level 10 twinks post 3.2

Well...they "would" work, but not nearly as well as other classes. Hunters work so amazingly well due to 10 haste to gloves and 20 haste to a 2-hander. Same thing with anyone who can wield a 2hander (shamans, druids [not sure about this one], pallys warrior) and rogues work well because they get dual-wield at 10, and agility does great things for a rogue at level 10 (demetori is rocking like 55% crit and 55% dodge while maintaining like 750 health w/o AGM)

:edit: With that being said, a warlock or a priest, or a mage? "Would" work, but I don't expect it will be as amazing as a hunter or a rogue perhaps. You could on a warlock get some annoying fears going, and still throw hots/dots and shoot off some nice shadowbolts - but I can't see it being super game breaking.
I might be able to throw one together...what are you looking for though? Spell power stacking, stam stacking, SP Crit stuff?

:edit: alliance or horde as well? and what race would you prefer?
I have a mage build hiding in my blogs somewhere, I'll go look for it here in a bit...

Warlocks and Priests at level 10 sound like fail to me, I'm sorry... I suppose they could work, but it would be better off just rolling a shaman for 0.9 second heals. As for the warlock, don't even think of it imho. DoTs - Weak as crap, better off rolling a hunter...

For any casting class, you'd need a balance of

Mana, Health and Haste...
I have a neat Chardev made, but its not letting me save it. for shadowbolt spamming it might be neat - don't think you get searing pain at level 10 tho, do you? Hmm...
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner done

with master of anatomy (+9 rating) you would be at ~42% spell crit. Add another 6 SP to the staff (chardev is out of date) so you would have like 19 bonus spell power, and an imp (or a voidwalker - not sure if he has sacrifice at level 10 though)

Shadowbolt Rank 2 would be your main spam ability - and with the haste and the one talent point it would have ~1.5 second cast speed and critting half the time...still not sure this is the best way to go, but its what i threw together really quick :p
throw a look on http://twinkinfo.com/forums/10-19-bracket/4508-level-ten-premade-setup-profiles.html

I listed there some profiles and possible classes, what I think is:

Priest would be a solid healer,mage would cc alot and very nice, warlock is only good for fear. Priest,Mage and Warlock at level ten can't deal dmg, but cc is very important :)

If you anyone is looking for a new level ten project,I suggest a dps-drood.

"In bear-form a druid always got a 2.5 speed, with haste on weapon and gloves,it would be 1.25 speed, that would be 53 dps (to compare : a normal level ten hunter with sharp arrows got about 42-44 dps). In bear-form he would have 60% dmg migration, but he could also removes snares,heal and root veeery fast."
Spooksters said:
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner done

with master of anatomy (+9 rating) you would be at ~42% spell crit. Add another 6 SP to the staff (chardev is out of date) so you would have like 19 bonus spell power, and an imp (or a voidwalker - not sure if he has sacrifice at level 10 though)

Shadowbolt Rank 2 would be your main spam ability - and with the haste and the one talent point it would have ~1.5 second cast speed and critting half the time...still not sure this is the best way to go, but its what i threw together really quick :p

Spooksters, thanks alot! Have any idea about profs?
lols - Professions I would go with skinning, because it's like 20% crit with 225 at level 10. and herbalism probably, unless you want engineering. 720 heal is always nice - as I said, this set is more of a spam SB's for crits, could probably build one with a lot less crit but more SP for dots if you'd like
note that some of the items i listed will require 3.2 probably, like the pants - but im sure you can find suitable replacements until then
So how's everyones lvl 10's coming along? Did a bunch of quests the last 2 days after turning of xp. Got my gloves of the moon, beastmaster's girdle and talonstrike. Working on rings now.

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