Paid Character services on a F2P very possible.

You know you're failing to take a break from a game when you're writing essays about it on a fansite weeks after you supposedly stopped playing it.

Keep making short one liners or jpgs lmao.. You know you have nothing to argue about and everything I'm saying is right and you are cheap as hell. People resort to insults or one liners when they have no arguement and that's all you've given so I'll stop here until someone can actually give a real argument about the people using this to become a P2P not being cheap :) Enjoy your P2Ps
Keep making short one liners or jpgs lmao.. You know you have nothing to argue about and everything I'm saying is right and you are cheap as hell. People resort to insults or one liners when they have no arguement and that's all you've given so I'll stop here until someone can actually give a real argument about the people using this to become a P2P not being cheap :) Enjoy your P2Ps

I'm in medschool and I have two full p2p accounts that I pay for every month. I don't exactly have an issue with money and I CHOOSE to play an F2P. I think it's cool that we are able to get all of these new mounts/pets/bank slots etc and that's why I'm trying to be helpful and test for people that cant. All you ever do when something like this happens is cry "the sky is falling". No one cares Lil. It's a game. Get over your misconceptions about what a "true" F2P is and stop shoving your opinion down everyone else's throat. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. Stop posting in a thread in which you are not going to contribute productively in any sort of way.
get a friend to put enchants in the gbank for you, and boom... you guys finally get to play like the financially secure.
F2Ps in guilds can't access the gbank, I know because I did this on accident awhile ago. I thought about making a thread about it but then I decided against it after realizing that it was probably illegal to do on purpose.
I laugh everytime you bring up the DK.. Like a broken record.. No1 here claimed to be pure once except you. No1 compared this exploit and DKs once until you did. I'm sorry but if you think being able to make a DK, not level it, not get back on once you dc is the same as being able to have a P2P and do whatever you want for however long then you are just simply stupid.. Hell with this exploit you can do everything and more then what you can on a DK but keep trying to compare the two.

I'm glad I bring you laughter. but that is not the point I'm trying to make, perhaps you aren't smart enough to understand and have to force out laughter instead. He may have not used the word pure but that was the point he was making. He compared this to linking accounts and I was making the point that this exploit has more in common with the DK glitch than linking. Yes exactly, if that doesn't give you a hint you're doing something wrong then you have a loose screw up there. DKs get locked, These chars get locked. Both services provide achivments that shouldn't be possible on f2ps to f2ps.

Yes you can do more with this than you can on a DK but you can also do more with a DK than you can with this. I will keep comparing them until you realise how filthy you are and fall of that high horse.
Keep making short one liners or jpgs lmao.. You know you have nothing to argue about and everything I'm saying is right and you are cheap as hell. People resort to insults or one liners when they have no arguement and that's all you've given so I'll stop here until someone can actually give a real argument about the people using this to become a P2P not being cheap :) Enjoy your P2Ps

I think we all should play the way we want. Some of us will do just about anything to gain that extra advantage or that one-up against everyone else. Heck, even I would like to use this exploit for a sexy race change, but even then, if this doesn't directly affect your experiences in game, should you really concern yourself with what others choose to do?

I'm sure we all know that using this new exploit could get accounts banned if blizz took a closer look. My point is that as long as exploits like this are found, people will always use them, if they don't directly affect you, don't worry about it, if it does, report them and let blizz handle it
Numbers on the ptr are ridiculous, f2ps just wont be able to keep up in BGs unless they gain some sort of advantage. I'm not saying this method is a moral thing to do, but just the slightest edge will save you from a lot of knee slamming next patch.
To the people who forgot...explosive shot is getting buffed by 27%, putting it right back to its state in cata. Add in the nonsense scaled enchants and you're looking @ something crazy.
They fixed scaling in like a month. Im prepared to wait. Got a few things on my list to keep me occupied that month.
They fixed scaling in like a month. Im prepared to wait. Got a few things on my list to keep me occupied that month.
Scaling was a major issue for every leveling bracket, this is going to be an issue for trial accounts only.
Scaling was a major issue for every leveling bracket, this is going to be an issue for trial accounts only.

ye I mean 10 rogues getting like 250% dodge with evasion isnt a problem. level 60 warriors 1 smacking other 60 warriors.
all rogues multi smacking other multi smacker.

The point being you're wrong its going fuck up everything. 24s are the only people thinking its good. 19s and other brackets tremble before this because they realise its shit while 24s see it as the first time they get a killing blow in 4 months.
ye I mean 10 rogues getting like 250% dodge with evasion isnt a problem. level 60 warriors 1 smacking other 60 warriors.
all rogues multi smacking other multi smacker.

The point being you're wrong its going fuck up everything. 24s are the only people thinking its good. 19s and other brackets tremble before this because they realise its shit while 24s see it as the first time they get a killing blow in 4 months.
We'll see, I personally welcome the variety that this patch is going to offer.

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