Mists of Pandaria - Resilience

Alright well i do feel the need to say that i indeed tested what Splosion said about frost resistance gear and.

I was absolutely wrong, it does work ( you dont get 4 k ice lances ) but the difference is absolutely amazing and the ammount of full resists is quite incredible.

So taking back all i said, it's worth it !

Don't doubt it til you try it :p

The only issue however, is if you run into a team without a mage. Then it's completely useless :|
I'll must say.. When I finally landed a DF onto Angel, and my FB>FB+Lance resisted, a part of me died.

But yeah, FFB isn't affected, so when I landed FB+FFB combo (Which is what I ended up doing once I realized it would not be resisted, you're pretty much done for at that point, obviously takes some time though, seeing as 80% ish of my frostbolts were fully resisted. That being said, Angel had a lot of sparetime when I didn't have a FFB-proc up, so he kept up Denounce quite a lot, which fucked me over even more. Healing, as I could see wasn't really affected, if I wanted a kill after FB+FFB combo, I had to blanked him and hope that he didn't trinket/bubble.
Do you guys think the MOP changes will completely flip the 80 bracket? Since im still pretty new to it currently. But it would be interesting to see more of the 'less played' specs ^.^
Do you guys think the MOP changes will completely flip the 80 bracket? Since im still pretty new to it currently. But it would be interesting to see more of the 'less played' specs ^.^

I dont think so, instead i think that it will balance the bracket quite well, and the resi changes are a gift from god from my point of view.

But but.. Me like crits. :(

Why does fluffy kitten prevent me from critting? Q_Q

Cause he teams up with me.

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