A few months ago due to gold farmers spamming, F2P's lost the ability to talk to anybody over level 30 with the /s command. Unless they whisper you, all you can do to communicate is with emotes.
I find it really frustrating when people ask me questions and I try to have a conversation with emotes,otherwise I look rude if I am ignoring them. How can I emote for them to whisper me?
Unless there is a nice P2P around, I can't communicate to high level people and a lot of people are unaware we can't talk with /s anymore. I realize for a P2P it would be annoying to be the middle man in a conversation, and a lot of the time they won't pass on a message unless they are already my friend.
About the only way I can communicate with the community is in BGs and just recently here at TI. I would like to talk more during BGs but I type so slow and often when I type I end up making big mistakes in the battle and don't want my team to loose from my poor typing skills.
My realm is Aman'thul and hardly anybody has F2P Addon, I only see 1 person at a time in the Addon and they don't hang around long. I do however meet some nice people when dueling since they're around my level and am able to talk to them.
I would be very grateful if somebody is able to teach me how to make my own custom emotes, or tell me how you overcome this communication barrier.