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For lucky fishing hat I have to caught angelfish and I wana know if I can caught angelfish only when tournament is or I can caught fish in any day?
Only when the tournament is ongoing, and only in the pools.
Do any servers still have wargame arenas active on a pseudo-regular basis?
I'm not sure if you're EU or US, but incase you're EU, I think Aggramar H have wargames regularly.
How can someone make a guide?

is it made like a normal thread then it is move by a mod to the twink guide section?
cause im thinking of making 1 about ret pally(Should i do it o_0???)
I think you need to post your guide in the Submitted Guide section first, and then wait for it to be approved by a mod and moved to the 'real' guide section.
How can someone make a guide?

is it made like a normal thread then it is move by a mod to the twink guide section?
cause im thinking of making 1 about ret pally(Should i do it o_0???)
Make it in submitted guides as Snack said, but also read the sticky there on how to do it. :) Need to also PM the mod you want to review your guide, for example.
Was doing the silverpine quest chain for unturned slippers a few days ago when a queue popped. I was in gilneas doing the quests about finding walden (or the other UD guy . . I don't really pay attention to that shit) and the kill 30 worg renegades. When I got back from the instance the quest turn-in npc (valkrie and other guy) was there for a second, but disappeared before I could click him and complete the quest.

make a ticket? or is there some other way to get the quest back?
Was doing the silverpine quest chain for unturned slippers a few days ago when a queue popped. I was in gilneas doing the quests about finding walden (or the other UD guy . . I don't really pay attention to that shit) and the kill 30 worg renegades. When I got back from the instance the quest turn-in npc (valkrie and other guy) was there for a second, but disappeared before I could click him and complete the quest.

make a ticket? or is there some other way to get the quest back?

If you are just wanting to turn in the quests try dismounting. If you aren't mounted and they don't show up after running around a bit, head down to the body along the shore and the two will appear there. If you haven't fully completed the quests and need them to kill the renegades, abandon quests and go back to that village to reobtain the quests.
could everyone delete their question posts once they've been quoted so this thread became a super dense info center?
is [Sapped] a valid condition in a macro? i doubt it, but i receive no error message when i include it
i'd like to /bg when i'm [Drinking] or [Casting], but when i include either of those valid conditions after /bg, they're simply included in the message. can anyone make that work?
i thought i had another question, but i can no longer recall what it might have been

Skipping to the 2nd part, try something like:
/run if UnitAura("player", "Drink") then SendChatMessage("Drinking", "BATTLEGROUND"); end
/run local spell = UnitCastingInfo("player") if spell then SendChatMessage("I am attacking", "BATTLEGROUND"); end
You may have to use Instance instead of Battleground, not sure. I only got this to work using "Say" but other channels should use the same idea.

While buffs/debuffs aren't used as conditions in basic macros, you can probably use something like this for your Sapped macro (maybe):
/run if UnitDebuff("player", "Sap") then SendChatMessage("Sapped", "Say"); end

Edit: Use "Instance_Chat" instead of "Battleground"
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I like to start with mining/engi for a quick hat slot filler and bombs then go from there. Do ench sometime after LW and JC.
please don't ninja gear in dungens.

do what blizzard say, use Tailoring as second profession to level enchanting.

Enchanting - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

If you think I'm going to drop alchemy and unlearn all the recipes I found, including the Swiftness Potion, just to learn tailoring to help level enchanting again for some more Minor Wizard Oil or something then you're crazy. I'd also rather try to avoid a situation where I'd have to stock up on gear from tailoring and make sure I have enough for enchanting purposes for when I'd have to unlearn tailoring. Obviously you shouldn't ninja every item, but if you think about it, most if not all of the greens you'll find in dungeons are not BiS and barely give any stats other than armor. Besides that, most people you encounter in the dungeon finder are just passing through, not twinking, so they shouldn't even care. If someone wants a green for transmog then they should be speaking up so you know to let them have it anyway. For blues, you can see the loot window for boss drops and if someone else needs on it you can let them have it. Glimmering shards are still used for weapon enchants.
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