Feral has more burst, like 1k Fero Bites etc, but balance have more dmg cause they can do dmg on multiple targets at a time since they can do ranged dps, and they have way better off-heals than feral.How is feral vs balance at level 20? Which does more damage? Thanks
hunters can't do shit against healersi've noticed a lot more gy farming. maybe b/c it so easy to do on a hunter. and yeah, the class a person plays can affect how they play. if i were driving a sports car, i'd be more likely to drive recklessly than if i were driving a station wagon.
hunters can't do shit against healers
Does it matter? The same people gy farmed on their healers after MoP came out.. I'm not sure if you're trying to troll or asking a serious question but people need to realize the class a person plays doesn't describe the actions they will take while playing it
Sure they can. And surprisingly, the healer people complained about most (Resto Druid) is the one that's easiest to poop on...
I can't see how healers, seing as healing is still OP, could be beaten by a none healing, none interrupting class...
I want to start on a new EU-Server with some alternative options like Arena, world pvp, higher Dungeons and so on. So all in all I am looking for a server with a constant and active community.
I actually read, that Destromath (Horde) and Aggramar (Idk which faction) are well populated by f2p players, is that right? If it is which of them would you suggest me or is there any better option for me?
Oh and maybe you could also tell me whether lock or mage is atm better to play, depending mobility, surviving and dps.
Ok thanks dude!![]()
What is the class you need most at Twisting Nether?
I could play lock, hunter, rouge
@ hunters, I am wondering what's the maximum crit chance? I've been thinking if 33,4% is possible because that would mean every third hit is a crit. Sure it will mean a lot of agi and sta sacrifices... but it might be good. Has anyone tried yet?
@ hunters, I am wondering what's the maximum crit chance? I've been thinking if 33,4% is possible because that would mean every third hit is a crit. Sure it will mean a lot of agi and sta sacrifices... but it might be good. Has anyone tried yet?
You're more than welcome to play any class you enjoy.
But if by "which class you need?" you mean "which class do you lack?" then that's warlock. We have very few of them here.
@ hunters, I am wondering what's the maximum crit chance? I've been thinking if 33,4% is possible because that would mean every third hit is a crit. Sure it will mean a lot of agi and sta sacrifices... but it might be good. Has anyone tried yet?
goesid, that doesnt answer my question.