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I saw Verh use the term "soft Crit cap" somwhere on the forums. I knew about simple "Crit cap" but I don't get what the soft part means. I've only seen that used with Hit cap.

And I couldn't find anything on Google. :0
I saw Verh use the term "soft Crit cap" somwhere on the forums. I knew about simple "Crit cap" but I don't get what the soft part means. I've only seen that used with Hit cap.

When talking about stat "caps" there are two types of cap, "hard" and "soft". Hard cap refers to a point at which increasing the stat further provides no benefit whatsoever. For example, once your chance to miss is reduced to zero for all your spells/attacks, increasing your hit rating will no longer do anything.

In contrast, a soft cap represents a situation where raising the stat in question still does give some bonus, but beyond the "soft cap" that bonus is reduced in some way that makes the stat considerably less valuable and no longer worth stacking.

(Sorry if you already knew all that but I figured it was worth explaining.)

I'm not sure what context Verh used it in (and I'd imagine he could give you a more specific explanation), but with regard to crit, my best guess would be that a soft cap would probably come into play at a point where a class either frequently has some kind of buff to critical strike (Shatter, for example), or uses abilities which have some innate crit chance increase (Holy Shock, Ferocious Bite, Bloodthist, etc).

In these situations crit could be "soft-capped' if, say, a mage was crit-capped against frozen targets (but not against non-frozen ones) or if a warrior were crit-capped for Bloodthirst but not for his/her other attacks. Crit is still beneficial, but not as much as it was before the soft cap.

Hope that helps.
Hey all, I'm thinking about coming back to WoW and as usual, that means a at least couple months of twinking.

How have things changed since Cata? AP still alive? How's class balance?

I'm aware that 5.4 is just around the corner and the enchanting changes will likely make a very large difference in the strength of 24s, has it's scaling been determined (don't really wanna dig through the thread there)?

went from healing fest but is back to hunter fest.
from what I hear AP is still going strong on horde.
enchants scale poorly and will need a fix.
Has anyone tried to access the barrens Horde quartermaster?

I was thinking it would be possible using cross realm as Bend did to get his Ebon Blade Tabard.

Lagging as you zone over to the other server and a macro to target the vendor and purchase. Unplugging your internet may assist in this process, I do not know.

Having gotten one on my alliance paladin, I refuse to give up so easily in getting one for a horde toon. Just too much fun :(
Has anyone tried to access the barrens Horde quartermaster?

I was thinking it would be possible using cross realm as Bend did to get his Ebon Blade Tabard.

Lagging as you zone over to the other server and a macro to target the vendor and purchase. Unplugging your internet may assist in this process, I do not know.

Having gotten one on my alliance paladin, I refuse to give up so easily in getting one for a horde toon. Just too much fun :(

I'd be up for this. You got a p2p acc to help with? I've got a certain program which could come to very good use!
For lucky fishing hat I have to caught angelfish and I wana know if I can caught angelfish only when tournament is or I can caught fish in any day?
Catch a zeppelin from orgrimmar to tirisfal glades, then use your map to get to hillsbrad.

The zepelin gets you to the grom gol and if you want walk is really long way and you have to go or thru stormwind or thru 49-50 lvl so I think That this is a litle bit hard
There are 4, 2 of those zeppelins go to Gromgol and to Tirisfal Glades, From Tirisfal glades it is not far.
Hi everyone, this will be off topic as i couldn't / didnt look very hard for a good spot to post.

I play Ijr on US AriePeak and Chromaggus and some other randoms, my video card died in my PC and i wont be getting another one for some time - this is of course to anyone wondering where i disapeared to. Thanks for all the fun times on AP i hope someday to join you again.
Hi everyone, this will be off topic as i couldn't / didnt look very hard for a good spot to post.

I play Ijr on US AriePeak and Chromaggus and some other randoms, my video card died in my PC and i wont be getting another one for some time - this is of course to anyone wondering where i disapeared to. Thanks for all the fun times on AP i hope someday to join you again.
Aw, that sucks. Come back soon!
How can someone make a guide?

is it made like a normal thread then it is move by a mod to the twink guide section?
cause im thinking of making 1 about ret pally(Should i do it o_0???)
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