level 10 twinks post 3.2

Does it actually work out to be that much? 57% block is nice O: I guess it doesn't block a whole lot of damage however though, does it? It's only like 5 damage blocked from each attack...or am I getting this mixed up? Also in Chardev you are using Veteran Shield would it be the best choice? Or would something from the same quest chain as gloves of the moon/beastmasters belt be better? Such as Ward of the Vale or Cobalt Buckler You don't get strength from either of them, but they have A LOT more armory/block - and the one has 3 stamina - Just a thought? That is however assuming we will be able to do the quest chain xD
Fearitself said:
can someone show me a gear sheet of a perfect lvl 10 rogue that is looking to optimize crit% and without BoA gear. That would be great. Thanks

Someone call for a rogue?

[item]Ward of the Vale[/item] OP at level ten rofl
Cookie - tell me what's going on >< am I to work on frostmourne on just keep out of the way till you decide wtfs goin on? Wish I could just make a level 10 and call it done lol :p
Personally, I wanna stay on frostmourne and so do 3 or 4 other members... Idk >< I hate running a guild XD
I am willing to stay. I would hate to have to work for all that damned goldz again.
Agreed...I'd like to stay, AGMs will be a bitch - but fuck it who cares :p we'll get em slowly - and I don;t want to go somewhere else and have to level another DK..im 4 levels away *shudder*
And also - yes ward of the vale is OP >< 10 block rating and over 500 armor? hax! Once 3.2 comes out, i'll see what else I'll make in terms of level 10's :p
yeah thats a nice shield and... could someone tell me how to work the "armor of ____" sets... how do u pick which stats u want to show on chardev? XD i wanna get the darkmoon ches ton there and also cadet sheild of blocking
Lythe said:
yeah thats a nice shield and... could someone tell me how to work the "armor of ____" sets... how do u pick which stats u want to show on chardev? XD i wanna get the darkmoon ches ton there and also cadet sheild of blocking

Dropdown in Enchants.
About that shield with 500 armor, nobody knows for sure if you can get it at lvl 10. 2 of the mid quests in the chain requires lvl 13 and 17 according to wowhead.

So you better go test it on ptr;)
I could test it on the ptr - but id need someone to help me, I have a level 10 on the ptr :p someone should help me quick with an 80 haha
but anyone have any thoughts on if i should jsut lvl my char to 10 and see how my BoE gear works and jsut get everything when i can turn off XP or should i just wait?...
Lythe said:
but anyone have any thoughts on if i should jsut lvl my char to 10 and see how my BoE gear works and jsut get everything when i can turn off XP or should i just wait?...

You could transfer him to the ptr and try getting all the gear.
so my shield of blocking only gave me 2% more blocking so im guessing with the 10 block rating chant i'd get another 4% and end up with around 12%
Rule of thumb for anyone interested in twinking level 10: if it can use a counterweight, you can probably make it into a good 10 twink.
^ this.


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