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So I have decided to try F2P Twinking, it sounds like it has a great community which if I do end up sticking around is what I want & enjoy.

Now the important question, which is a good class at 20? Obviously if you end up vsing a fully geared 24 your character is at a distinct disadvantage. Is there a class which is seen as unequally strong at lvl 20?

TLDR; Which would be the strongest characters at lvl 20?

Druids are incredibly strong atm. Although I dont like their play style nearly as much as in cata, when it actually took some skill to play and there were not many (especially boomys). The bracket is not in need of any more tho atm.

Priests (holy and disc) are both very good, with disc having some incredible bubbles when geared. Prot and holy pallys are really good.
Looking at 5.2 (the notes so far) i have a feeling warriors might actually be good (at low lvls) and reports at 90 are saying that the redesigned TFB is putting out more damage now ( /cry). Rshams are doing well.

But it depends on what you want to be playing. Heals or dps? I chose disc priest in cata because we were healers but had incredible offensive utility. We were the package.

besides lvling to 20 only takes like a couple hrs so lvl whatever appeals to you. You can always lvl another toon to try out.

Edit: forgot to mention rogues, apperently they are super glass cannon and newbz are complaining about getting globaled by them or something.... Havnt had that issue myself.
I get legit scared of good rogues. Bad rogues make me /giggle after they ambush for 1/5th of my health and then don't interrupt the heal.
Hello Twinkinfo community!
Due to me playing other game, I was currently out of news for F2P bracket, but I came back for DMF and Im glad. One thing i noticed, and I hope I am first to tell this (I don't like reposting) - When you stack gold in bank, usually people do it with Eternium Thread - at DMF we can get a new item, called Darkmoon P.I.E, which stacks to 20 at vendor selling price 50, not 15 as Thread does.
I bought a 2 month card from Gamestop today.I go home and put the code in and It doesnt work :|
Why doesnt it upgrade from starter to p2p? Please tell me I dont need to buy the battle chest. ._.
I bought a 2 month card from Gamestop today.I go home and put the code in and It doesnt work :|
Why doesnt it upgrade from starter to p2p? Please tell me I dont need to buy the battle chest. ._.

You do not need to buy the battle chest. In fact, you can try to sell the card to someone else.

Although, assuming that you purchased the card with the intent to play WoW--you need to buy the battle chest. Alternatively you could try to return it and play GW2 instead :p

If you don't want to "ruin" your F2P's, you should use a different account for the battle chest.
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I bought a 2 month card from Gamestop today.I go home and put the code in and It doesnt work :|
Why doesnt it upgrade from starter to p2p? Please tell me I dont need to buy the battle chest. ._.

The battle chest was $5.
And like DV said., make a diff. account for your p2p .
Does getting ambassador take a long time with human? wondering if I should get the title. An you tell me the fastest way of doing it
Does getting ambassador take a long time with human? wondering if I should get the title. An you tell me the fastest way of doing it
Define long? It takes its time. Fastest way is to level up a Paladin which can either heal or tank and queue for dungeons non-stop while wearing the tabards.
Is darkmoon faire required? If I would rather get the darkmoon cloak for transmog will that make no difference?

Thanks :)
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Alright! I am a hunter for the protocol and Sometime ago I was very happy for acquiring the agi and switness potion recipes for my Alchemy which ofc I have combined with Herbalism. Now I'm really thinking of dropping both. I'm losing it- farming agility and fortitude potions is getting on my nerves. I spent few hours farming 2 stacks of both and 2 days later they're almost over. Especially when it's CTA there's a lot of 24s and you just cannot not die more often. Usually I make around 1-5 deaths. But with 24s numbers go up and elixirs burn up quickly and I'll not always have the energy the spent boring hours farming mats. Then What do I do? Here's what I think: Alch+Herb is best for hunters (may be for rogues too, I'm not sure), but only when you have elixirs. +12 agi, +35hp, sometimes swiftness potion (I kinda don't use it. Afterall hunters have posthaste) and may be healing pot. But what's important is those two elixirs. Fine. Agi adds around 1% crit, some Attack Power and little dodge. Extra health always in use in 20-24 bracket, we know this. To be honest it's a bit over than just a "minor bonus", really gives an edge. Herbalism: Well, you must have it, else you shouldn't have Alchemy. Lifeblood is good, but it's healing is just a spit in the ocean. I use it regularly for the past 3 months and to be honest- I don't find the healing effect helpfull at all. Never saved me (Okay, may be once... or twice? lol.) Haste is good. Faster shooting rate which adds up dps, better focus regen for 20 sec (Somebody explain please the relation between haste and focus. How much of the one you need for the other to regen faster and how much exactly... I think it's not something drastic). But... I'm not marksmanship person, I'd rather play survival or beast mastery. And Marks is what benefits the most imo, because of the aimed shot losing half a second cast time if you have all of the other equipment required (Is it really 0,5s or less, I'm 200 jp away from the second haste trinket?). So In this line of thought... I'm not using both the professions in their full potential... even if it's the best choice... in the end of the day if you're not using it the way it should- it's not the best what you're getting. So here's what I'm up for now. Drop both alch and herb and switch them to Mining and Skinning. This way I lose the agi recipe which is kind of rare if I decide to go back. I sacrifice AP from the elixir I won't have anymore but skinning gives about 1,5% crit, which means I'm trading power for crit. Crit is good given the situation, we all know that. And it is passive and that's great! Then again I'm losing the 35hp from fortitude elixir, which is renovated from mining (again- it's passive- cool factor - on:) What else- no more lifeblood- fine with me; no more haste - well, dear haste rating, I'm trading you for the long boring hours of gathering herbs... which again I'm fine with. The situation overall is sort of giving up a damn good looking slut for a constant not bad at all looking wife that never stops loving you. The first offers better BJs but is lazy and may betray you.... while the second will always take care and love you :))))
Whats your thoughts on the matter? I'd like to see opinions before DMF is over so I can win some more tickets :p
R Prime, it takes 2 min to read my post... and what's this about attitude in your sig... hmm? :)

Stamm, who does? :) And I'm almost sure you don't buy scrolls on a f2p- no AH, no trading :S

Ok here's short version of the wall of text: Alch+Herb (1) VS Mining+Skinning (2) (for Hunters) ?

Vote: 1 or 2
if were talking about enchanting scrolls u can buy em for 8 silvers at inscription vendor or enchanting vendor or make em with inscription.
@divo , I was also a big fan of mining and skinning when f2p first came out. Infact on all of my healers I still always run mining,

On my hunter I eventually swapped herbalism and skinning.And used scrolls. Horde has more advantages due to scroll of agility rank II (5 agility)sellable, while alliance has to track all the way to desolace, as the only alliance vendor for the agil II is there, but you can always use the 3 agil scroll(rank I)

You choose 24/7 3 stam 1.crit and probably 3 agil 3 stam vs 12 agility and every 2 minutes 15 haste and a minor heal
Is the dread pirate ring superior to Legionarre's band if I'm drastically over hit cap(my hit rating is 24)On the side note should I swap ou Hogger's trousers for smelting pants because of my hit being that big
How much hit rating would you need to make all your spells hit a 24 as a f2p caster? What about auto attacks and abilities as a one-hand f2p like protection warrior?
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