Score Board (e-peen) Thread

Alpha, you just need some self control!

I want to go crazy and call everyone an asshole too sometimes, but I refrain because I don't wanna set a bad example for the rest. People look up to you, you should do the same.. either that or hide the insults better!

Cripz is getting off on winding everyone up... C'mon stop feeding the troll.

Oh dear, so much rage over a temporary ban. ^^

I don't like your attitude much either, but yours is against the Code of Conduct of this site. Insulting and derogatory language really aren't necessary in any discussion. If you cannot express your disagreements without profanity I am saddened at the inconvenience that must pose for you.

I could not be there "at the start of this" and did "come in at the end" because I do not hang out on TI 24 hours a day.

If you do not want to return to TI once your temporary ban runs out, I wish you all the best in game. :)


Which truth did you not want removed?

I would appreciate if everyone, including [MENTION=14667]CripzBlood[/MENTION] and [MENTION=12083]Malanior[/MENTION], could remain civil in public threads from now on and take arguments to PM. Cripz really isn't as interesting or relevant to the general twinking population as you all seem to think.

If you absolutely must include your opinion of each other, at least make an attempt at being more subtle and refined, so the moderating staff are not forced to react to blatantly obvious and uncreative breeches of the CoC. This might possibly even provide at least a modicum of entertainment to the rest of the forum.

I would appreciate if everyone, including CripzBlood and Malanior, could remain civil in public threads from now on and take arguments to PM. Cripz really isn't as interesting or relevant to the general twinking population as you all seem to think.

If you absolutely must include your opinion of each other, at least make an attempt at being more subtle and refined, so the moderating staff are not forced to react to blatantly obvious and uncreative breeches of the CoC. This might possibly even provide at least a modicum of entertainment to the rest of the forum.

idd! Lately I was trying to let ppl focus on thread topic, this one in particular. Just check my latest posts... ^^
Some mad kid nerd raging after getting banned by one of the nicest and most civil (sry kratos :/ ) mods I have seen personally in the time I've been here. If you want to flip out again just close the window and go outside or go kill something in wow. This is a website to premote nice play and talk while helping twinks share ideas not insults. Never thought someone would insult yde D: first for everything I guess.

To stay OT... Most/all of these pics are completely capable by 20s so therefore I have seen NO epeen yet besides by agonist :) gl though
Some mad kid nerd raging after getting banned
Not sure if you understand what is going on here.

by one of the nicest and most civil (sry kratos :/ ) mods I have seen personally in the time I've been here.
Never thought someone would insult yde D: first for everything I guess.

Wrong place at the wrong time as i make up out of it.

This is a website to premote nice play and talk while helping twinks share ideas not insults.
Exactly the point but it isn't.
it sounds like this alphasky just has a problem with authority, you are not the man of this forum the mods are deal with it! nor are you the man of the game your a faceless pixel with a big voice on the internet. the players you call scum may think like wise of you... as klinda said i think you just need to learn how to control yourself.

all this heart and soul bs about a game a pixel and a (my opinion bad) player is just silly! should this cripz really be that important to you to get that angry over? i think you need to stop taking this game and this forum so seriously if you are getting that worked up over another player lol!!

this is not a troll post just something that (as you say about others) you need to hear. rethink your priorities mate :)
Not like getting KBs as a p2p in f2p bracket is hard, but just wanted to top Cripz's scores as 20 hunter :D It's so easy to top kbs + damage every game at 20-24 that I usually can't be bothered to take screenshots of scoreboards, but I found these 2 on my computer so let me share 'em with you. Both from MoP.



I know someone has better scores than me fosho, so come @ me and show me your best ;)

EDIT: Just after I posted this, got into a game and remembered to take a screenshot because of just leaving this thread ^^ This one ended early, so these KBs I got inside 10min by midcontrolling.

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dat F11 bind... <3

I think the last time I used Eagle Eye was in wotlk :D

Ok I can explain so you don't think I'm a total scrub; When I started in wotlk or late tbc (not sure when tbh), I clicked abilities as any normal newcomer would. Then I got fed up with dragging my shred out of my actionbar while furiously spamming it on hordies on my 29 feral, and decided I would start to use my keyboard for using abilities. So I bound all my spellbar buttons to 1-9. Later I found out I need more keybinds, and as I had no imagination, I just bound my new actionbar that I found from options, naturally F1-f12 :D Since then I have figured there are more efficient buttons to bind my abilities to, and have added 'em randomly on my actionbars. Haven't found anything cool for my F11 yet, and haven't bothered to unbind it.

... My wall of text of excuses made me look like a scrub after all, didnt it? Oh well, why else would I play a p2p character in f2p bracket after all ;)
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Almost lowest dps, no heals, no bases assaulted, no bases defended, KBs, but top honor.
Go figure.
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I think the last time I used Eagle Eye was in wotlk :D

Ok I can explain so you don't think I'm a total scrub; When I started in wotlk or late tbc (not sure when tbh), I clicked abilities as any normal newcomer would. Then I got fed up with dragging my shred out of my actionbar while furiously spamming it on hordies on my 29 feral, and decided I would start to use my keyboard for using abilities. So I bound all my spellbar buttons to 1-9. Later I found out I need more keybinds, and as I had no imagination, I just bound my new actionbar that I found from options, naturally F1-f12 :D Since then I have figured there are more efficient buttons to bind my abilities to, and have added 'em randomly on my actionbars. Haven't found anything cool for my F11 yet, and haven't bothered to unbind it.

... My wall of text of excuses made me look like a scrub after all, didnt it? Oh well, why else would I play a p2p character in f2p bracket after all ;)
You could've just locked your action bars and happily kept on clicking.
Meikammen Good gy farming, and had some 24 paladin on alliance with 40 deaths in wsg to my premade ofcourse hahaha now thats FUNNY!

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