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Although I don't think it's against the rules, backseat moderating will generally result in negative attention.
In general, I'd argue that backseat moderating is against the rules (rules being this site's Code of Conduct [CoC]), for these reasons (bolded words stated in the linked CoC):
  • It is Trolling/Flaming. Instead of intimidating/attempting-to-intimidate someone by threatening to report them, or telling them that they're reported, why not just report them?!
  • It may also be Off Topic, especially if it's a post that only responds to a post that's off-topic/problematic (as defined by the CoC), and doesn't contribute to the thread. As for Unnecessary/Duplicate threads (also defined by CoC), there's ways of reporting those without repeatedly bumping them.
Does that mean backseat moderating is against the rules? In actuality, I'm unsure (as a mod's opinion/view is what matters, not some random poster's view), but if I had to guess, you'll know my guess.


How can i go from ogrimmar to the cape of stranglethorn?
I'm F2P
At the center of Orgrimmar, there's several elevators leading up to the top of a cliff. Those cliffs have two docking spots for blimps, blimps that take you either to Northrend, a post near Undercity, or a settlement in Northern Stranglethorn.

One tower (closest to Orgrimmar's flight master) has blimps that takes you to Undercity (marked with a post similar to the Undercity tabard) and the other takes you to a Horde settlement in Northern Stranglethorn, allowing you to run down to the Cape.
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If I wanted to roll an Undead Priest instead of a Blood Elf Priest, how much would I be laughed at for doing so?

You wouldn't be.
When I say "fockery" does anyone understand what I mean?

I use it to mean the essence of fucking mockery. Can be used as a synonym to sorcery in the sentence, "What sorcery is this?!" except fockery is generally used in an indignant tone.
I was originally going to play Belf but I don't like their animations. Same with Goblin.

Are F2P and P2P accounts linked in anyway if they are on the same BNet account? I can't seem to find a straight answer.

For instance, if I had my amounts and achievements on my P2P would they carry over to the F2P because they're on the same BNet account?

I ask because if they don't, then I'll make a starter account under a different email than my BNet account. I've been waiting on a Blizz ticket for 3 days asking them to unban my starter account (it was hijacked and banned years ago for whatever reason).
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I was originally going to play Belf but I don't like their animations. Same with Goblin.

Are F2P and P2P accounts linked in anyway if they are on the same BNet account? I can't seem to find a straight answer.

For instance, if I had my amounts and achievements on my P2P would they carry over to the F2P because they're on the same BNet account?

I ask because if they don't, then I'll make a starter account under a different email than my BNet account. I've been waiting on a Blizz ticket for 3 days asking them to unban my starter account (it was hijacked and banned years ago for whatever reason).

Yes if they are on the same bnet they share mounts, titles and achivments.
I was originally going to play Belf but I don't like their animations. Same with Goblin.

Are F2P and P2P accounts linked in anyway if they are on the same BNet account? I can't seem to find a straight answer.

For instance, if I had my amounts and achievements on my P2P would they carry over to the F2P because they're on the same BNet account?

I ask because if they don't, then I'll make a starter account under a different email than my BNet account. I've been waiting on a Blizz ticket for 3 days asking them to unban my starter account (it was hijacked and banned years ago for whatever reason).

They will get linked if you manage to merge them.
Why is practically everyone taking PTR notes so serious this time?

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

No, really.

What are people taking seriously?

The only thing that comes to mind is the enchant thing. The concern with that is that it has the potential to demolish the playing field between F2P and P2P. If there ever was one.

I have no doubt the proposed major changes will go live. The only question that remains is will scaling be changed before/after/at all.
soo free transfers are back and i was wondering if it would be worth it to xfer from darkspear to vashj alliance :O the problem is i rarely see people from vashj soo is it innactive now or what?
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