QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

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You rerolled to Aggramar-EU? Can't exactly remember your name but you asked me (Ranze da Mage) if it looks good :)

Edit: What I DO now it was something with 'Mia' at the start ;) Miawali or something :eek:
Mialawl !
I'm making the Scouting (Black leather) transmog set and do you think those Cloaked Shoulderpads - Item - World of Warcraft are obtainable?
Somebody, in the comments, said it takes 5 months to up inscription to 125 (is it possible? Im not sure because when I had maxed a primary profession and then completed a darkmoon quest which rewards +skill to that profession, it actually didn't!). (F2P)

Somebody trolled you or didn't quite understand your question :/

Cloaked Shoulderpads isn't available to f2ps because we can't get inscription over 100 while the requirements for Strange Tarot (which is the item that grants Swords Deck) is 125
I'm making the Scouting (Black leather) transmog set and do you think those Cloaked Shoulderpads - Item - World of Warcraft are obtainable?
Somebody, in the comments, said it takes 5 months to up inscription to 125 (is it possible? Im not sure because when I had maxed a primary profession and then completed a darkmoon quest which rewards +skill to that profession, it actually didn't!). (F2P)

some things are worth not being BiS. Form over function imo.

^^ Your answer's right here. Scouting Spaulders - Item - World of Warcraft BiS :D
i want to do 2s and 3s hardcore arena with 20s where would i go? and what faction?

If you want to do 'hardcore arenas' (which needs a personal definition btw) you can always come to Aggramar-EU! We are a friendly and big community consisting of f2ps and p2ps - on peak times we have 20+ people online so you can almost daily find someone to do arenas with you! Hope to see you there soon! :)
How do you guys have fun doing BGs?

Like, every BG is either 3-5 24's, 5 resto druids or 5 prot paladins (I'm exaggerating here, obviously). The good games seem to be quickly outweighed by the bad ones.
How do you guys have fun doing BGs?

I know you are Kitemonster@Aggramar-EU through the "show your UI"-thread so I could talk to you personally, but let's state my opinion to a wider audience:

If you want more balanced bgs (esp against those 24s, the rdruid-rerolls and the prot-rerolls) all you have to do is premade - as simple as that! I know a lot of players don't have that option because they play on low-populated realms but you are on Aggramar where it's most likely to be a p2p to group and at least 1-2 ppl willing to do premades with you (*wink*) on peak-times :)

The perks of being in a premade are:
1) Mostly skilled (maybe not geared but skill > gear anyway) people who play on objective who will also support you if you're in a pinch
2) If you don't have like 5 24s 3 rdruids and 2 prots against you, you mostly win (so the gearing up process is way easier, ESPECIALLY when cta hits - I can surely function as an example: I got 2 1/2 looms on last wsg-cta just doing premades and maybe 1-2 pug(s)) and
3) Just generally having more enjoyable fights because you feel like you actually had a chance and just lost because of bad luck (by bad luck i don't mean getting 24s as opponents but rather not getting that crit at the right time to down the efc etc etc) and because the people you play with are just so damn nice to play with that you don't care losing.

That's what i love the most about this community - big shoutout to Celestys, Kraud, Alpha and the other nubcakes :>

I may sound like a douche saying this, but pugs aren't worth my time anymore since MoP hit (and since I rerolled to Aggramar for exactly that reason lol) so you either see me rolling around in premades, rolling around in arenas or rolling around in f2pchat because I iz funny!

I seriously hope we can somehow get you to enjoy playing in this bracket more on this realm and I hope you still keep logging in frequently because I saw that you know what to do as a BM hunter :)

To wrap this up: If anyone is looking for a nice community on EU realms to do premades, arenas or just generally to enjoy this bracket more, feel free to reroll to Aggramar-EU, we will welcome you with open arms :)
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Does the detect lesser invisibility buff from the day of the dead flowers help you with seeing rogues in bg's?
Does the detect lesser invisibility buff from the day of the dead flowers help you with seeing rogues in bg's?

No it doesn't, it only works for ghosts near graveyards, and even if it would detect rogues it only works for 1 day anyway.
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yo tinkers is there any downside for us rogues to switch weapon in combat?

define "downside"

there IS a gcd reset for every class once you equip/exchance a weapon during combat (so every class has to wait 1.5sec (excluding haste and latency) before being able to cast another spell where rogues and ferals have to wait 1sec (excluding haste and latency again) before being able to use any abilities after equipping/exchanging weapons)
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