QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

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Okay, thanks! I did few runs in Deadmines and Ragefire Chasm before posting with no luck. But that's okay, I am also going for the Ambassador title so I'll do what you said and continue with RFC runs.
WT is joining your bracket guys. You guys are so screwed. Once all their toons are geared up you will be getting GY farmed day in and day out. Not GY contained. GY Farmed. Gonna be worse than the 15-19 bracket cause they will be 24s and you will be 20s
WT is joining your bracket guys. You guys are so screwed. Once all their toons are geared up you will be getting GY farmed day in and day out. Not GY contained. GY Farmed. Gonna be worse than the 15-19 bracket cause they will be 24s and you will be 20s

Holydins.. Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce.

My question is: Why are they a ranged/melee/healing/CC/mobility class?
Holydins.. Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce.

My question is: Why are they a ranged/melee/healing/CC/mobility class?

Cause dey is da bestest class eveerrer!!!
Which race is better for Shaman, Draenei or Pandaren?

I want to make one on AP but can't decide which is better. I plan on being Ele. I also plan on not being a Dwarf. Yes, I checked the guide before asking. It says both are good, but which is better?
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Which race is better for Shaman, Draenei or Pandaren?

I want to make one on AP but can't decide which is better. I plan on being Ele. I also plan on not being a Dwarf. Yes, I checked the guide before asking. It says both are good, but which is better?

Id pick panda. food buffs are pretty awesome and the stun for more cc.

you can pretty much hit cap with the food buffs :p
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Panda has 2x well fed, so it doubles the hit given from spirit, as well as the stam and spirit itself. Draenei has 1% more hit, but you will be pretty easily hit capped anyways; also has a 20% hp HoT, which I find useful as any racial.

Pick w/e one you like. IMO dwarf>panda>dranei for ele shaman.
Not a big deal if some horrid 19 guild comes to our bracket (I judge that they are horrid based on the fact that they are coming into our bracket). The US folks can just switch to Euro and join us on Aggramar!
Holydins.. Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, Denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce.

My question is: Why are they a ranged/melee/healing/CC/mobility class?

Because Blizzard loves Paladins - anyone who hasn't realized by now is pretty slowpoke (just look at Cata end-game PvP...) and it's not even holypalas specifically, Prot is op atm too (sure, Ret kinda sucks atm, but it didn't in Cata)

Another theory would be to make up a paladins 'unnecessaryness' in vanilla, but I'd say "6/7 years later you make them the most op class? That won't make anything better!"

Seriously Blizzard: Denounce is the only offensive spell that has a 1.5sec cast time (that I know of at least) as that is the time a gcd takes, can be cast into any direction which is usually only applied to healing spells, so you can't even LoS them like let's say an Aimed Shot-casting MM hunter by simply walking behind him shortly before he gets it off and YET it hits as much as my (almost) BiS-geared frost mage's frostbolt and THEN even makes the target unable to crit for 4sec (where you can just keep spamming Denounce so you won't ever get crit, because rogue's and feral's damage doesn't depend on crit *sarcasm*)
My personal Vendetta is to keep Denounceadins™ (my creation) sheeped and/or cc'd at ALL TIMES.

I have a lot of conversations with a friend (he's a holypala btw, but he was one when they weren't THAT op) about hpalies and let me tell you what: he thinks they're op too and doesn't play them that much :)
Because Blizzard loves Paladins - anyone who hasn't realized by now is pretty slowpoke (just look at Cata end-game PvP...)
You mean how they made it so that you could dispell all of their burst, and made them one of the most easily kiteable melee (iirc combat rogues get the #1 worst mobility at 85)
Seriously Blizzard: Denounce is the only offensive spell that has a 1.5sec cast time (that I know of at least) as that is the time a gcd takes, can be cast into any direction which is usually only applied to healing spells, so you can't even LoS them
Scorch, but I get your point.
I have a lot of conversations with a friend (he's a holypala btw, but he was one when they weren't THAT op) about hpalies and let me tell you what: he thinks they're op too and doesn't play them that much :)
Relative to other classes they were this op in his bracket during cata.
Smite is 1.5 second cast, and Denounce doesn't shoot in all directions like healing spells, but it is really annoying.
[03.11.12 22:20:28] Ydewing: i think I am looking forward to Waw Tawent at 24
[03.11.12 22:20:45] Ydewing: I won't be able to stop laughing when I see them in BGs

I am prepared:

Are you prepared?
Well I think they might still reconsider as I feel several of their members would dislike losing the last "at least you respect us because of our skills" card.

And if they do level up, we don't really care. ^^ Also Silin and some others seem nice so I might even create a /hug macro.
Everyone go on the previous page and like this! xD only 8994 likes left for that 9k mark hehe

Everything but the flying birds give rep until exalted. I just did it with my 70 pally and got as much offerings as I could.
6 dusts>1 shadow>10 offerings>1 mini boss>10 offerings>1 mini boss>1 shadow>10 offerings>1 mini boss>10 offerings>1 mini boss>main boss is how it went for me. In that span I got around 2k rep in half an hour

I thought the same when I started seeing a couple well known 19s in this and the 24s bracket but was hoping it wasn't true :/ For the sake of all the F2Ps lets hope it's just a rumor or else we're about to face alot more gy farming crutching 24s.

So because everyone can do it means it isn't cheating? A tun jump doesn't stop you from being able to hit efc. It is in the los somewhere from the outside of the tun. The wall exploit is something that isn't meant to be there and anything that can auto death you shouldn't be there. I'm assuming your opinion is based because Izac showed you the wall hack while you still don't know the tun jumps


I taught izac the wall jump and I know both tun jumps. What are you smoking?
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