QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

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Oh, that one was linked in the other thread. Even if the discussion derailed very quickly, I personally do not really agree that this is harassment, or harassment related to my thread, anyway. Certainly not on Bizr's part. I'm just happy that Sofa doesn't seem discouraged and has posted since then. :)

Thank you for linking it. :)
there was this one above and another one I can't find and the "WAY"the guy was told to use the questions post clearly upset him and he repliedwith I am SORRY I didn't know the rules here...Nobody should ever feel they have to apologize for posting anything or anywhere on any website if "Appropriate"and it clearly turned out to someone calling him stupid... but if he Has continued to repost, good for him
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My response in that thread was due to only minutes earlier, having been asked by the OP to boost him in dungeons.

This is something that several new players do, usually without making any effort to find out if a paying player is already in a dungeon, or a battle ground (the effort to look at the friends list obviously being too much). They frequently request boosts the instant you log in, and never seem to take into consideration the fact that someone with a payed account might wish to actually play on their account, and that they aren't here on AP solely to pander to the whims of F2P players.

I can't speak for other owners of high level characters, but I'm not even going to grace those requests with a response. In every single guild that I have been in since I started playing WoW in TBC, begging higher levelled members for boosts would be grounds for a /gkick. Boosts would be offered at the discretion of the person owning the high level character, as and when they had the time and inclination to do so. At the most players could mention in chat that they would like some help, but asking specific members or pushing the matter was unacceptable.

Also, as a booster for 19 twink guilds, I came to recognise 2 extremes amongst the players joining the guilds:

There were those who asked where to find information, did their research, got as much gear as they could, and then asked to be taken to specific dungeons for specific items that they were having no luck on with drops. These players usually went on to be long time members of the guild, and in turn supported other new players.

Then there were the ones who wanted every question answered, never made any effort to find out anything for themselves (or follow up on information that was given to them), wouldn't make any effort to group up and get gear for themselves, and proceeded to ask if every item that dropped in a boosting run was something they needed. They were usually chronically bad players, from never actually playing their class as they levelled it, and could pretty much be guaranteed to leave the guild in a couple of weeks, once everyone had got sick of them, and put them on ignore.

As someone who is willing to make an effort to help others take part in twinking, I do not like having my time wasted by players who obviously are not going to make any effort themselves, when my time could better be spent helping those who do.

If you would like someone to commit time to helping you, then you should demonstrate that you are worth that time.

And as far as questions on forums go, you shouldn't be asking the kind of questions that can be answered in under 10 seconds by entering the same text/keywords into a search tool. By the time someone responds on a forum, you could have easily found out everything you wanted to know by yourself, and more (and they will more than likely only do what you couldn't be bothered to). If not, then you have a worthy question. People have usually taken the time to make guides, specifically so they don't have to answer the same questions repeatedly. By not making an effort to find out if those guides exist, you are disrespecting the effort that people have made in making them. And like me they will be less likely to help in future, if their efforts are shown to be a waste of time.
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Hate to repost my question, but to get a solid answer:
As a combat rogue, should i be using backstab or sinister strike more. Also, should i use dagger in main hand or more powerful weapon. Im guessing it's still a dagger in the off hand no matter what because of the poisons
Hate to repost my question, but to get a solid answer:
As a combat rogue, should i be using backstab or sinister strike more. Also, should i use dagger in main hand or more powerful weapon. Im guessing it's still a dagger in the off hand no matter what because of the poisons

and fast one too when it comes to offhand
Sinister Strike and Eviscerate are your bread and butter as combat. You want the slow hard hitting main hand weapon to increase the damage of your Sinister Strikes. As for slow or fast off-hand, I'm not entirely sure.

Rhae, may I have armoury link for your combat rogue? Pretty please? :O

I imagine you to be BiS or close and want a combat rogue for the reference. <3

Also, can anyone link me any (close to) BiS / pre-BoA BiS / non-GF Alliance Retribution Paladin or Alliance Elemental Shaman?
TY very much! :)

Miindyy usually plays ele? Is specced resto right now, but I'll put a link under ele.

Here goes my sad story ->

So I went to other country cause of business and (naturally) tried to log into WoW.
Then I got a message that my account is locked and that I need to change my password (probably due to different country IP's that I used in last 2 days).
And if I haven't typed something incredibly stupid as Last name when registering account all would go well.
Unfortunately I really don't remember what I typed (d'oh), tried like 30 combinations of things I could have written, but (sadly) non worked.

I've already sent some email to 2 blizz emails I found somewhere on the internet but since I'm F2P account I don't think they will ever get back to me regarding this.
Then I thought calling the blizz support via Skype number, but I guess that will have to wait for at least a week or so (till I get back home from business trip).
Has anyone had similar problem?
Should I hope all will turn for the best or there's no way I could get back this char?

P.S. I cannot describe my desperation when I realized that I forgot what I typed as Last name.
Why didn't the Keefers bite? :(

We caught them all last week.

@zorglub. Hope you remember the answer to your "secret question".
I had to call blizz on a old account, didn't remember email/fake name, but I remembered the answer so I got my account.
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1. Which side loses more often now?

2. Should I gear my ally mage, make a swag mage, or wait till gw2 (Elementalist!!!)?

1. Which side loses more often now?

2. Should I gear my ally mage, make a swag mage, or wait till gw2 (Elementalist!!!)?

You'd get different opinions for your first question. The way I see it, horde and alliance are more equal now, with maybe alliance winning a bit more. Both sides have horrible, embarrassing-to-play with PuGs, and both sides have 24s (Horde definitely has more imo, but I may be /slightly/ biased :p)

For #2, you should make a Swag mage, because AP Alliance is boring and dull and no one ever does anything. Or wait for GW2.
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P.S. I cannot describe my desperation when I realized that I forgot what I typed as Last name.
That does sound horrible. I haven't had this problem as I used my actual name. I think Blizz account services will probably treat you the same as a P2P, but I don't know whether the false name might complicate things. I'm sorry I know no helpful information.

Hope the question failsafe works out. Good luck!

Why didn't the Keefers bite? :(

I felt like crying. ;_;

1. Which side loses more often now?

2. Should I gear my ally mage, make a swag mage, or wait till gw2 (Elementalist!!!)?

1. Does it matter? :p Horde probably does at least a bit, because the gear advantage is still sitting on the ally side.

2. IMO f2p is still worth playing until GW2 comes out, since it's such a long way off. We know we have to wait at least another month, probably more than 2 :(
1. Which side loses more often now?

2. Should I gear my ally mage, make a swag mage, or wait till gw2 (Elementalist!!!)?
1. No idea. I hardly ever lose because I premade all the time lol.

2. Play with Deadvulcano and embarrass all other H Mages!
Where's the best place for a F2P to farm Silk Cloth? I can't remember how I maxed First Aid on my other toons besides gradually building up enough silk via SFK, and of course, having Rhae run me through SM when it came to Mageweave.
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