If you want to stay melee I'd go WW monk
Never a better time to go f2p, though I can't understand why you wouldn't want to link. You get access all your hard earned mounts and stuff, without having to rent them from blizzard. But if you want to do it all over again the hard way, I guess I could see that.Decided to go full F2P, and start a trial on a non linked account.
Should be fun, but what to roll? I know Warrior is good, but I'm sooo burned out of warrior.
Seen another way though, we got used to how overly bursty MoP was, and lessening that burst makes the game more tactical. No one really enjoys getting one-shot. I remember they said they intended on slowing combat down so that tactics meant more.
I've been seeing some people twinking at lvl 26/28 why is this?
Is there a difference to how you scale?
Let's say if you are a human warrior lvl 26 with the EXACT same gear as a lvl 28 human warrior and a lvl 29 human warrior
Arey they equal in the bg or not? The BoA's won't change ( much ) and the enchants won't either I think? So why are you lvl 26/28 and now 29? Do you have more base health because the scaling?
1k aimed>1 k regrowth>1k aimed>1 k regrowth>etc.I agree, it's way better this way. It gives you time to react and actually have a chance if opponent is weaker than you.
Oh, I've been F2P for a while. But I've decided to start one that isn't attached to my main account, for grinding achieves and just enjoying the whole F2P experience.Never a better time to go f2p, though I can't understand why you wouldn't want to link. You get access all your hard earned mounts and stuff, without having to rent them from blizzard. But if you want to do it all over again the hard way, I guess I could see that.
I can't think of a class that doesn't have a viable spec, and what is FotM is bound to change week to week as hotfixes roll in—you know so you don't end up rolling the next hunter for WoD. Yeah, basically anything but hunter because they have such a negative connotation, in this bracket especially. Like if you think the rest of the game hates them, multiply that time ten for low level pvp (I'm assuming you're new to bracket). That, that and they are basically limited to auto-attacking and strafing now (mild exaggeration). Still got the damage though.
Basically try to avoid FotL, go hipster, always stack haste when it makes sense. Warlock looks fun, and monks just became available for f2p. But above all, play what you want. Even hunter.
Also, there is a Q&A for one-off basic questions
By the way folks, 15min deserter is back.
.By the way folks, 15min deserter is back.
Saw that. It is a welcome change. Might be less AFKs now.
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tried checking out if F2P could use the black market AH. It wasnt there though...
and yes thats a 20 f2p monk in my group![]()
A quick, silly question. How do you get there without the "Flash of Bronze" quest? Can you simply take a Flight Path? Never actually gone there on any toons that didn't do that quest, IE, no low levels.
Im pretty excited to get some stuff (Hopefully) from Timeless on my F2P.
Simply walked all the way! You done have any flight points so you have to walk and swim all the way.
Then you can take the flight point and fly to there next time.
I watched this video on where to gohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cAxu3nxvaU