level 10 twinks post 3.2

Hasty said:
I bieleve when 3.2 hits live,level ten warrior will be great flagrunners

you can reach 1200 armor (as horde) that means -50% dmg

-5% dmg because of def-stance and -18% dmg because of rs.

makes -73% dmg in total and 58% blockchance with a value of 32.

with 1017 hp, sounds pretty nice or?

It would be pretty nice, and fairly successful except that in 3.2 druids will have travel form...and shamans will have ghost wolf...and hunters will have cheetah ><
wouldnt that give you 40% crit and dodge against another level 10 though? wouldnt basic defence knock that back down to normal? or does it work different in PvP then PvE.

In PvE mobs that are higher level then you have a +8% chance to be missed vs 5% for an even level mob. wouldnt a player 3 levels higher then you have +3 extra miss rate, not to mention a player 9 levels higher then you.

Ive had level 19 twinks challange my characters that ive leveled at mid 20's and they generally lose pretty bad as I remember.
Morrik, I belive all characters in the battle grounds have their level bonuses negated. It's just your stats and abilities against another players. I've dodged the mess out of a level 19 rogues attacks, if the level requirments were in play my dodge would be next to usless against a level 19, but it's not. I also knock the junk out of them, which also if level scaling were a factor I shouldn't be able to hit them as much, but I do.
Jøker's armory data: Damage Done = 56659 Damage Recived = 48261

Battle Grounds = 6 Deaths = 52 Killing Blows = 21
Doffe said:
Crescent Staff is pretty useless for haste hunters...

Still, what else are you going to use at 10?

7int 7sta is great for 10.

25agi or 20 haste would be great
nah Volitan he's saying its useless for level 10 haste hunters because you can't put an iron counter weight (20 haste) on staves
Volitan said:
7int 7sta is great for 10.

25agi or 20 haste would be great

+25 agil is possible on Crescent Staff, +20 haste not.

So Doffe (and Spooksters) is right, for a haste hunter Crescent Staff is useless. If you want to make a max crit set Crescent Staff is interesting but my bet is you will be going back to your +20 haste weapon (2H sword, 2H axe) most of the time. So for a haste hunter pick up a +4 agility axe or sword (or maybe even a +4 stamina one). But, hey experiment anyhow ;)
Exactly. 25 agility is nothing compared to 20 haste :p

The best choice would be the heirloom axe because of the crit and stamina :)
get hit rating on your boots, and maybe the darkmoon robe is better (3 crit rating) and I would take savannah bracers :)

but guys,what do you think about that level ten warrior? I think -73% dmg is pretty amazing,and -40~% crit dmg too. Keep in mind,that if the normal dmg is lowered by 73% than the crits will be lowered too.

currently thinking of building a level ten group,it would be pretty funny to fight 10 level ten twinks vs 10 level nineteen tiwnks? and it would be amazing if the level tens win :)

I think the RS change will add more utility to level ten twinks,maybe healers could work too (paladins? with shields? oder drood/shaman with max hasterating?)

cc mages with 5 hit at level ten got 16.25% hit, so I guess their sheeps won't miss often and with 22 int on 1hand weapon,they got alot of mana,and the spell costs would be really low since they are a percentage of base mana.

(I'm just bored and thinking what could be possible)
I am loving my 10 hunter, i went with the Haliscan Jacket with a +150 health on it. I am constantly on the lookout for better lootz.:D
Hasty said:
get hit rating on your boots, and maybe the darkmoon robe is better (3 crit rating) and I would take savannah bracers :)

but guys,what do you think about that level ten warrior? I think -73% dmg is pretty amazing,and -40~% crit dmg too. Keep in mind,that if the normal dmg is lowered by 73% than the crits will be lowered too.

currently thinking of building a level ten group,it would be pretty funny to fight 10 level ten twinks vs 10 level nineteen tiwnks? and it would be amazing if the level tens win :)

I think the RS change will add more utility to level ten twinks,maybe healers could work too (paladins? with shields? oder drood/shaman with max hasterating?)

cc mages with 5 hit at level ten got 16.25% hit, so I guess their sheeps won't miss often and with 22 int on 1hand weapon,they got alot of mana,and the spell costs would be really low since they are a percentage of base mana.

(I'm just bored and thinking what could be possible)

If you look carefully at the tooltip for armor, you'll notice that the 50% mitigation is vs targets equal to your level. It's a convenience thing to make it easier for players to understand what effect their armor is having.

1000 armor is 1000 armor, whatever level you are.

Here, to clarify, the mitigation formula for level 1-59 attacers from wowwiki:

DR% = Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85 * AttackLevel)

Where AttackLevel is the level of the attacker. Not your level.
I'm confused how the lvl 10 twink is alive again. I have a lvl 10 twink and it is hard enough in the BGs when the other team is full of twinks. So how is getting stuck in a BG full of 19 twinks going to work out. Sounds painful to me.
Megaman, whats your twinks name. I would like to check your gear out. I've often been the only level 10 in a battle ground and I've had a blast. I get kitted by a hunter every now and then, but for the most part I'm killing faster than on my level 19 rogue.
Character said:
Megaman, whats your twinks name. I would like to check your gear out. I've often been the only level 10 in a battle ground and I've had a blast. I get kitted by a hunter every now and then, but for the most part I'm killing faster than on my level 19 rogue.


It's really nothing to crazy as far as lvl 10s go, but not horrific either. Currently it's not like I have much trouble with the non twinks, but he just doesn't seem to hold his own against someone with half a brain and some decent gear. I've consider stacking haste and giving that a try. But I don't know if I just feel like spending anymore gold on him at this point.

The level 10 is fun with the current state of twinking since I don't feel like I'm roflstomping everyone when I enter a BG, but I have a feeling once I get stuck with all lvl 19s with XP turned off I'm just gonna be the easy kill target.

Haste is the only way to go on a lvl 10 hunter, the agility is super sweet however, haste is far superior, you can usually get almost 2 shots off for every 1 a 19 can do. On average i leave a WSG near the top for damage with my dude.

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