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This isn't meant to be a trolling post but can someone list some of the better trial ally shammies that come to mind? Please no insulting so I don't get in trouble for asking this kind of question but it's a question bout F2P so thought I would :p ty in advance

most of the shams i know are horde but here are the only ally shams that come to mind




gl gearing your sham
In the 5.2 patch notes it says spells scales with level. Does this mean we get 24 spells? Or does it mean the spells we currently have are increased as if we were 24s?
If you have a Bronze Drake on your p2p acc, can your f2p ride it as a ground mount?
My guess is you could def. see a huge improvement with a new video card

Just happened again in a fun AB match >.<

World of WarCraft: Retail Build (build 16357)

Exe: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
Time: Feb 1, 2013 12:53:18.406 AM
User: Administrator
Computer: SUE

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!

Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 3392
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:4FE11B3E

The instruction at "0x4FE11B3E" referenced memory at "0x00000014".
The memory could not be "read".

WoWBuild: 16357
Version: 5.1.0
Type: WoW
Platform: X86
Session Time(hh:mm:ss): 01:12:50
Time in World(hh:mm:ss): 01:12:21
Number of Char Logins: 1
Realm: Misha (
Local Zone: Arathi Basin (area id = 3358)
Local Player: Lìl, 0600000005A7C991, (529, 1086.29, 914.052, -61.6605)
Locked Target: Bashu, 03800000059E7CDA, (529, 1163.77, 841.104, -105.056)
Last Enemy Target: Bashu, 03800000059E7CDA, (529, 1163.77, 841.104, -105.056)
Total lua memory: 29888KB
Current Addon: (null)
Current Addon function: UNKNOWN
Current Addon object: (null)

GxApi: D3D9
Shader Model: ff
Vertex: vs_ff
Pixel: ps_ff
Adapter Count: 1

Adapter 0 (primary):
Driver: ialmrnt5.dll
Version: 6.14.0010.4544
Description: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller
DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
PCI Identifier: VID=0x8086,DID=0x2572,REV=0x02,SSID=0x01511028

Installed DX9 Version:
File Version: 5.3.2600.5512


x86 Registers

There's more but its REALLY long and not sure if it's important
I need macro help.

When using:

#showtooltip Purify Spirit
/cast [target=mouseover,help] Purify Spirit; [mod: shift, target=player] Purify Spirit;

1, Nothing happens if I have a target without mousing over said target
2. If I do not have a target, I want it to be cast on myself, but again, nothing happens

I also want to have it so that if I do have a target, shift modifier will cast on myself.

what do
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In the 5.2 patch notes it says spells scales with level. Does this mean we get 24 spells? Or does it mean the spells we currently have are increased as if we were 24s?
We do not get new spells (probably). Our abilities will be increased towards 24s damage/hit (probably).
I need macro help.

When using:

[URL=]#showtooltip[/URL]  Purify Spirit
/cast [target=mouseover,help] Purify Spirit; [mod: shift, target=player] Purify Spirit;

1, Nothing happens if I have a target without mousing over said target
2. If I do not have a target, I want it to be cast on myself, but again, nothing happens

I also want to have it so that if I do have a target, shift modifier will cast on myself.

what do
/cast [@mouseover, exists, noharm, help] Roar of Sacrifice
/cast [@player] Roar of Sacrifice

Got about the same with my RoS. If I have a non-hostile target, it is cast on them. If I have a no target, its cast on myself. If i have a mouse-over target, it's cast on them.

Too early in the morning to really think your macro through.
I need macro help.

When using:

#showtooltip Purify Spirit
/cast [target=mouseover,help] Purify Spirit; [mod: shift, target=player] Purify Spirit;

1, Nothing happens if I have a target without mousing over said target
2. If I do not have a target, I want it to be cast on myself, but again, nothing happens

I also want to have it so that if I do have a target, shift modifier will cast on myself.

what do

Try this:
#showtooltip Purify Spirit
/cast [@mouseover, exists, nomod, help] Purify Spirit;[@player, modifier:shift] Purify Spirit; Purify Spirit
I need macro help.

When using:

[URL=]#showtooltip[/URL]  Purify Spirit
/cast [target=mouseover,help] Purify Spirit; [mod: shift, target=player] Purify Spirit;

1, Nothing happens if I have a target without mousing over said target
2. If I do not have a target, I want it to be cast on myself, but again, nothing happens

I also want to have it so that if I do have a target, shift modifier will cast on myself.

what do

#showtooltip Purify Spirit
/cast [@mouseover, help] Purify Spirit; [mod:shift, help] Purify Spirit
/cast [notarget][@player] Purify Spirit

This should work as intended, it casts your despell on your mouseover if it's a friendly target, it casts the despell on your target if it's friendly and you press shift and if you have no target it despells yourself.

You can combine this with purge:

/cast [@mouseover, help] Purify Spirit; [@mouseover, harm] Purge; [mod:shift, help] Purify Spirit; [mod:shift, harm] Purge
/cast [notarget][@player] Purify Spirit; [harm] Flame Shock/Earth Shock (or whatever)

For questions about the tooltip, if you have no target it will show Purify Spirit (and its cooldown), if your target is hostile it will show the Shock (and its cooldown), if you hold shift down and your target is friendly it will show Purify Spirit (and its cooldown), if you hold shift down and your target is hostile it will show Purge, if you have a friendly mouseover it should show Purify Spirit (and its cooldown) or if your target's hostile should show Purge
Anyone recently tried to get Very Light Sabre on an Alliance Warrior that is not Gnome? Seems some of the comments state it's possible...

Pole and I tried, it is NOT possible as a non-gnome. You simply can't take any quests from there as a non-gnome (sharing quests doesn't work)
Hello, I am thinking about getting pure agility set for my rog. Has anyone here tried it? if so, can you link me an armory :D

Crit > everything atm for any dps (ofc in a good relation, but in the case of 1 crit vs 1 Agi I would always go for the crit)
What is F2P? I'm a bit new to the whole twink stuff.

Free to play. Twinking at the restrictions allowed for Trial accounts after blizzardd announced that there wouldnt no longer be a 10-days limit on trial accounts.
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