level 10 twinks post 3.2

I updated my first post. I changed the second chardev profile to include 2 BoA trinkets for maximum haste. It sacrificed some stamina from the AGMs, but I was able to reach 65.09 dps, 40.63% crit (including skinning) and 93% haste (+36 rating).
Eurys said:
I updated my first post. I changed the second chardev profile to include 2 BoA trinkets for maximum haste. It sacrificed some stamina from the AGMs, but I was able to reach 65.09 dps, 40.63% crit (including skinning) and 93% haste (+36 rating).

Change to Invoker robe and hit on boots on your dps set
I thought librams required lvl 50 now? :S
On a personal note~ i think its really cool that people keep searching for ways to make lvl 10 twinks work despite nerf after nerf after nerf.. and they keep finding ways to make it work! Good job guys :)

In my eyes, you're the epitome of what a twink should be.
If I would be aliance, what gear schould be changed? Or is it possible you also make a chardev for alliance?

can someone show me a gear sheet of a perfect lvl 10 rogue that is looking to optimize crit% and without BoA gear. That would be great. Thanks
I wouldn't say I'm perfect, I have descent gear that got me this far. There is always room for improvement and I'm looking forward to 3.2 for better gear. Check me out in armory.
Looks really good Evocate - Only suggestions would be to consider Talonstrike over the offhand BoA dagger. And what do you plan on using for the chest? Money or Bandit? (Click the item, click enchant tab, and use the drop-down box to choose one) you can also add Master of Anatomy to your buffs (+9 Crit rating, which puts you at like 50% crit) Interesting going with 10 haste on gloves over 15 agility, but I think you might be on to something with that :p
Although I don't like the thought of having a level 10 twink I bet you definetly got a few people interested by this amazing thread. Keep up the good work!

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