Hit Cap

Gear with hit on it.
How would i get hit cap on a horde retribution paladin without quest items as i have chosen the wrong items looking for help if anyone is available to give me help to gain hit cap on my paladin

Instance items as allowed to be named too

Bracers of the most trusted + dividend leggings + dpr + demon band is best me thinks
Cheers mate didnt think of that one! Preferable proper help next time.

Go to wowhead, set up a filter of level appropriate gear with hit on it that doesn't come from qsts.
what is hit cap? 9 hit rating?

As Ret, the only spell that doesn't use Melee Hit rating is Hammer of Justice... You probably don't want that missing.

So the cap would then be 15 hit rating inside battlegrounds...

You basically kind of need Boots of the Hero. If those aren't an option, then your gearing is going to get very crazy, very quickly.

Bracers of the Most Trusted are your next go-to option, but those also are a quest item.

I'd honestly say to go with the Rogue BoA chest for the hit rating. The agility will be completely worthless, and you'll lose the equivalent of plate armor for leather. But honestly your choices are kind of limited. The 6 hit rating from Boots of the Hero and the 3 from Bracers of the Most Trusted are kind of important :x
so 15 hit rating in BGs is required?

It isn't "required", but you'll have a chance to miss Hammer of Justice without 15 hit rating.

As to whether or not you go all the way to cap the extra hit rating (Over melee cap, which is like ~8, I believe), that's up to you.

I do so on my Prot Paladin only because Avenger's Shield also uses Spell Hit rating.
I know this won't help you this very instant but, in a few short weeks hit cap will be a a thing of the past. You should always look to the future. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
I would not reroll just to get a few quest items for hit quite just yet until you know what those hit numbers were going to be converted to in WoD.

Sidney makes a good point, Hit rating will be irrelevant in a few months.

It's worth checking wod.wowhead.com to see what the quest gear you're missing will be converted in to.

What pieces are you missing, by the way?
I know this won't help you this very instant but, in a few short weeks hit cap will be a a thing of the past. You should always look to the future. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
I would not reroll just to get a few quest items for hit quite just yet until you know what those hit numbers were going to be converted to in WoD.


Few weeks? I heard it was coming out in november
Few weeks? I heard it was coming out in november

Yes, a few weeks. Before every expansion there is a prepatch to introduce players to many of the new changes.
For instance, patch 3.0, during BC ushered in achievements, summonable mounts and pets, 51pt. talent tree etc. before the release of WotLK.
We can expect the same for WoD a couple months before the expansion is released on Tuesday in the US.

MoP prepatch in august and MoP in september seems like a better example but you like telling people you were there 6 years ago don't you?
foremans + drakewing + dpr

exp is a must for ret anyways

You probably can not go wrong with this combo. The extra, "non-main", stats will get converted to useful ones. Such as haste or critical(whatever the new term is). The database has not been updated on every single item indicated. Even if it was it could not be fully trusted. We will get a better idea when open beta starts. Until then, good luck collecting gear.

MoP prepatch in august and MoP in september seems like a better example but you like telling people you were there 6 years ago don't you?
I could have chosen patch 2.01 when LfG was introduced and the honor system (subsequently some players all their HKs were reset never to be gotten back) was revamped in preparation for The opening of the Dark Portal and the Coming of the Storm event that preceded the Burning Crusade, but I did not. Have a wonderful day.
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