the F2P PvEr
Gear scaling makes random world drops sometimes better than previous BiS ones, role ques for BGs make them more balanced. 5.3 is so far, so good.
Explain me 5.3 changes please. In short. Real short. But again not that short. I know what you all would come up with!![]()
this patch lets ppl play what they like, not what's op, and still be viable
Explain me 5.3 changes please. In short. Real short. But again not that short. I know what you all would come up with!![]()
Feels like a good mix of cata and mop, very fun so far. Hit fixed, healers and damage is at a good balance, arcane explosion is actually good for dmg (40% buff), lightning bolt on the move (speedpots lol). 20s are closer to 24s than than they ever were, 24s who aren't bis fall behind f2p stats w scaling. More rets and enh are coming out of their caves, this patch lets ppl play what they like, not what's op, and still be viable
So if I can summarize:As kibbies said but somethings to add.Healers are now killable. The role selection thing seems to have varried effects but matches up games decently. People already abusing the role section queuing as prot while being a healer. Alot more possible BiS items thanks to scaling. Alot of old timers are coming bk or have come back to test it out. For alot of classes (healers, hunts, rogues, wars) it does feel like a middle ground from cata to mop and seems pretty fun atm. Hunts and eles (I called it!) will be the new fotm and alot of stuff will die.
Overall I'd say it's a nice middle ground from cata and mop and I am very impressed by blizz's mistake of a fix lol
I need help with my macros.
With lightning bolt on the move i just updated all my macros with /stopcasting.
Now that i'm a kind of button masher i have a problem with healing surge.
With /stopcasting i find myself mashing it the 2nd time to stop casting healing surge and beginning to cast it again.
Without /stopcasting it will fininsh the lightning bolt and then cast healing surge. But that is too late sometimes.
Is there some kind of modification that can help me? Or do i just have to be more patient with using healing surge?
and I have to press it twice but it works fine./stopcasting
/cast healing surge
fury war!Is BG pugging as mage the most masocistic thing I can do is is there something worse?
Since I have the eyepatch on my feral and thus cannot get BIS, should I just focus on a utility build? I'll have enough DMF tickets for shoulders and chest next time it comes. Should I go resto with mostly feral gear? Or stick with feral with GSOJ and the caster chest and shoulders? Or is it not a big deal and should I just stick with the agility heirlooms? My tiny rejuv ticks can't heal through crap. GSOJ more than doubles my spell power.
Basically i can be sub-optimal Glass cannon or utility, which is suboptimal by definition. I don't want to reroll. Help please.