Gem Exploiting Morons

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c'mere, i have a secret for you...

... you're not fun to be around.

As a tinker of integrity, being considered as agreeable company by random TI denizens is not one of my higher, much less lower, priorities in life. In fact, it is considerably lower on the totem pole than finding and bringing to justice scumbag exploiters, whose numbers are increasing exponentially to the point that they can legitimately be labelled as a scourge upon the bracket.

My comrades and I will sniff you out, launch salvoes of reports in Blizzard's direction, and continue to keep a vigilant eye and police the bracket fpr the bracket's own good.

Ciren, I have my eye on you - tread lightly, my friend.
The way I see it, it's just like getting Nethercleft. I think the cry babies should give it a rest and go find themselves a blacksmith, just like WE ALL found leatherworkers, enchanters and people to run our mountless ass' around for 100hp/8agi ect to fishing hat.

Get over it.
After contacting Billing to resolve another issue I was having with my account, I asked him as a follow up what the status was on this exploit. He told me that it was definitely on their radar for getting fixed via hotfix soon, though he could not give me an exact time frame for obvious reasons.

As a heads up for those of you who are in the process or planning on doing this, you might want to save yourself the headache, only to be disappointed later on.
I think it's perfectly legitimate to discuss the ramifications of using these gems within the bracket, in relation to the current issues caused by burst damage, resistances, and lack of other tools to balance those things. I wouldn't fault anyone for deciding to use this exploit to better their characters in the meantime while we wait for action from Blizzard on this matter.

However, I can't help but bring up future plans that will do wonders towards fixing the issues we have at low levels in general. In MoP, resistances and spell pen are both being removed from the game, while all characters will have 30% base resilience. At this point, using the gem exploit is a band aid fix to hold players over until the exploit gets fixed between now and when 5.0 rolls out.

Given the time frame of the press release and the end of the average end of end game activity in the past, we might very well see 5.0 between June/August. Of course, it can't come soon enough, but that's just the nature of things.

Personally, as much as I would love to utilize the gem exploit to my benefit, I CBF to participate in that activity, knowing a permanent fix is coming soon.

Good luck to the rest of you.

couldn't have said it better myself.

I hadnt even thought about how the 30% base resil will affect the 19 bracket. I was just looking at the mop talent calc today and, seeing a lot of the changes, on top of this one, are very exciting (except for rogue and hunter changes). This will hopefully solve a lot of the burst problems we have at this bracket, and, if you look at the talents, a lot of the ToT problems we have at this bracket will most likely be fixed as well.

The future looks bright :)
I'd love to see some real evidence that people are actually getting banned or striped of their gems from a person who was actually banned or striped of their gems first hand. But rather, it's just a bunch of haters that do not remember the true meaning of twinks that just wish for everyone to get banned because they are awful. These people clearly do not recall the vanilla "exploit" of the librams to the head and legs or the BC "exploit" of legarmor kits which lasted ALL OF BC. If you do not agree with an item then that's fine; just don't be a scumbag and make up lies about it becasue you don't like it and post real facts rather being a fake ass twink who's lost its roots or never had any to begin with.
what a mildly derailed topic... Imma close this now.

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