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I thought I read somewhere that rogue poisons no longer count as temporary enchants (so rogues can also use stones). is that correct?

edit nevermind: i think i figured it out...its no longer a consumable, poisons are spells

editedit: wait, so is Flametongue still considered a temporary enchant?

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I thought I read somewhere that rogue poisons no longer count as temporary enchants (so rogues can also use stones). is that correct?

edit nevermind: i think i figured it out...its no longer a consumable, poisons are spells

editedit: wait, so is Flametongue still considered a temporary enchant?

if poisons are spells, flametounge is aswel.
if poisons are spells, flametounge is aswel.
well, you'd think that makes sense...but things don't always follow common sense.

flametongue has always been a spell...historically the problem was that it also counted as a temp enchant. poisons used to be items you'd purchase and they counted as temp. enchants. poisons are NOW spells and i don't believe they count as enchants...just wondering if someone has tried.

If you are paying for WoW and cancel your subscription, does your account downgrade to a trial account or can you not play on it until you pay again?

I was thinking of putting on some good gear on a 20 and canceling my sub, which I guess is a longshot. Anyone know how it works?
If you are paying for WoW and cancel your subscription, does your account downgrade to a trial account or can you not play on it until you pay again?

I was thinking of putting on some good gear on a 20 and canceling my sub, which I guess is a longshot. Anyone know how it works?
Once P2P, forever P2P.
I didnt think I would ask this but how is the trinket/agm better over AGM/AGM in a 10vs10 WSG I cannot think of any situation, could someone please elaborate on this matter.Specifically when a half of the team consists of rogues/paladins. A blood elf paladin can HoJ/Avengers AND arcane torrent or a tauren paladin can warstomp,which is the reason I find many alliance racials rather lackluster compared to ''teamwork oriented'' horde racials

I have no idea how drs work now since I was feared,HoJd, avengers and belf silence and then fear came off a CD on me again all in 1 CC chain(I did have a friendly healer , the only reason I survived). Could someone elaborate, a AGM gives me more %hp with a battlestandard aswell.
I didnt think I would ask this but how is the trinket/agm better over AGM/AGM in a 10vs10 WSG I cannot think of any situation, could someone please elaborate on this matter.Specifically when a half of the team consists of rogues/paladins. A blood elf paladin can HoJ/Avengers AND arcane torrent or a tauren paladin can warstomp,which is the reason I find many alliance racials rather lackluster compared to ''teamwork oriented'' horde racials

I have no idea how drs work now since I was feared,HoJd, avengers and belf silence and then fear came off a CD on me again all in 1 CC chain(I did have a friendly healer , the only reason I survived). Could someone elaborate, a AGM gives me more %hp with a battlestandard aswell.
You say it yourself. That combo from Paladins will put you in such a disadvantage that you'll mostly die in that combo (or anyone else on your team). If you got your trinket up and going, the amount of CC on you, is reduced in such a matter, you mostly won't die (or others won't die) in this period of being CC'd.
Resil > stam. same reason i use loom pads over MM.

Inb4 ur not up for the farm i do have em.
Yes, you can use poison and sharpen stone, see top right cornor of screenshot

View attachment 1050

well, you'd think that makes sense...but things don't always follow common sense.

flametongue has always been a spell...historically the problem was that it also counted as a temp enchant. poisons used to be items you'd purchase and they counted as temp. enchants. poisons are NOW spells and i don't believe they count as enchants...just wondering if someone has tried.



  • WoWScrnShot_010913_000357.jpg
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You can indeed, but regarding any uncertainty on Shaman: Flametongue is counted as a temporary enchant and you cannot apply any other temporary enchant next to it, so e.g. no Minor Wizard Oil plus Flametongue. Wish it had been adapted while in the process of rogue changes, would be more logical...
You can indeed, but regarding any uncertainty on Shaman: Flametongue is counted as a temporary enchant and you cannot apply any other temporary enchant next to it, so e.g. no Minor Wizard Oil plus Flametongue. Wish it had been adapted while in the process of rogue changes, would be more logical...
You say it yourself. That combo from Paladins will put you in such a disadvantage that you'll mostly die in that combo (or anyone else on your team). If you got your trinket up and going, the amount of CC on you, is reduced in such a matter, you mostly won't die (or others won't die) in this period of being CC'd.

I have always thought the insignia rather ''resets'' the CC chain timer after you trinket out of something, instead of reducing it, could someone explain to me then how does the insignia reduce the CC timer
Resil > stam. same reason i use loom pads over MM.


I do not think you can stack enough resilience in this bracket if only 5 reslience was actually 5 resilience @20 instead of like 1.1%, while it most certanly helps and I use the resilience hammer, but how is MM worser than the Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders - Game Guide - World of Warcraft .I still think MM is BiS
I have always thought the insignia rather ''resets'' the CC chain timer after you trinket out of something, instead of reducing it, could someone explain to me then how does the insignia reduce the CC timer

I do not think you can stack enough resilience in this bracket if only 5 reslience was actually 5 resilience @20 instead of like 1.1%, while it most certanly helps and I use the resilience hammer, but how is MM worser than the Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders - Game Guide - World of Warcraft .I still think MM is BiS
When you trinket a HoJ (6 second stun) in the initial second, you win 5 seconds not being CC'd in total. Its different with for example a Sheep or a Fear, because they can easily be recast offcourse.

Oh, and effective health.
When you trinket a HoJ (6 second stun) in the initial second, you win 5 seconds not being CC'd in total. Its different with for example a Sheep or a Fear, because they can easily be recast offcourse.

Oh, and effective health.

Ok ill have to explain more throughtfuly and outline it. This is bgs,not arenas with 2vs2 or 1vs1. 10vs10. CC is INFINITE,you can be CCd indefintely. Try yourself. You can be HoJ, avengers,kicked,Feared 3 times and then torrented. Thats when fear comes off the CD again afterwards and the cycle repeats itself. There is nothing you can do but STACK AS MUCH HP as possible and hopefully try to survive it.

Armor also does not matter,what is there to not understand unless you are a paladin or a prot warrior who wears plate and mail, other classes cannot stack enough of it because the only melee classes aka rogues and monks IGNORE 3/4s armor unlike cata(forget warriors) and most of other damaging spells are from some arcane/shadow/whatever school and for most part cannot be dodged/resisted or avoided. Only life matters.No amounts of trinkets can save you.
If you are paying for WoW and cancel your subscription, does your account downgrade to a trial account or can you not play on it until you pay again?

I was thinking of putting on some good gear on a 20 and canceling my sub, which I guess is a longshot. Anyone know how it works?
No, you can't downgrade.

Ok ill have to explain more throughtfuly and outline it. This is bgs,not arenas with 2vs2 or 1vs1. 10vs10. CC is INFINITE,you can be CCd indefintely. Try yourself. You can be HoJ, avengers,kicked,Feared 3 times and then torrented. Thats when fear comes off the CD again afterwards and the cycle repeats itself. There is nothing you can do but STACK AS MUCH HP as possible and hopefully try to survive it.

Armor also does not matter,what is there to not understand unless you are a paladin or a prot warrior who wears plate and mail, other classes cannot stack enough of it because the only melee classes aka rogues and monks IGNORE 3/4s armor unlike cata(forget warriors) and most of other damaging spells are from some arcane/shadow/whatever school and for most part cannot be dodged/resisted or avoided. Only life matters.No amounts of trinkets can save you.
First of all, with this 'infinite' amount of CC, you would be dead no matter how much sta/resi you stacked.
Secondly I have never tried to even get freared twice in a row as a healer, the CC you are talking about, simply won't happen. It would never happen in any pug and even in 10v10 wargames, you won't experience this kind of coordinated CC.

Usually you get a HoJ + silence/stun from a pally, a single fear/sheep from a lock/mage, and this is where the insignia comes in handy.

And furthermore if you have the resilience insignia it is better even if the infinite chain of CC were to happen. The resilience, even if it is only 1.1%, would grant you better surviveability than 120hp. Esepcially if you have a healer healing you.
How is feral vs balance at level 20? Which does more damage? Thanks
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