is no longer the trials bracket this is the 24s bracket and they are overrunning it but just wait til 5.2 >: )

Have fun with all your non epeen non impressive screenshots :)

5.2 won't be what you think it will. trust me.
5.2 won't be what you think it will. trust me.

If blizz doesn't screw up with secondary stats and our gear scaling doesn't nerf us then 5.2 will be welcomed with open arms to every trial in the bracket.. Not going to make a thread about it like Izac did but I know quite a bit of bad 24s I will be getting payback on.

You will either see a drastic decline of 24s in 5.2 due to trials finally getting a semi fair chance or you will see a drastic decline in F2P due to the hope 5.2 bringing not becoming true and giving up hope. That is the only ways I see 5.2 turning out
If blizz doesn't screw up with secondary stats and our gear scaling doesn't nerf us then 5.2 will be welcomed with open arms to every trial in the bracket.. Not going to make a thread about it like Izac did but I know quite a bit of bad 24s I will be getting payback on.

You will either see a drastic decline of 24s in 5.2 due to trials finally getting a semi fair chance or you will see a drastic decline in F2P due to the hope 5.2 bringing not becoming true and giving up hope. That is the only ways I see 5.2 turning out

all your stats scale to 24. you lose dodge, parry, crit, haste, resi, and gain a lil stam and hit. scaling is why p2p chants ain't game breaking at the minute, in 5.2 they will be. lots of f2ps won't have it, but your best bet is to speak to a lvl10 twink.
If blizz doesn't screw up with secondary stats and our gear scaling doesn't nerf us then 5.2 will be welcomed with open arms to every trial in the bracket.. Not going to make a thread about it like Izac did but I know quite a bit of bad 24s I will be getting payback on.

If they are bad.... why can't you already be getting payback?

I see. You want to poop on people in this thread, while calling them bad. That's admirable?

I already had this conversation with many people, what I can tell you is this. Scaling isn't going to make your gear the same as a P2Ps It won't. And it doesn't matter how much you may think someone is skill-less, they will still be able to s-key their way to a KB by virtue of superior stats (and consumables).

You will either see a drastic decline of 24s in 5.2 due to trials finally getting a semi fair chance or you will see a drastic decline in F2P due to the hope 5.2 bringing not becoming true and giving up hope. That is the only ways I see 5.2 turning out

Many 24's already premade in 5 man groups. I don't think most of them will even flinch if it takes an extra hit or two to down F2Ps with a wee bit extra life. It'll be just like now... with all the smitten buffs.

Also, drastic decline in F2Ps? For all the QQ about the bracket being unplayable... the queue times haven't changed. You may stop queueing, but that doesn't mean you aren't easily replaced. It is a free bracket after all.
Well, they are 20, so they may in principle give input on anything concerning the 20-24 bracket.

Glancing over this thread I do fear some spirited zealotry against 24 might begin to raise its head again. I would like to ask any F2Ps who cannot avoid carrying personal antipathy into this section to refrain from posting. :)
If they are bad.... why can't you already be getting payback?

they will still be able to s-key their way to a KB by virtue of superior stats (and consumables).
answered your own question?

Also, drastic decline in F2Ps? For all the QQ about the bracket being unplayable... the queue times haven't changed. You may stop queueing, but that doesn't mean you aren't easily replaced. It is a free bracket after all.

Ya but if you've queued recently (havent seen you in about a month or two) you would see the skill difference because most of the good people have stopped queuing or are queuing alot less. Btw I said in 5.2 there maybe a drastic decline, not that there has been recently, because I have seen PLENTY of people in bg chat saying they are just waiting for 5.2 in hopes to get on a more even field with 24s.

Sry yde I'm done causing any drama in this thread.. as if there wasn't any already.. I didn't call anyone bad or insult anyone just simply saying I have yet to see anything epeen worthy.. Guess I just expect that much better results from this thread then I do in the F2P thread
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Sry yde I'm done causing any drama in this thread.. as if there wasn't any already.. I didn't call anyone bad or insult anyone just simply saying I have yet to see anything epeen worthy.. Guess I just expect that much better results from this thread then I do in the F2P thread
Oh I don't consider this drama at all. :)

I haven't looked at any of the screenshots, but since it's an "epeen" thread a bit of calling out should inspire people to do better. ^^

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