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I am back! :)

Did anything noteworthy happen? There's so much to catch up on and I'm a bit short of time, so if anything big happened that you think I shouldn't miss, feel free to PM me! Or just to talk, because I missed people. ;)
I am back! :)

Did anything noteworthy happen? There's so much to catch up on and I'm a bit short of time, so if anything big happened that you think I shouldn't miss, feel free to PM me! Or just to talk, because I missed people. ;)

There is a thread about you ^^
There is a thread about you ^^
I found it! Lol, that was a huge surprise to come back to. ^^

:) Welcome back
TY! /hug

Woah, I'm confused now! °_° I read up on the BoA, grats to those who managed it, even if it wouldn't be my thing to play with gear like that. Going to have to read up on 5.4, a bit too much atm. ^^

arena server startup, (...) arena server meltdown
Korgath? What happened? Do I need to remove the listing from the sticky or is it just a lapse in activity?
It's not exactly news, people have been doing it for quite awhile, but we sure had a big thread about it.
why am i not able to like stuff anymore? :(
You're like-capped. Only like 5 likes/day I think.

No not really. You either can be lucky or your team seems to take their head from up their *ss and start acting like real men, slaughtering and killing in a strategic way upon the battlefield of our precious Arathi Basin; pushing them back to their Graveyard, they feel responsible for everything they have done so far. They call upon our Goddess and pray for an end to come near.

Or you can just 5 man and zerg bases while you keep the pugs defending:
- Hold farm and defend it with some scumbags;
- Push LM and stay around with either a stealth or an Ele Shameng;
- Slowly push BS back with the help of some PuGs;
- Send Stealthies to GM and let them wait.
- LM, BS move to Stables. Farm divides between BS and Stables. Keep 1 @ BS and @ Farm. Leave LM alone. Make sure the one defending is actually a class/player that can solo (multiple) Druids/Rogues;
- GM engages/tags GM if Stables is (being) tagged;
- Leave Farm, BS and LM, keep 1 @ GM and 2 @ Stables flag, everyone else push the GY. Done.

This can easily be done with a 5 man if they aren't either outcomping or outplaying you. Start this process once you're about 100 less behind than you should be.
this is true. i was confused because the button is usually there but if i try to push it, it says you have pressed button too many times. all of a sudden it was just gone. i was like da fuq
Hello, a question about buying limited items.
If i buyout healing potions or halaani whiskey, how long does it take for them to restock?
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