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I'm sorry to those who believed I was doing good things. :(

I am just too stressed in RL to keep up doing what I think is right on TI. I'm too tired and have too little time to deal with reports, argue my points on moderation policy and CoC and explain decisions to those who feel they are wronged. Which is nearly everyone any staff member ever makes a decision against, by the way. Nonetheless I think they deserve honest explanations.

I also disagree with the harsh interpretation of the CoC we've been running recently and some 19 bracket stuff people in F2P probably haven't noticed. The staff are all wonderful people to work with, and I will always value all of them as good friends. :) There are just some fundamental disagreements that would require lots of talking and compromising to bridge.

Where some of the staff see faster and longer / permanent bans as the solution for the recent trolling, I feel the trolling has gotten worse because people feel they / their friends are being moderated too much or unfairly.

On a site with volunteer staff that just cannot find every CoC breaking post, coming down too harsh on the ones the staff do find (or only the ones that attack the staff), while missing others, signals bias and unfair treatment to the reader who doesn't understand the moderating process but sees both posts.

I've made the experience that if you discuss things openly and rationally with people that you might not always calm and convince the one disagreeing with you, but you will gain support from all the other posters reading the discussion and no-one will feel ignored, slighted and shoved away without a right to their opinion. But I really just don't have the time and drive to bend and compromise to fit TI at the moment.

I do think moderation should be consistent. Since I don't see myself convincing others to follow my "too soft" line, and I don't want to change myself either, since I strongly believe in my ideals, I really saw no other solution than stepping down now.

Anyway, just my completely subjective point of view explained a bit.

Franciska should be happy at least. :)

So happy for you Yde :) onto bigger and better things :)
I'm sorry to those who believed I was doing good things. :(
blah blah sappy story blah blah
Anyway, just my completely subjective point of view explained a bit.

YAY now you have time to actually continue our picnic war !!!!!
YAY now you have time to actually continue our picnic war !!!!!
[MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION], considering ^ this, I would love to have a picnic with you on EU at some point D:

Ever thought about trying? You might become addicted ;)
::) I'd like to try out EU servers while the US are down. What is the latency like? Has anyone who's done this before got any advice on steps to take to set up the game to play as smooth as possible?

Thanks ::)
::) I'd like to try out EU servers while the US are down. What is the latency like? Has anyone who's done this before got any advice on steps to take to set up the game to play as smooth as possible?

Thanks ::)
I just think you have to edit the realmlist file
Currently getting 149/137 latency on EU from midwestern US.

I'd suggest copying your WoW folder if you have space so the files don't have to be updated every time you switch between the two.

World of Warcraft > WTF > Config.

Open Config in your 2nd copy of folder in Notepad, search for:
SET locale "enUS" change to SET locale "enGB"

Open launcher from your EU folder and let it update files as necessary.
I want to know if that after we have done all the starting quest for DK, the last quest which gives you portal to respective fractios. If that quest is not complete, will the portal stay there once we get out of Ebon Hold? or it will dissapear after we leave Ebon hold?

i need to know cause i am thinking of grinding Bloodsail title in solo and that portal to Stormwind is really important

Also hope that Phron thread doesn't come true....
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I want to know if that after we have done all the starting quest for DK, the last quest which gives you portal to respective fractios. If that quest is not complete, will the portal stay there once we get out of Ebon Hold? or it will dissapear after we leave Ebon hold?

i need to know cause i am thinking of grinding Bloodsail title in solo and that portal to Stormwind is really important

Not really sure why that matters for that title? All the farming is gonna be done way down south in BB so there's not even any reason to go back to ebon hold or SW. To answer your question though I'm almost positive that you need to complete that quest in order to talk to anyone. I know I tried taking the FP from SW to BB and I couldn't int with him due to being hated so I'd assume you would be hated with BB and all of them as well if you don't complete the quest.
do i need a new acc to play eu? i changed the appropriate thing from US to GB but i can't log in
" Error #107
There was a problem logging in with this account. You may not have a World of Warcraft game attached to your account, or you may be logging into a region different from the one you created the account in."

Yeah, you need to add an eu version of wow to your account, similar to wow 1 and wow 2 except it only works for eu and nothing is shared.
Is it worth it "stacking" haste as a restoshammy (satchel belt + cloak over ghamoo-ra's bind + honor cloak)? I feel like shammy heals are a bit weak, you pretty much have to spamheal 24/7 to keep shit up and riptide just isn't strong enough to really make a difference for when you need to heal someone quick, so you're stuck spamming surge hoping it's fast enough to keep your teammate alive.

So I thought getting a little bit off of surge casting time would be nice, but 2.6% doesn't do that much. So basically, 2,6% haste or +7stam, +1 int +2 spirit?

Resto gear atm if you need it for answering:
Mesikämmën @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft
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I thought getting a little bit off of surge casting time would be nice, but 2.6% doesn't do that much. So basically, 2,6% haste or +7stam, +1 int +2 spirit?

Resto gear atm if you need it for answering:
Mesikämmën @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft
Indeed, not that much: 2.6% haste translates to a 1.5/(1+.026)≈1.46 sec surge cast time, compared to 1.5 sec. The highest haste I've done in bgs (including lifeblood but not troll racial) is a bit less than 10% haste, which translates a 1.5 cast to a 1.5/(1+.1)≈1.36 sec cast.

2.6% means roughly: 1 extra 1.46-sec-surge for every 25 1.5-sec-surges casted. That is, roughly 26 1.46-sec-surges for every 25 1.5-sec-surges.
1 int and 2 spirits -may- also be as small compared to those, but some may have different opinions if the 8 hastes≈.04 sec sooner surges are worth 7 stamina.

That's taking into account haste from gears. Haste can also come from other players, like spriests, boomkins, hunters with certain pets, and possibly more.
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Not really sure why that matters for that title? All the farming is gonna be done way down south in BB so there's not even any reason to go back to ebon hold or SW. To answer your question though I'm almost positive that you need to complete that quest in order to talk to anyone. I know I tried taking the FP from SW to BB and I couldn't int with him due to being hated so I'd assume you would be hated with BB and all of them as well if you don't complete the quest.

There a palce in Arathi Highlands where there are people form botty bay which can be seen in Goesid thread "Visting Hidden Places". Their respawn are really fast and for the ebon hold portal here the brief explanation:

This way is not "Sure" to be possible its just a way i wanna try out

1.There will be a portal to SW if last quest not completed.
2.Take portal to SW and run to darkmoon fair to get extra rep buff from carousel
3.Get buff, fly to arathi and set heartstone there
4. run gto grinding place (about 3 min) and grind rep for 1 hour.
5. Once buff expires,Make "Death gate" and return back to Ebon hold
6.Take portal once again to SW
7.Run to Darkmoon, get buff and heart to arathi
8. Repeat cycle till honored

LIke i said before, this way is not yet sure to be doable and if its doable i wanna do it during darkmoon
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