Questions & Answers


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So, recently I created a fc druid by the name of Shomb, some of you may have seen this toon in bgs by now. I have one question about healing, My healing sometimes goes to like 55-60% of what it should heal. I have also noticed this while using healing potions on my rogue a while back (just didn't bother to create a thread/post about it). But not as a fc druid, optimum healing is preferred. So, why is this healing glitch happening? Have any of you experienced this? And how do I fix it?
So, recently I created a fc druid by the name of Shomb, some of you may have seen this toon in bgs by now. I have one question about healing, My healing sometimes goes to like 55-60% of what it should heal. I have also noticed this while using healing potions on my rogue a while back (just didn't bother to create a thread/post about it). But not as a fc druid, optimum healing is preferred. So, why is this healing glitch happening? Have any of you experienced this? And how do I fix it?

PvP debuff
soo free transfers are back and i was wondering if it would be worth it to xfer from darkspear to vashj alliance :O the problem is i rarely see people from vashj soo is it innactive now or what?

Depends on the day. There are horde and ally communities on Vashj, but if you are looking for constant premades you probably won't get it. I'd say maybe 3-8 people are on at a time whenever I log onto the server.

What is TI Points? What is it used for and how is it obtained ?

Posting this just anywhere: On the issue of tagging mods instead of reporting, I don't really mind, but I prefer reports. What I do mind is all the discussing it in threads. ._. If you comment with your on-topic opinion and throw a quick @ in there I think it should be fine, but if you just comment with discussion on moderation and banning I think you should take it to report or PM. Sometimes mods will really be too busy with life to log on and then a report is more practical.

Question: Anyone know what the "little favour" for testing beta is? My 90 monk on PTR had a Murkablo in bags, would really suck if that could have gone to a proper account. ^^
Talwar is extremely fast, you lose top end compared to slower weapons which means your special attacks hit for less.
Talwar is extremely fast, you lose top end compared to slower weapons which means your special attacks hit for less.

Weapon speed affects how one's Attack Power (AP) converts to Weapon Damage (WD). The slower the speed of a weapon, the better the conversion of AP to WD is (only exception to this are druids in cat form). Thus when looking to maximize Weapon Damage, to boost damage from special abilities that scale with WD, slower weapons are better.
Still, I never see pallys using Darkwater Talwar - Item - World of Warcraft

Does the most DPS and has more str + the proc. I understand you lose some stam and parry but imo the 1 strength and proc are better

This is a good idea. Top end damage is only useful for burst, and skills that scale with weapon damage. You only have CS that scales with weapon damage, and that's very mediocre anyways. And str scales better (dodge or parry, can't remember which, haven't played prot in a long time) than stam for prot, and the proc may end up giving you more dps in the long run since your damage comes from AS and Judgement anyways.

Now, I haz question. I'm working on a resto druid (LAWL I NO) now that my Shaman is done other than DPR. I'm sure this question is really really dumb to most, but why do people use the Preened Ironfeather Breastplates and Shoulders over the Mystical Pauldrons of Elements? Only reason I can see is that you can't equip them because they don't change into leather, but that almost doesn't make sense. Only reason I ask is because Blizzard likes to be obnoxious with these types of things. Same stats, more armor if you CAN use them.

EDIT: Also, Adal. If the proc scales with the SP you get based on strength, then it's a better item hands down. Don't think it will, but it's something to check out.
This is a good idea. Top end damage is only useful for burst, and skills that scale with weapon damage. You only have CS that scales with weapon damage, and that's very mediocre anyways. And str scales better (dodge or parry, can't remember which, haven't played prot in a long time) than stam for prot, and the proc may end up giving you more dps in the long run since your damage comes from AS and Judgement anyways.

Now, I haz question. I'm working on a resto druid (LAWL I NO) now that my Shaman is done other than DPR. I'm sure this question is really really dumb to most, but why do people use the Preened Ironfeather Breastplates and Shoulders over the Mystical Pauldrons of Elements? Only reason I can see is that you can't equip them because they don't change into leather, but that almost doesn't make sense. Only reason I ask is because Blizzard likes to be obnoxious with these types of things. Same stats, more armor if you CAN use them.

EDIT: Also, Adal. If the proc scales with the SP you get based on strength, then it's a better item hands down. Don't think it will, but it's something to check out.

Mystical pauldrons and other such mail boa only can be used by shamans hunters and actualy mail users. Since shamans and hunters can use mail items at 40, blizz counts mail boas as leather ONLY for shamans and hunters, thus counting out druids and rogues to use those pieces. i know its confusing but its how it works. did that answer anything? i feel you kinda answered your own question but i guess this will help clarify perhaps?

Weapon speed affects how one's Attack Power (AP) converts to Weapon Damage (WD). The slower the speed of a weapon, the better the conversion of AP to WD is (only exception to this are druids in cat form). Thus when looking to maximize Weapon Damage, to boost damage from special abilities that scale with WD, slower weapons are better.
This is actually incorrect. Most special attacks that scale with weapon damage are normalized which means they gain the same amount of damage from attack power no matter how fast they are. You do however gain higher top end from the weapon itself if you use a slower weapon.
Mystical pauldrons and other such mail boa only can be used by shamans hunters and actualy mail users. Since shamans and hunters can use mail items at 40, blizz counts mail boas as leather ONLY for shamans and hunters, thus counting out druids and rogues to use those pieces. i know its confusing but its how it works. did that answer anything? i feel you kinda answered your own question but i guess this will help clarify perhaps?

Perfect! Thanks! =)

More swag for my druid anyways.
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