Premades and "that new panda class" (19s)

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:mad:. It seems i'm the only one on this thread who enjoys thinking and intellectual discussion (such as tactics) Oh eell nvm pointless thewad i gueas.
Just all the trolls have come
Dorgion- Check
Sneaky- Check
Guy ive never heard of before - Check
ive not read the comments so if im repeating what someone else has said please do tell me, but i believe that in mop we are getting 2 new character slots or so ive been told, so we will not have to worry about deleting a twink :))
Just all the trolls have come
Dorgion- Check
Sneaky- Check
Guy ive never heard of before - Check
Ah i see, I havn't been back long enough to identify the specific people to not let draw me into their evil conversation grasps.

I hadn't read about the palm thing, i'd assume since its a sleep that it is broken if the person takes any damage, still a very good spell for any roll in PVP
:mad:. It seems i'm the only one on this thread who enjoys thinking and intellectual discussion (such as tactics) Oh eell nvm pointless thewad i gueas.
how can you devise tactics around a class we have almost no information about?
Also dont forget about *Quaking Palm* "You touch a secret pressure point on an enemy target, putting it to sleep for 3 seconds." This could be very useful!!
Yes on a healer this would be very nice, I'm not sure if it's a racial or a monk spell if it's racial I'm very excited
Only time will tell.

I have a good feeling about Monks and MoP in general though. I honestly can't wait!
playing a hunter...i have wood too right now

as for monks, my prediction they are gonna be like DKs at start of WOTLK.

pandas, despite their look whatever it may end up being....the racial of sleep will be key. the combos that it will add for classes will be radical and aggravating. anyone play WC3FT and remember the QQ on the undead race dreadlord hero sleep talent/ability?

imagine a holy priest (panda) chastising you, say you break it only to run up and get put to sleep for 3 sec.....priceless. how about a warrior (panda) putting you to sleep, walking away and then charging you. or a rogue sapping one player and sleeping another. a hunter getting opened on and putting the rogue to sleep.
I recall reading somewhere that monks will have no auto-attack meaning there normal hits should make up for the damage loss and cant wait to test the dps spec out to see how they configured it. That being said, i intend to make a monk fc due to the decreased fall dmg, the double dip on food buffs, and the quaking palm stun. I'll most likely be on the beta checking it out.
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i for one welcome our fluffy overlords
Sorry to Hi jack this thread but I cant post yet and I wanted to share something with the twinking community and maybe get you guys to write your local GM the same thing I did.

Oldspiceswag @ SmolderthornOk I have a question. I made a panda character just for the simple fact that they get the double food buff. But for some reason Rumsey Rum doesn't count as a food buff...Which is odd seeing as how if I have the Rumsey Rum buff and then attempt to eat a food buff it takes away my Rumsey Rum buff there by telling me "hey i'm a food buff". So what I would like to know is why is my Rumsey Rum food buff not being Doubled as it clearly is a well fed "food" buff. Thank you for your time.
#11/19/2013 5:39 PMMorighouzCustomer Service RepresentativeHowdy friend. =)

Thanks for contacting the Blizzard Customer Service team. This is your friendly neighborhood GameMaster Morighouz. ^_^

I understand you are having an issue regarding Rumsey Rum and the Pandaren Food Buff.

This is probably because Rumsey Rum is somewhat unique. It comes from a drink that provides a buff, rather than food. I honestly am not sure if this is intended or not, but I would recommend that you use the Submit Bug ingame option to let our QA staff know.

If this is indeed a bug, they should hopefully be able to get it corrected for a future patch. d=(^.^)z

Farewell and all the best, may you always have the greatest of adventures here in Azeroth ... and beyond!


Game Master Morighouz
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment

#22 hours ago
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