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I have ones from a few years ago. Some say you can get around 15 uses out of the mug. At one time you could fill your bank with the mugs, last year they fixed it so you can only keep one.
Well I logged back in to do my late night rare hunting and it was now empty festive mug. If it was based on usage i just got lucky or something because i got well over 50 uses but use them up in AB lol totally worth it especially as hunter when you can shoot while flying above them :) (without hacks)
How would I merge 2 different accounts that are under the same name?
If you are multiboxing a couple melee's, does a /follow focus( main) macro work to keep them in melee attack range, or are only casters viable as mules?
Just wanting some ventrilo help. I've been given the password for horde f2p chat, but whenever i enter it, i get a new window popping up saying 'switch channels failed. Probably a bad or missing password'. Anyone know what the problem is?
if i pm'ed you, caould you tell me the pw?
Well, simple question... Now in Arathi weekend it becomes obvious the difference between horde and ally toons. Horde wins like 1/10 bgs in f2p bracket, and my question is why?
Why so much difference? What, besides that eyepatch can make it such unfair matches?
There are 3 options... first the ones

  1. that give more dps
  2. that have better stats
  3. that are harder to get

I personally go with option 3
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Pretty simple yes/no question and may have been asked before but seeing there is so much threads about the sea turtle I was to lazy to check em all. :)

Has it been verified that you get the achieve "turtles all the way down" if you catch the turtle on DMF Island? The achievement lists only cata/nr places and I know how blizz is sometimes so just checking before I start my farming
Pretty simple yes/no question and may have been asked before but seeing there is so much threads about the sea turtle I was to lazy to check em all. :)

Has it been verified that you get the achieve "turtles all the way down" if you catch the turtle on DMF Island? The achievement lists only cata/nr places and I know how blizz is sometimes so just checking before I start my farming

Yep, you get the achievement on DMF island as well as any cata zone. Good luck!
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