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Hey everyone I'm new here...

I've been doing F2P twink for about 5 months now,but I still have a few questions.

1.What's the best spec for a rouge and can someone tell me a good rotaion for it?

I've been going subtlety since mist came out.I've noticed that my ambush hits for about 170 on mail classes,230-320 on leather and 340-370 on clothies.After that I spam hemorhage until I have 5 combo points to use either Eviscerate or Slice and Dice(Hemo does like 70-120 dmg kinda low if you ask me :/) Is that normal or should it do better?

2.Does anyone have any problems farming AGM's?

I got 4/12 in the last few days.Since the Crz was introduced many ally douchebags from Silvermoon and other realms gank me and take those trinkets.How do you deal with it?
Hey everyone I'm new here...

I've been doing F2P twink for about 5 months now,but I still have a few questions.

1.What's the best spec for a rouge and can someone tell me a good rotaion for it?

I've been going subtlety since mist came out.I've noticed that my ambush hits for about 170 on mail classes,230-320 on leather and 340-370 on clothies.After that I spam hemorhage until I have 5 combo points to use either Eviscerate or Slice and Dice(Hemo does like 70-120 dmg kinda low if you ask me :/) Is that normal or should it do better?

2.Does anyone have any problems farming AGM's?

I got 4/12 in the last few days.Since the Crz was introduced many ally douchebags from Silvermoon and other realms gank me and take those trinkets.How do you deal with it?

1. Subelty

2. Got mine today, had help from friendly 90s with f2p addon tho but collected a few on my own (took me 18 days.) this was on a medium populated sercer.
Sap has the same duration as the time it takes to open the chest, so you might get lucky if there's only 1 enemy and if you're quick
To make an armory link in TI:

1. Go to World of Warcraft.
2. Search for the character (you can sort list by realm or level to make it finding it faster).
3. The default is a simple layout, but if you want to show more info click on "Advanced".
4. Once on the desired character page, copy the contents of your browser's address bar to your clipboard (or whatever the hell the kids are calling it these days).
5. To make a link like the one in my signature. I typed the word "SUPERVILLAIN" selected it, made it bold, changed the font, changed the color, and then (making sure my name was the only thing selected) clicked on the the little Globe icon on the TI word processor bar (it has a little thing that looks like a popcan opener on it, but it's supposed to be a chain link).
6. Paste the link you copied into the dialog box.

That should do it. If you want it in your TI signature, go to Edit Signature in the Settings menu.

Quoted from a prior post. I don't currently have a signature, but others do.
Are priests considered OP atm?
Since the nerf to penance damage and psy fiend hp and cast time, I can't say lvl 20 priests are that OP.

Dom Mind cast time in 5.2 concerns me, but that we'll just have to wait and see.
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