Questions & Answers


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I got 2 questions:
1) When did they take most of the healing out of lifeblood? It's just one little burp of a heal with 20 sec of haste buff.
2) Do combo points on a target persist through the death of the target? I swear I killed this dude on my druid and the next time I saw him he had the same two combo points that I thought he died with. I don't think it was a soulstone.
Lifeblood was changed when cata hit, and combo points persist for a short time after someone dies.
I'll confirm combo points do persist on my rogue, but not while they're dead. When they rez, the combo points will usually return if you haven't hit any other targets.

More interesting is how combo points work for druids. I played a druid a little bit a few months ago so I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right, but I think if you get out of cat form before you die, you can preserve your combo points for the next time you go in cat form after you rez. Can anyone confirm/deny?
how do i multibox
hey just seen a guy do it he say its easy how do i multibox in bgs help plz so i can 1shot ppl everywere i go and make them ragequit so i can be pro
If you are on an eastern standard server like myself, then the tourny will start at 5:00 pm server time. Central servers will start at 4:00, and pacific will start at 2:00 server as lofi already mentioned.
Do you know if the changed times have affected EU too?
Which is better For a Feral druid? Riot Stick or the eyepatch.Alliance AP were arguring about which was a better choice and most of them were leaning towards Riot Stick. Can anyone Tell me what to choose ? Thanks in Advance.
Eyepatch, since you can get loom staff/mace instead of Riot.
Is it possible to change my forum name? Hairy is dummmb
I don't think it is, not even by PM'ing shane. He posted some while back that it was intentioned for members to do so.
Sorry I'll rephrase & list my questions, I'm not exactly sure what your 'yes' is responding too.

- Benefits of F2P account (aside from no cost)
- Is there any disadvantage of using a P2P account & just turning off xp gains when you reach your desired level
- Will F2P players who hit level 20 play against xp off characters or the total player pool
- On Aerial Peak is the 19 bracket or the 20-24 bracket busiest
- Can you have both Alliance & Horde characters on a PvP server

Thank you!
- You have the chance of wining about every lost game, mainly cause of 24's. There a great communities both on the US and EU. Active bracket, though if you go p2p and make a 20-24 twink you'll experience the same. And it is more of a challenge, which for some equals more fun.
- Well it's less of a challenge, but nothing else I guess, except from cost.
- Xp off players, which is like 70-80% f2p's and 20-30% 24's, and some p2p 20's.
- The 20 bracket by far. I think Bleeding Hollow or Laughing Skull is the largest 19 community in the US.
- Yes.

I got 2 questions:
1) When did they take most of the healing out of lifeblood? It's just one little burp of a heal with 20 sec of haste buff.
2) Do combo points on a target persist through the death of the target? I swear I killed this dude on my druid and the next time I saw him he had the same two combo points that I thought he died with. I don't think it was a soulstone.
1. In Burning Crusade / WotLK it was a HoT you could cast on yourself healing like 700 or so, it was changed in Cata, and is now a minor heal and a 20 haste buff as you mentioned.
2. They do stay for a while, which allow rogues to cast Recuperate and ferals to cast their dps buff.
Should I get the boa staff for feral? Im horde

The mace is nice but either or will work fine. The fire resist won't really matter all too much. Mages are pretty rare in the bracket and even then the ones you run into likely won't be fire. The occasional survival hunter probably won't be too much either, considering explosive shot doesn't have much firepower as its cata counterpart.

I would say go with either, they're both good.
Why is it that when I bg, I always get chased around the field by one specific person. I feel very..targeted

because people assume locks are terribad and free kills when they are really just making themselves look silly chasing around a person who chooses a class this bracket could use more of
A couple more questions:

Is it possible to have a P2P account & a F2P account under the one account?

What do I need to do to be able to create a Death Knight & Monk classes on the F2P account?

Thank you!
A couple more questions:

Is it possible to have a P2P account & a F2P account under the one account?

What do I need to do to be able to create a Death Knight & Monk classes on the F2P account?

Thank you!

1) Yes, you can have a f2p WoW account linked to your p2p WoW account. They will be under the same account, and you will use the same login and password to log into both. There is just a little popup where you choose which WoW account to use at login.

If you already have a p2p, adding a f2p account is easy. On the account tab of your page, you can create one starter edition account that will be automatically linked to your p2p account. To link a new p2p account to an existing f2p account requires a phone call to Blizzard Billing Support @ 1-800-59-BLIZZARD.

2a) As a f2p, you cannot create a Monk. You need to have upgraded to MoP to play a monk, and your f2p account is not upgraded. If you upgrade it to MoP, it is no longer a f2p account.

2b) You cannot, anymore, create Death Knights on f2p accounts. For a while there was an undocumented feature where one could make a DK on a certain server, unlocking the ability to make DKs on that account. This feature has been (partially) removed from the game. If you were not able to take advantage of that opportunity to make a DK on said realm before they removed that feature, you will not be able to make DKs in the future. The DKs made in this way were one-time-use only, as soon as you logged out, that character was locked, and unplayable.

Not a big deal really since you can't play lvl 55 DKs (mimimum level for a DK) in the f2p 20-24 bracket.

TL;DR: F2ps can't make Monks or Death Knights. To link accounts, call 1-800-59-BLIZZARD.

p.s. Be super-nice to the people on the phone.
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Why is it that when I bg, I always get chased around the field by one specific person. I feel very..targeted

I always kinda wondered if you saw someone on the other team you recognized from the boards if you go after them harder to see if they are good or if you should stick to the BG objectives. I try to play objectively but I have had my lapses.

BTW, thanks for the answers to my questions. Appreciate the learning.
Is their a way to figure out if a toon is someones alt besides the paid guildox service?

You mean like this?

So I have decided to try F2P Twinking, it sounds like it has a great community which if I do end up sticking around is what I want & enjoy.

Now the important question, which is a good class at 20? Obviously if you end up vsing a fully geared 24 your character is at a distinct disadvantage. Is there a class which is seen as unequally strong at lvl 20?

TLDR; Which would be the strongest characters at lvl 20?
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