the F2P PvEr
Whereas this is cool, I regret what I did. When I will come back home I will call blizzard asking if they can take back the cooking and fishing I've learned. Wish me luck 
Whereas this is cool, I regret what I did. When I will come back home I will call blizzard asking if they can take back the cooking and fishing I've learned. Wish me luck![]()
Except DK accounts have always been starter. Here you can in theory get everything up to level 80 or whatever while "pretending" that your account is still f2p.
trade items,chants,money,pets...r viable????
sorry if this question is already answered,English is not my natal language.![]()
DKs give u a high level character on a starter account, this does the same. Both ways a bad.
The key phrase being "on a starter account". None of the things done here were done on a starter account.
Here is proof that it works. In the image you can see that all bank slots are unlocked and I have various p2p enchants there. I also didn't join a guild on this particular account to show that it is a starter account and am hovering over the guild tab to show it. This is also on AP ally as seen from the F2PTwink addon.
EDIT: After receiving several PMs, NO I am not giving out US codes.
So,forgive me for not understanding, but if you can't access mail and this can be possible?
well it will be on a starter account once the things are completed. Sure if you do this theres no going back while some1 with a dk can display character only if they wanna be "pure". One could even say DKs are even more filthy than linked accounts as if you're linked you don't have any characters above 20 whilst if you have DK you do which has broken your little so precious purity.
I couldnt agree more.It's amusing when I read certain people bashing exploited boas/chants and saying how it's bad cause it's tricking a GM yet then condone this as if it's not bad or perfectly acceptable... Starting to think less and less people who are F2Ps play for the challenge and more and more play just cuz they are too cheap to pay 15 a month![]()
Whereas this is cool, I regret what I did. When I will come back home I will call blizzard asking if they can take back the cooking and fishing I've learned. Wish me luck![]()
I don't know why you're so adamant on your disdain to so called "pure f2ps". Just because there are different classes in a race, it doesn't mean that one class is better than another, it simply means that they're different and don't compete with each other.
[MENTION=18405]Baumbart[/MENTION] or make a dk.
I don't even F2P, I am P2P I just came up with this for F2Ps, this isnt really people being cheap as they have to pay for the character service they want anyway
I laugh everytime you bring up the DK.. Like a broken record.. No1 here claimed to be pure once except you. No1 compared this exploit and DKs once until you did. I'm sorry but if you think being able to make a DK, not level it, not get back on once you dc is the same as being able to have a P2P and do whatever you want for however long then you are just simply stupid.. Hell with this exploit you can do everything and more then what you can on a DK but keep trying to compare the two.
No... I believe you made this so people could get paid services such as char transfers or name changes and what not which I believe that trials should get anyways... Idk why blizz wouldn't want our money. I am all for trials getting those paid services available HOWEVER not in this way.. Codes like this are very sketchy and things just keep getting more and more risky to get what people want..
I can assure you that the reason you made this thread isn't the reason it's being used.. People are using this because they are cheap as hell and want everything on their "F2P". Read the thread and you will see some of the stuff people are exploiting from this. Wasn't directing previous post towards you as I feel you just wanted to give people the option to get paid services however some cheap people took it a totally different route and is quite pathetic that they can't get 15 a month.
Stop being cheap lmao.. Like I said get your parents to pay 15 bucks a month for you to be a P2P and get all this stuff you're exploiting to get and putting all the effort into trying to trick blizz. At this point the effort some of ya'll have put into exploiting stuff isn't even worth the 15 a month
You know you're failing to take a break from a game when you're writing essays about it on a fansite weeks after you supposedly stopped playing it.