Best 85 to have JC/Enchanting on


As for most twink brackets, JC and Enchanting is the most valuable thing to have.

60/70/80 twinks are always going to need a JC for new gems.

and All twinks of any level/bracket will need an Enchanter(specifically one with rare recipes)

So which 85 would be best for this? IE: Farming JC recipes, Farming rare Enchanting recipes, Solo dungeons/raids, etc. Just overall the best Class/Spec for helping other lowerlvl twinks.
Honestly you could pretty much do it with any class. Cata gear is so insanely OP compared to previous patches, In WotLK most people had 20-35k hp, now people have 130k-180k hp, its ridiculous. However some of the better classes would be classes with good AoE, like mages or pallys.
Id say a Prot or Blood, they generally seem to be the ones that solo most stuff. Hunter could do it too I spose
prot anything, i love farming old stuff on my warrior. i also do kara and some other bc content as fury becuase its faster and the mobs dont hit hard at all.

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