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His mage got it. :)

No guarantees where WBFH is concerned, sadly, just as with LFH.


But this raises a question: I've noticed that dungeon drops tend to repeat. For instance (sry, pun), running SFK and Butcher's Cleaver drops? It'll probably drop again if you run SFK again right away.

I use this to my advantage when farming gear and DMF drops. Sometimes I'll have to run an instance two more times to get Imbued Crystal or whatever.

So maybe Bag of (usually crappy) Shinny Things is like this? I doubt it, but maybe.
Foreman's gloves dropped 2x in a row for me when I was farming foreman's legs on my warrior. Swiftness potion dropped 3 times in the same day on another toon.

Seems legit. (or does it?)

But this raises a question: I've noticed that dungeon drops tend to repeat. For instance (sry, pun), running SFK and Butcher's Cleaver drops? It'll probably drop again if you run SFK again right away.

I use this to my advantage when farming gear and DMF drops. Sometimes I'll have to run an instance two more times to get Imbued Crystal or whatever.

So maybe Bag of (usually crappy) Shinny Things is like this? I doubt it, but maybe.

On my first twink years ago I must have done 40 runs of deadmines in a row, and all the drops off the last boss came in groups of 4 or 5 before changing to something else (I wasn't paying attention to any of the others, because I didn't need them). Every time I've repeatedly boosted characters since I've noticed the same thing happening to some extent, although the changes don't happen at the same times on different bosses (multiboxing 5 accounts, and having twinks of most classes in 2 brackets I did a lot of boosting). Basically if a boss has a lot of different drops, you could be running the dungeon a lot until it's time for the one you want to drop. I wouldn't put it past Bliz to have done this on purpose to make it harder to farm items, and the 'random' drops actually cycle based on the time of day (although not necessarily at the same times each day).
Stays f2p till you pay for mem.pretty sure u can havr p2p mounts on f2p so should be the same.
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Anybody knows what happens to a F2P/Trial account if one were to purchase a paid pet? Does the account remain playable as F2P or does it change the status in someway?


You may encounter issues redeeming and/or retrieving the pet.

The latest one comes via mailbox.
Not sad, if you like playing bgs for fun the rest of the time. You'll make your honor, and then some, over time. CTA brings out all the douchtards and bads. It might be the worst time, for people that get easily frustraded, to play.
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Hello again!
Today I want to ask 2 more questions:
Question nr. 1 - What f2p's can do at 10 days free Mists of Pandaria? Any achieves / gear / pets? Also, will we still be trial after using pandaria 10 days?
Question nr. 2 - I can't find armories of many of you, is this possible that wow armory shows only EU for me? For example I couldn't find Rhaelia or Kale.
Hello again!
Today I want to ask 2 more questions:
Question nr. 1 - What f2p's can do at 10 days free Mists of Pandaria? Any achieves / gear / pets? Also, will we still be trial after using pandaria 10 days?
Question nr. 2 - I can't find armories of many of you, is this possible that wow armory shows only EU for me? For example I couldn't find Rhaelia or Kale.

Kale @ Dreadmaul - Community - World of Warcraft
Rhaellia @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
You can only use the 10 free days on an upgraded account, not on a Starter Account. If the upgraded account is linked to your F2P you will share any account wide mounts, pets and titles you'd get in the 10 days / hadn't unlocked / shared by logging in before. If you dual-box, one of your P2P characters could assist any of your F2Ps, like running through dungeons for easier gearing or buffing your characters during STV fishing.
Could this be stickied? This is by far the most helpful thread (ongoing) that this bracket has and if it was in the very front like lofi's rankings or yas's macros i think it would help stop alot of these very simple threads asking questions. It would clear up the pages and possibly stop some un-needed threads and would be able to be found and answered quicker for the people trying to help.

WTB sticky
Conflict! Sticking own thread feels conceited. ^^
I added a poll. If more people vote yes in a few days, I will stick it. :)
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