Actually your math is quite a bit off there. The calculations I made clearly establish that ration is exactly 117.24. Did you factor in nominal variance?
Hahha, you're right it would have been funny if I had said "give me the exact precise number". That's probably why I didn't. A rough estimation would have been fine. But I think you have stumbled on to a great idea here..making fun of things that people *didn't* say!! Why be limited to reality when you're mocking others?
The reason I liked Fuji's post was the coincidence on #42
It's roughly 118. Originally 42 had crossed my mind, as a rough conversion to stamina at abouts 21:1, but when i considered damage that ignores armor (most specifically sub rogues and spells) and stacks which your int is unaffected by, considered the meta in which I play where this sorts of damage and stacks are involved in 4/5 runs,, yada yada, multiplied, adjusted, and got roughly 118.
No BS that actually went on in my head. The reason I liked Fuji's post was the coincidence on #42.
So don't be a meany jerk
Yes, you're mocking me, and it's ME who's being the "meany jerk" that just makes so much sense. Did you smoke a lot of weed before you wrote that?
Well you can continue to satire the legitimate question of a random person all you want but the fact remains and that perhaps your just not intelligent enough to understand, that there IS an approximation for this.. whether you realize it or not .. whether you like it or not. If ,even a r druid, was offered 1000 armor for a reduction of only 1 intell there is absolutely no doubt that it would be worth it. If it was 1 armor for 1 intel there is absolutely no doubt that it would not be worth it. So no, it's not going to be the square root of pi or the ultimate answer to the meaning of life or anything stupid like you guys are coming up with, but there IS an approximate number.
K, if you can't take a persons question seriously then I'm done talking to you. Have a nice day.
Only on a healing spec, and maybe on an ele shaman.can u hit cap against 24 spell on a horde cloth caster?
can u hit cap against 24 spell on a horde cloth caster?
was wondering this if so please post magelo or something
can u hit cap against 24 spell on a horde cloth caster?
ap doesWhich Realm has More Activity on Alliance,Vashj or Ap?
Are there any pressing things that need to be done for the Christmas/Holidays event? Like, if I don't do my dailies will I not be able to get x item or x achievement?