Score Board (e-peen) Thread

You had 5 heals (2 hpally, 2 Resto Druid & Resto shaman) 230k heals vs there 1 disc priest 37k also it was 4 a Spriest not 5. Also thank god redund returned 5 flags compared to your 0.
Awesome they should show me YDE :D would be much appreciated. huh well to keep it fair cause trials are kinda forced to play their toons... i wanna see a 24 who does.
Awesome they should show me YDE :D would be much appreciated. huh well to keep it fair cause trials are kinda forced to play their toons... i wanna see a 24 who does.
I'm sorry, I did not understand that. :( Trials are forced to play their toons?
Faiths 160k > duos 181k. All of faiths were no graveyard/farming & faith solo ques. Faith wins
he got those as a 19. a never leaving the gy bad 19, i might add.

Also is duo and Çlinic was.
Normally ppl with lots of HKs are gy farmers.

Yes ik, but hes on 20-24 bracket now.

Most of us played in 10-14 & 15-19bracket while lvling and we aint counting without those.

There probably is more P2P Twinks with more then 181K just in EU.
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Most of us played in 10-14 & 15-19bracket while lvling and we aint counting without those.

but you didn't spend the years in the 10-19 bracket(s) he did.

edit: i heard say you play a paladin, is that true....
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Yes as u can see, and u played with me on ur lvl20P2P Balance/Resto Druid :)


you mean the GF'd one that's like 5 years old? yep, that was me.

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